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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Hybrids Unleashed {Role Players Needed!}
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Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 6/19/2017 at 8:02 PM Post #51
Level 21
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Posted: 6/20/2017 at 12:25 PM Post #52


Hybrid: ice fairy and snow leopard


Strengths: Swift, hides good in snow

Weaknesses: can't fight good

Mate/crush: Open

Siblings/family: Open

Human form

Edited By Kittycatz on 6/20/2017 at 8:35 PM.
Level 21
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Posted: 6/20/2017 at 4:24 PM Post #53
Oops forgot to ping
Level 57
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Posted: 6/20/2017 at 4:25 PM Post #54
Level 21
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Posted: 6/20/2017 at 4:46 PM Post #55
Another one...
Forgot hybrid!


Hybrid: Snow leopard and demon

Personality: Nice, helpful, protective


Mate/crush: has crush on a Aurora but is to scared to tell her

Strength: Strong, very fast


Human form

Edited By Kittycatz on 6/20/2017 at 8:54 PM.
Level 57
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Posted: 6/20/2017 at 4:50 PM Post #56
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 6/20/2017 at 11:18 PM Post #57
Thinking of adding Doc a human form. I'll have to draw it but I'll try to get it done so you can see it in the next few days. :3
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 6/21/2017 at 1:06 AM Post #58
Name: Lilly
Age: 20
Birthday: 12/12/1912
Hybrid of what species: Angel, Wolf
Human Form, She has small wings and is only able to hover with them

Wolf transformation form she is about the size of an Akita

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Hetero
Extra info: She was orphaned from a young age, and has never had a steady group of friends or family through the years, because of this she can be a little clingy to any friends she dose make.
Single and Open
is able to heal wounds

Now that the fest is over I can RP Again! sorry i'm so late though XD
Edited By Katelynn4545 on 6/21/2017 at 1:10 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 6/21/2017 at 6:29 AM Post #59
Level 60
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Posted: 6/21/2017 at 7:55 AM Post #60
I haven't been on here in ages! I'm home from college for the summer and remembered this site existed about a week ago. I'm currently working third-shift, and will be on in the afternoon and various points at night while I'm on break. This also means that once I go to bed around 7-8 in the morning, I won't see any posts until I wake up at 3:00 in the afternoon. But anyways, I'm glad to be back, and I can't wait to Rp again!

Let's hope I did my forms okay though, since I tried to use a more unique combination of mythical creatures for my characters. And before any questions are asked, yes, I drew my own pictures, and I did my best to research these creatures further, but in some cases, I had little to go off of.

Name: Shiv
Age: Exact number is unknown, but he is a young adult.
Birthday: Forgotten
Hybrid of what species: Chupacabra (vampiric creature with a reptilian/dog appearance) and Peuchen (vampiric winged snake)

(I purposely didn't erase the tail for detail reasons. The front wing is in fact in fromt of the tail.)
Furry areas are a mix of brown and grey patches, exposed skin is grey-green color, and spikes, feathers around head and neck, and wing membranes are black. Eyes are a blood red and glow slightly in the dark. Shiv stands over six feet tall on his hind legs, his large size thanks to his father.

Shiv normally minds his own business, not wanting to mingle with others. This doesn't make him a loner though, as he will gladly work together with someone, as long as it benefits them both. He hates being used as a means to an end to benefit the one he's working with, often turning against who he's working with. He has a deep grudge against vampires however, believing that they've tainted the name of other bloodsuckers, and it doesn't matter if they're pure or half-blooded. He prefers human blood over any other animal or monster's, but die to his appearance combined with the human's fear of monsters and their hybrid offspring, he hasn't been able to feast like he wishes he could.
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
While he didn't inherit his father's ability to paralyze foes with his gaze, he can still strike fear into those he stares at. However, strong-minded people can usually resist it. The weaker the mind, the better. He can also change if he's covered in fur or feathers, but can't cover himself with vegetation like his father. As both of his parents are both blood-suckers, he draws his strength from blood and how much he consumes.
Extra Info:
Mother was a Chupacabra, and his father was a Peuchen. His father was killed shortly after mating with his mother, due to the danger he posed to humans. His mother is alive, but has had to resort to killing wild animals instead of livestock due to humans being more alert to such creatures as herself and Shiv. He has learned how to speak some of the human language, but prefers speaking to animals and other mythical beasts and hybrids. Is immune to abilities involving a stare, such as the paralyzing gaze of a basilisk, due to his own gaze, as well as his father's immunity.

Name: Iris
Age: Unknown; Appears to be a teen
Birthday: May 26th
Hybrid of what species: Ichneumon (Mongoose-like creature that can kill a dragon using its cunning) and Komainu (Dog-lion guardian from Japan)

Body fur is white with brown flecks, while tufts and mane are a fiery orange. Eyes are a darker orange, and claws are an ivory color. Orb is a light blue with green swirls. Iris stands about 4 1/2 feet at the shoulder and is about 8 feet long if you count the tail.

Iris is rather friendly and protective, as she needs to be to fill her Komainu part. She is generally clever as well, that being because of her Ichneumon side. She follows her orb until she spots the next creature or location she is to protect. She defends said object at any cost, but not to the death, as she knows there are others who will need her protection in the future. Most see this as cowardice and/or betrayal, as well as selfishness, but Iris knows her role is far from over, and it would be a shame for one as powerful as her to die so young.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Iris inherited her mother's ability to mix her saliva with mud to create a nearly unbreakable hard coat to survive being in a dragon's stomach [Note: not an actual fact, but I had to come up with some reason as to how an Ichneumon covering itself in mud made it immune to a dragon eating it]. It makes it incredibly hard for her to move though, and she's entirely immobile when she needs to be covered completely. Her claws are also hard and sharp, able to scratch through most materials. She inherited her father's piercing roar, able to prevent almost anything from moving for a few seconds, including herself. It only affects those who can hear it loudly, so those who hear it from far away are safe from its effects. However, her slight immunity usually means she's able to move before most, but she can only use it once every few hours, meaning she generally uses it to get a head start in an escape.
Extra Info:
Mother was an Ichneumon, and her father was a Komainu. Should Iris be separated from the thing she is currently guarding, her orb will glow dimly, growing brighter and brighter until she reaches it. Her orb then stops glowing altogether. The orb will also stop glowing should the thing die/be destroyed. She was taught how to speak like humans by her father, as her mother could only speak to animals and other mythical beasts. Is immune to abilities involving a stare, such as the paralyzing gaze of a basilisk, thanks to her father needing immunity to be a good komainu.

Pinged Hawkeye since I'm pretty sure I remember rping on here with you before my massive hiatus, and pinging Happiness because you seem to want to be a villain but no one else does, so I'll gladly have Shiv join you if you'd like. Otherwise, he'll likely just be his normal self and just hating the half-vampire people. Hopefully I did the pings correctly.

(Long post is long)
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