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Level 61
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Posted: 4/24/2020 at 11:52 AM Post #51
Alexis stood beside Selene and james who she barely knew at the time I needed a chance to become more friendly with him and get to know him better for what you would fall in love with him. Selene was nervous and a little terrified of the alpha and moved closer to alexis wanting someome beside her for comfort " I have never seen that out like this it's kinda scary" selene thought and glaced at the alpha fear in her eyes

Narina was also at the den of the alpha and nervously apoke up "who is this pack? It can't be the the Riverside pack we are on friendly terms with them or it can't be our neighbours to the east as we have a truce with them and we having an arrangement (aranged married) with thr mounting pack,so it must be the northern or western pack" she said and alexis nodded " they came from the northern side it has to be the northen than pack as the westen pack would have how to cross through the middle of the Northern Territory to arrive at that section too ambitious us but what do they want and are we able to strike a peace treaty or agreement with them" she said and frowned alexis would do anything to protect thr pack
Level 57
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Posted: 4/24/2020 at 12:57 PM Post #52
"Good questions and insights, Narnia, thank you." The Alpha mutters, He stops his pacing after realizing that it was making some of the wolves nervous. With all things considered... We need more information. I would feel a fool if I attacked blindly. And I would loose a lot of my wolves trust. We need to stay strong. "Any information about this will be appreciated..."

He isn't thinking about constructing a spy force, is he? James wonders to himself as he watches his dad. Packs didn't usually have spies or undercover agents, but it was always possible they did. Then again, James might have been reading his father all wrong. It had been a while since James and his father had had a good bonding 'father and son' moment, so it was possible that James read the Alpha wrong. James didn't show any sign of any emotion he might have been feeling in case it caused panic or increased misinterpretations within the pack.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/24/2020 at 6:10 PM Post #53
Dominick walked over and smiled at Alexis making het blush and stood behind her watching the alpha unsure what to do he was a worrior not an adviser "alpha, if i may? Thr eastern pack wouldn't attack a larger pack like ours unless it a last resort a dire last resort" she said and took a deep breath "the only way to find out what is going on is to send someone in as a spy, and i volunteer" she sais and three wolves burst out laughing "foolish female, you can barely stand what use can you be?" Said one of them.

Alexis looked at him " that is the point, they will underestimate and never see me as a threat only a young and vulnerable female old enough to breed" she said and narina gasped "no, if we must we send a beta or a worrior" she said "you could get killed" she added and alexis smiled " but I'm only an omega, if I get killed my death won't affect the back......i know I've only been here for short time you all took me in and no one else would and i adore tge pups and would die to protect them, please i want to repay the kindness the alpha female gave me" she said and looked at the alpha
Level 57
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Posted: 4/26/2020 at 7:20 PM Post #54
It would effect me. James thinks to himself when Alexis notes that she could die and not effect the pack. "Wouldn't the wolf you sent back with the message... wouldn't she recognize you?"
Level 61
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Posted: 4/27/2020 at 10:41 AM Post #55
Alexis srugged "maybe, its up to the alpha what we do" shesaid and looked at james ifwe was going to be the alpha soon maybe she should get to know him "what should we do Alpha?" She asked looking nervous about the oacks safety
Level 57
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Posted: 4/28/2020 at 9:15 AM Post #56
James stays silent and looks up to his dad, holding his breath. He knew that the life of the Alpha was hard, having to make risky choices. The lives of these wolves were on the Alpha's shoulders. And James felt like he wasn't ready for that job.

Alpha nods slowly, taking both sides in. Then the Alpha brings Alexis to the side, noting that if there were any spy's in their pack right now, it would be a good idea to keep major plans at low key.
"I will let you give it a go."
"But if we are afraid that someone will recognize you, we can change your appearance somewhat. Or you can act like a spy for the other pack at the same time. With not actually being a spy for them of course. Alexis, the way you approach the pack is up to you. This is the last time you can back out of this if you want."
"But if you accept, there will be no turning back."
Level 61
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Posted: 4/28/2020 at 9:50 AM Post #57
Alexis stood up proudly trying to appear respectful "yes alpha, i not afraid of the risks only my life will be at stake and im aware of any danger and i accept" she said and smiled winking at him she realized what he realized and played along incase there eas any spies. Alexis followed him back "i understand alpha. I hope whom ever you appoint as the new pup nanny will do a good job and I hope I can return to my normal nanny do this once I am recovered" she said so eveyone who assume he took her aside to break the news that she wasn't able to loik after the pups anymore as most knew alexis loved that job.

Dominick was one of the oldest pack members he was born into this pack and knew almost eveyone well except the alpha's due to his lower ranking. The jet black male wolf looked around he knew many pack members so would likey spot a spy "your sprained ankle should be bayyer soon alexis" he mumbled and stood by alexisand the pups moonlight was fast asleep why luna was awake and alexis laid down
Edited By Misswitchcraft on 4/28/2020 at 9:50 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 4/28/2020 at 1:02 PM Post #58
"I'm sure they will. Thank you for your understanding," the Alpha says, smiling at Alexis. He then turns to head back inside his den to continue planning on making the borders stronger. He also had to make sure that he appointed a new werewolf to be the nanny for now.

James tries to figure out what just happened before deciding that he might as well just give up trying to guess. Maybe the Alpha had just told Alexis that she was suspended from her job for a while. He notices Dominick next to Alexis and gets momentarily jealous before reminding himself that it was fine. James was going to be wed to a werewolf he didn't really know. It was better that James just kill his emotions. Can't have those getting in the way of what is better for the pack, heh...
Level 61
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Posted: 4/28/2020 at 2:00 PM Post #59
Dominick smiled at alexis and stood up and walked to buddy "maybe it be a good idea to train the hunters to know how to a last resort im retraining all our fighters" he said and turned around he was onky trading thoses he knew he could trust

Alexis nuzzled the sleeping pup known as moonlight amd smiled as Narnia picked her up and left with luna and Selene another werewolf born into the pack went with her and alexis smiled at the remaining wolves "unless you jabe training mayne pratoll borders it might get you on the alpha's good side" she said and stood up and walked off
Level 57
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Posted: 4/30/2020 at 10:04 AM Post #60
"Good idea, Dominick." Buddy agrees with a nod. "Once they know how to fight, maybe we could rope a few in to helping maintain the borders as well in their down time? No, wait, that sounded better in my head." Buddy didn't want one work force to have to work more than another. What really needs to happen is that the border patrolers become better at their job. They were put there because they were alert and had a good gut instinct. Buddy growls to himself, muttering something about someone being lazy.
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