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Level 70
The Artistic
Joined: 11/13/2018
Threads: 34
Posts: 472
Posted: 1/19/2022 at 9:37 PM Post #631
League of Legends: Kayn (Rhaast form)


I love the subtle yellows you threw in; they work wonderfully with the design. I feel like frosty wind is the right choice, but I'd change the color of it, because it blends in with the tubing of the mechanical armor. The armor also blends in with the fur, so I'd also lighten or darken that. I went ahead and edited the g3 color as well, to make the design fit with the darker, dirtier city theme.

Edit : Original
Edited By Arcaneapathy on 1/20/2022 at 12:42 PM.
Level 67
Joined: 12/15/2021
Threads: 2
Posts: 84
Posted: 1/19/2022 at 11:10 PM Post #632
~ Critique ~
This is super well-designed, I just have to say. The colors fit well together without burning out one's eyeballs. I think there's just a little bit too much of the darker blue, though; a lighter hue here or there would contrast well with the dark color scheme. I also changed g2 to a shade of magenta to go with the character's body color, and ac1 to match the armor(?) around their waist.

~ Designs ~
Sanitized Ink (Splatoon 2)
NOTE: The design is not of the phone; it is of the ink on it

The Rainmaker (Splatoon, Splatoon 2)

Secret Style Tangle-Tabby Largo (Slime Rancher)
3rd from left, orange flower

Secret Style Tabby Slime (Slime Rancher)

Gilded Blackstone (Minecraft)

Reshiram (Pokemon)

Level 75
Majestic Brewmaster
Joined: 4/4/2019
Threads: 42
Posts: 3,012
Posted: 1/21/2022 at 7:30 PM Post #633
Your designs are wonderful this week! My favorite was definitely your little slime rancher designs. Very cute. As far as these designs go, one stuck out to be as sub-par compared to the rest. Your guilded Blackstone design has a wonderful concept and amazing colors, but it feels as though you might've placed some of the colors in the wrong places. For my edit, I've taken your original hex codes (if not altered slightly) and shuffled them around to make them seem more true to the original block. I've also altered some of the traits to try and match the more messy, chaotic feel of the block.

For my designs, I'm once again using the inspiration of Genshin Impact! I've become quite attached to this open-world RPG game. I fear it takes up too much of my time ^-^
To keep things simple, I've only made designs for the four starter characters.
My first design is based on Aether, one of the pickable MC's to the game! I've pulled my colors specifically from when he is aligned to the anemo (wind) element

Second up is Amber!

Thirdly is Lisa~


And last but not least, we have my favorite starter character, Kaeya :)

Edited By Given on 1/22/2022 at 2:11 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/21/2022 at 11:18 PM Post #634
-- Critique --
With this design I really like what you have going and I think the colors you have are a great start - very much witchy vibes. Now I would change the c2 personally to a white, to better reflect those highlights on her. If you did that i'd try putting #3e3284 in slot one (too better make contrast with a changed color) I would also suggest frost dragon marble vs camo it has more witchy vibes to me. I would also suggest using red admiral in the wings - it replicates that pattern on the bottom of the cloak quite well. Overall I think this is a good design and great job!

Cozy Grove

Little Sister - Bioshock

Violin Scene - When The Past Was Around

Final Tree - The First Tree

Window Jump Scene - Behind The Frame

Blossom & Sunny - Calico
Edited By Limor on 1/23/2022 at 11:57 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/23/2022 at 11:42 PM Post #635
New Challenge coming on Tuesday, expect winners to posted either super late Tuesday or on Wednesday just a heads up y'all
Level 62
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/12/2018
Threads: 1
Posts: 69
Posted: 1/24/2022 at 4:00 PM Post #636
All of your designs are so well done, it's hard to even critique one! Personally though, for your Little Sister Puffadore, I'd make the white G2 and M2 more of an off-white yellow color to imitate the texture of the used dress she has. And I'd also darken C2 to also imitate her black hair. Sorry if this seems a bit nitpicky.
Original --> Edited

*~Warden Faelora~*

*Nether Portal Ny'vene*

(sorry for the large size, I don't know how to change that)

*Blaze Qitari*
Edited By July11 on 1/24/2022 at 4:01 PM.
Level 62
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/12/2018
Threads: 1
Posts: 69
Posted: 1/24/2022 at 7:09 PM Post #637
Realized that I forgot to ping you in my post. Sorry about that!
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
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Posted: 1/26/2022 at 2:39 PM Post #638
Video Games


Well well, i tried but failed to get it out yesterday - sorry y'all. Anyways i'm going to make this short so I can quicker get winners/challenge out. Hope y'all had fun this challenge!

(Remember if you are chosen, you need to claim your prize before the next deadline otherwise you will forfeit it.)


@Chaos- Please send me a CoD for 20k, you had a very good critique this time around, good job!

1st PLACE~

Minecraft: Gilded Blackstone

Although a somewhat simple design I just adore how elegant this design is. It has a grace about it that although quite calm has a tinge of chaos to it. Your design looks like it could have been plucked right out of the gilded blackstone and as though it really came from Minecraft. Overall this is a great design and i really love this it so great job and for a prize choose from these (1) (2) (3) (4) stables and pick a pair to get a baby from and send a CoD for 20k! In addition you may also look in Celticnuru's GROUP stable and pick a pet from there if you would like to forgo a pet from me.

2nd PLACE~

Final Fantasy 7: Midgar, City of Mako

I think this design really looks like your reference photos of choice. For having such a busy color pallete you succeeded in narrowing it down to just a few colors that can really be shown on a sylestia. I love the use of mechanical gear on the Lupora, usually I dislike it but I think you really managed to pull it off. I mean, what better traits to use for fantastical future city? And I think frosty wind is a great choice - any wings would have covered the body more and made it where we couldn't see all of those beautiful colors on the body and mane. Great job this challenge and send me a CoD for 5k - keep up the great work!

3rd PLACE~

Genshin Impact: Aether

I'm a fan of the creams and calm tans on this design. He has a very calm childlike vibe to him and I think you captured that in your design quite well. I love all the hints of the teal-blue that pop up in your design - there not super overpowering but you included them enough to be a nice pop of color in the overall very just creamy tan and brown design. Great job this challenge and send me a CoD for 5k - keep up the great work!

Mystery prize winner will be DMed shortly.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/26/2022 at 2:52 PM Post #639
"Music" Challenge

When the lack of a challenge idea is quickly hitting me we are jumping to my favorite go to topic i've featured on here a lot: music! So this challenge will take everything from music and give you the freedom to design anything you want with it - you can choose lyrics, a music video, band logos, the way a song makes you feel, album cover, the way a vinyl looks - it's really all up to you! Man i'll even take concert photos/videos if you've been to any of those!

Those who have opted out:


1.)Your design must be based on something to do with music.
2.) You must include the band name (and song name if you had one)
3.) You must include a reference photo if you have one.
4.) With in your design post, you must ping not only myself but the designer that posted directly before you only. Reason being, you must create a paragraph (3 to 4 sentences long) giving them friendly feedback and or suggestion on improvement on the design and or designs currently present at that time. Please include a copy of their design you are speaking about, along with a design of your own referencing the suggestions you made so they can see visibly what you are trying to say. (The only except is the first designer to post.)
4.) Designers, if someone critiques/comments on your design you must make an attempt to make the changes the critiquer is suggesting. It is through another's opinion/vision you can see what you haven't/couldn't see before and in so doing improve on what is already done. It is a way for you to learn how to take riskses and test yourself. When you have done so, place your altered piece next to the original so we can see the changes you made in comparison. (DO NOT COPY AND PASTE their direct suggested image and take it as your own. That will not help you improve in the slightest, but will be seen as a form of cheating/theft.)

1.) All core group rules are in play!
2.) Don't be afraid to ask for help, feedback and or anything. We are here for you!


Mirror Mirror Might Steal Your Charm - The Garden

Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 7/14/2015
Threads: 187
Posts: 2,685
Posted: 1/26/2022 at 3:28 PM Post #640
Edited By Hiraeth on 1/26/2022 at 7:26 PM.
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