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Forum Index > Groups, Guilds, Clubs, and Services > Leveling Service
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Level 75
Lurker of the Depths
Joined: 6/14/2018
Threads: 88
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Posted: 9/19/2020 at 11:11 AM Post #601
1. Pet for leveling: Adhafera | Level (to be leveled to): 70 | Element: Water | Proficiencies: 3/3 health
2. Pet for leveling: Intercrus | Level (to be leveled to): 70 | Element: Fire | Proficiencies: 2/3 int, 1/3 dex
3. Pet for leveling: Nenque | Level (to be leveled to): 70 | Element: Shadow | Proficiencies: 2/3 int, 1/3 agilty
Are you okay with any of my helpers leveling your pet, rather than myself?: Yes
If yes to the previous question, would you like to be notified if your pet changes owners? (Y/N): Y
Would you like to be given level updates? (Y/N): N
If yes to the previous question, specify what levels (optional): n/a
Would you like to be notified if your pets are off the waiting list? (Y/N): Y
Do you want me to pick up your pets immediately, or only after they are off the wait list?: Doesn't matter
Tips (optional): 5k per pet (15k total)
Other: I'd rather you not change element (I believe that resets ability expertise from TLG? If I'm wrong on that then I don't mind you changing elements)
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
Threads: 104
Posts: 17,000
Posted: 9/19/2020 at 11:57 AM Post #602
Added to the list, though I'm running a bit slow at the moment ^^
Level 75
Lurker of the Depths
Joined: 6/14/2018
Threads: 88
Posts: 1,257
Posted: 9/19/2020 at 12:10 PM Post #603
Okay thank you! And no worries - take as long as you need.
Level 38
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 10/6/2020
Threads: 17
Posts: 535
Posted: 10/22/2020 at 10:56 AM Post #604
User ID:146501
1. Pet for leveling: PROJECT Z MOM | Level (to be leveled to):30| Element: Fire | Proficiencies: Strength
2. Pet for leveling: PROJECT Z DAD | Level (to be leveled to):30 | Element: Fire | Proficiencies: Dexterity
Edited By Furrylover on 10/22/2020 at 10:58 AM.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
Threads: 104
Posts: 17,000
Posted: 10/22/2020 at 3:20 PM Post #605
Please link them ^^
Level 38
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 10/6/2020
Threads: 17
Posts: 535
Posted: 10/22/2020 at 3:53 PM Post #606
sorry never mind i had my friend do it instead
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
Threads: 104
Posts: 17,000
Posted: 10/29/2020 at 10:25 AM Post #607

Sorry for being busy! I'm pretty sure you've done the other two, but I can still take this one if you'd like? (Which would be perfect haha because I'm leveling two other 67s right now)
Level 75
Lurker of the Depths
Joined: 6/14/2018
Threads: 88
Posts: 1,257
Posted: 10/29/2020 at 2:19 PM Post #608
Yes please! I've set him up for ya
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/21/2020
Threads: 15
Posts: 212
Posted: 10/29/2020 at 5:38 PM Post #609
User ID: 147045
1. Pet for leveling: (I hope I did the link thing right)| Level (to be leveled to): 60 please| Element: Shadow | Proficiencies: Strength
Are you okay with any of my helpers leveling your pet, rather than myself?: Yes
If yes to the previous question, would you like to be notified if your pet changes owners? (Y/N): Y
Would you like to be given level updates? (Y/N): Y
If yes to the previous question, specify what levels (optional): Level 45 please
Would you like to be notified if your pets are off the waiting list? (Y/N): Y
Do you want me to pick up your pets immediately, or only after they are off the wait list?: I dont mind either
Tips (optional): Depends how many coins I have
Other: Can I use the free leveling service, since my account is less then 61 days old? Or how does it work? Thanks!
Edited By Teapoth on 10/29/2020 at 5:39 PM.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
Threads: 104
Posts: 17,000
Posted: 10/31/2020 at 12:01 AM Post #610
Yes, I can do it for free! Adding you to the list, I'll get to it tomorrow since it's late here ^^
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