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Level 74
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Posted: 10/27/2020 at 12:31 AM Post #51
Our little "star" .......

Eleni Whitakor
Age (16-18)
(Y'all don't know how much i agonized over this-)

Background(be specific like how are you an heir? (Company, family, etc.)
Not much is known, all shall revealed as we progress....but what is known? That her lineage is not new, and not unheard of, yet she is unknown of.
><> no coment available at this time<><
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 10/27/2020 at 2:29 PM Post #52
Ohhhhh fun!!!
Level 18
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Posted: 10/27/2020 at 3:15 PM Post #53
Ooh! She's fancy!
Level 57
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Posted: 10/27/2020 at 4:33 PM Post #54
Name: Kino Draconborn
Age: 17
Gender: male
Sexuality: bi
Appearance: Hes tall for his age, has fiery red hair, amber eyes, and olive skin, but that is where the similarities with the rest of his immediate family end. He is heavily built, nothing like the slim, graceful figures of the others in his family. His hands are rough and his fingers big, making it hard for him to do fine tasks. He trips over his big feet a lot and doesnt know where to put his lengthy limbs most the time.
Personality: Kino is the kind of guy that will trip over his own feet and walk right into walls but will bounce back from the spill with a laugh. He is kind and compassionate, but can be a goof and you may find yourself really annoyed by his chatter. He is scared to mess up but not afraid to face a challenge head on if he cant avoid it. Is blunt, and gets straight to the point of something, even if it comes off as rude or ends up hurting someone's feelings. He is boisterous and doesnt pay much attention to his surroundings, leading him to become the comedic relief of the group most of the time. He doesnt mind being a klutz, in fact he takes it in stride and will play right along with it, owning the fact with pride... or so it seems. He uses his bright smile and carefree and confident act to hide his true feelings. He will laugh when hurt and behave like everything is fine and its all sunshine and rainbows and do his best to help those around him even when the earth under his feet is giving way and hes falling into oblivion. Is rather patient as opposed to the rest of his family.
Likes: Thunder storms, music, dancing(though he is terrible at it), playing the piano, figuring out solutions to problems(he likes it because being the one to find the solution before anyone else rarely occurs for him), being around people, laughing with people
Dislikes: war, being clumsy, not being able to figure something out or get something right(which happens a lot, even if they show him how to do it multiple times over, though they usually give up after three tries), dark, closed spaces
Background: He comes from a long line of craftsmen, known for their ability to make fine stuff. They make pretty much anything that is asked of them with the best skill, having honed their skills to be the best of the best. Kino is trying to keep up with the responsibilities, though its a little hard because hes so clumsy. He tends to break things more than make them or ruin things instead of make them better.
Other: Musically inclined
Edited By Scoutwolf on 10/27/2020 at 4:45 PM.
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 10/27/2020 at 4:42 PM Post #55
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