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Level 66
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:12 PM Post #51
Xeubika turned. "Hello?" She said cautiously. "Fguijhdshhcrjvfhhdsdaetuvbfdtgdhfhjjmbdatkkbcyfgcwsgjinvgftghminvxdcrdebhhfysfybhnjminfsfvtqawdtghno,ollinhgthnjgdynyfrcshkdsktebvcdbybgcedtvynumkntfgftsnjnijimojjnfdctvrsesdtbunikougyvtfyvynumoiygdsafefhnnjbiyryuitbjjkuuiuiuubgtdretyjbcjikhdsyjnipoygv?" She said. That was 'uh' in her language. The way she could say it because you had to say it fast. If a human tried, it would take for ever. Super speed tongue to learn her language. When she learned English, she said the words too fast for the low-intelligenced humans to understand. Hexta hissed in warning.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:16 PM Post #52
Copy tilited his head in confustion. He had heard the first word the human spoke...but not the one it said after.
" Cu to ne kou we sheya luko? " he thought for a moment. What was it that humans do during a greeting? He thought. He had barely seen a human greet for a mirror was usully in their nests...
Level 66
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:21 PM Post #53
Xeubika raised an eyebrow. She had never heard a human speak like that, was this boy even human? She studied all human languages. She did what she learned the humans do. She reached out her hand to shake it. "I am Xeubika." She said, saying it in her birth language. She said it again in English.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:24 PM Post #54
Copy tilited his head more at her hand. He remembered this from somewhere...but what did it mean...he puzzled over his thoughts to try and remember.
He lifted one of his hands and looked at his, then the human's hand. He reached out and moved his hand next to her's, not grabbing it like he was meant to.

* Poor Copy XD *
Level 66
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:31 PM Post #55
"You aren't from here, are you?" She asked. She pointed to a mirror with her free hand. "Come?" She asked and reached out to touch it. Her finger went through it and into it. She hobbled and fell and bounced a bit like a ball. Flexibility on Earth was annoying. And gravity in earth was annoying. It took her days to get used to not falling down.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:34 PM Post #56
" Fo mo tu vay?! " Copy cried out. This human could go through mirrors?! His precious windows?!
Copy walked over and grabbed her hand.
" Ke yo shu may ko! " he said. He tried pushing her back, hoping he could maybe stop her going through. It was werid seeing a human go through mirrors...
Level 66
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:38 PM Post #57
Xeubika stared. "I'm not human!" She said. "I'm come from a different planet! Different galaxy!" She explained. Hexta ran to the mirror and crashed. She yowled. She didn't understand why her cat kept trying to go through mirrors. She had told her a million times that she couldn't unless she helped. Or at least touched her.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:43 PM Post #58
Copy stared at the human blankly. What was it saying? He had not heard some of thoughs sounds before...
Copy faced the mirror and walked through it. He then waved his hand in the mirror dimention and a small hand held mirror appeared in his hand. He studied it and hoped to spot the girl he usully watched.
He tossed it away and it disapeared into the darkness.
He wondered if the human could fully cross.
Level 66
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:50 PM Post #59
Xeubika walked into, holding her cat. The opposite dimension. She wondered if she could travel to her planet from here...too risky. It felt slow here, in a way. "How can you do that?" She asked. She took out a genetic high tech scanner she made and scanner the boy. "Species not identified." It said in English. "You're not human." She said.

Kyro found a fountain and dove in it. Surprised the water still came out. She shook her hair out of her hair. Revenge had gone out. "It's cold." She muttered and climbed out. She shook her fur. It had began to shrink back. She twitched her wolf ears and looked up at the hospital. She faintly heard voices in there, but she wasn't sure. She jogged in the white bundling and went to floor 10. Wolves were good in stamina, so this didn't take long. She saw a shattered mirror. She smelled a faint trace of cats and growled. She remembered she was human right now and shut her mouth.
Edited By Crystal25152 on 12/31/2013 at 5:12 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/31/2013 at 4:54 PM Post #60
Copy jumped back at the machine. That werid thingy made a noise!!! he thought. He werily walked back over and poked it.
Copy tilited his head, working out it was no threat. He stepped back and another mirror apeared infront of him. It was a big mirror that shows the whole body. He peered through and sighed, shutting his eyes. He waved his hand and the mirror dispeared.
Would I ever find the girl? he thought.

* and what was she going with her mouth?! Read the very last two lines you wrote XD *
Edited By Coradrawa on 12/31/2013 at 4:55 PM.
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