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Level 74
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 10:21 PM
Post #51
I should really make an orca outfit. *work in progress please stand by*
Level 75
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 10:34 PM
Post #52
Oh great. Now you got me designing my own version of an orca avatar. It's all your fault. xD
Level 74
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 10:55 PM
Post #53
*cackles evilly and debates changing into my vampire costume*
Level 75
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 10:56 PM
Post #54
Here. I made you a thing. Use it or just ignore it. But I made it. xD
Edited By Sakina on 10/29/2019 at 10:57 PM.
Level 74
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 10:57 PM
Post #55
oh darn i odn't own half that stuff :P
*yeets it anyways like the stupid fish I am*
thanks XD ><>
Level 75
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 10:59 PM
Post #56
Orcas are mammals, silly. And yea, it's really just an idea. I leave it to you to decide what to do with it. Skin color and such can obviously be changed... I just left it close to what I prefer.
Level 74
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 11:13 PM
Post #57
*still maintains she's a fish because it's easier to make fish keyboard emojis then it is to think up one for mammals*
Thanks XD *runs off to waste more gold in the trade broker* Man i should've had about 4million by now if I hadn't kept running into the HH....ah well. I still got a magic pie XD
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 10/30/2019 at 6:04 AM
Post #58
Seeing people's Avatars is whaat made me spend almost 2mil in 10 minutes, saw some items i didn't know i'd miss, look forward to making aa new outfit when fall fest is over.
i've seen a few great ones, love sakina's of course, but also like a user i saw in all white.
Edited By Amaya on 10/30/2019 at 6:04 AM.
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 10/30/2019 at 12:34 PM
Post #59
Sakina's is hands-down amazing. I think I saw another Weeping Angel at one point, but I do not remember. I like to keep my avi costumes in a theme, but not necessarily obvious. I saw the Ursula one and was amazed by all the creativity! I'm inspired, but probably not ready to spend a lot of gold on a costume.
Level 71
Cutely Creative
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Posted: 10/30/2019 at 12:36 PM
Post #60
As an older user, I like to see people's avis and try to remember when certain items are from - I'm a huge fan of when a bunch of items from different fests and such are thrown together and manage to look great.
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