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Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 12:10 PM Post #51
you can make other charachters its not earth that is explained in the starting paragraph
Level 75
Joined: 2/19/2018
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 12:15 PM Post #52
Oh... I'm so sorry I forgot!
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/4/2017
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 12:53 PM Post #53
Mu-st.. ty-pe... *Looks at the Time* NU! don't have enough time.

I WILL RESPOND later today. T.T 32 ping in 2 days. RIP ME:D
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 6:24 PM Post #54
Author: Aphelion
Time Posted: 4/18/2018 at 6:40 AM

Pisces is a very fighty and spirit-y girl, knowing how to use a range of different weapons, although her preferred weapons have blades. When she fights she becomes a completely different person from when she normally is. She also carries around a ridiculous amount of weapons and nobody knows how she even does it.
Normally, she's very dreamy and imaginative, but she's also very observant to an unbelievable extent, and she loves to learn new things. She puts things together both through intuition and logic, making sometimes very strange but useful decisions.
She's also very susceptible to change, so she can very easily adapt to new environments, and nothing seems to scare her, even jumpscares. She manages to keep her calm all of the time no matter the situation.
As a mystic, she believes in mystical and magical powers and has somehow been able to harness the power of another dimension, the "mirror dimension", to be exact, and she likes to store her extremely large stash of weapons inside of that dimension, along with a couple of snacks, books, and other random nick-nacks of hers.
Being psychic/mystic
Learning new things
Being imaginative
Hot weather/areas
Loud things
Blood test needles
Fizzy drinks
Pretty sensitive when others don't call her Pisces. Not "Pi", or "Pis", or "Ces", she wants "Pisces"

A pair of chain-blades
Two chakrams, circular blades roughly the size of someone's head. Held from handhelds in the inside of the circles.
A obsidian infused with diamond katana

So is she accepted?
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 8:05 PM Post #55
no worries !! ^.^
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 8:06 PM Post #56
yeah you did not need an okay from m ^.^
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/18/2018 at 8:07 PM Post #57
no worries im backed up too
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/4/2017
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Posted: 4/19/2018 at 4:36 PM Post #58
Scorpio The Scorpion

The beautiful middle character is him.
Scorpio is loyal, determine, calm, and to a fault likes to joke around. He likes water and friends more than anything else. Even though, he has great personal magnetism, he doesn't let it go to his head. He may joke around with words like beautiful or pretty, but has a good heart and doesn't mean no harm. He doesn't like people that harm others or bad mouths them. His emotion gets the best of him, turning him from the calm and collected person he can be to one with intense anger or scorn. He hates this side of him as always he tries to suppress it. He would rather die than let his friends down.
(These are the animals associated with Scorpio)
-Anything that is hot
Has two tattoo or symbols of his sign, a scorpion. Its located on his left cheek and on his right cheek.
Is also likes to be called Pio
Two sets of chakram that usually are on both sides of his hips, ready to be used.
A pair of Katana
The blade is made out of obsidian and so is the handle. Decorated with copper-bronze metal. Has a crimson glow around it.
Edited By Lightsagafox on 4/20/2018 at 12:53 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 12/4/2017
Threads: 7
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Posted: 4/19/2018 at 5:07 PM Post #59
Where is Capricorn and Aquarius' images?
I found them, could you add them? here is the URLs
Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/11/2016
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 2:37 AM Post #60
Fixed up my post about aquarius is it ok??
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