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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 9/30/2013
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Posted: 9/4/2014 at 10:44 AM Post #61
Id like to enter the raffle please
Level 75
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Posted: 9/4/2014 at 10:48 AM Post #62
Either is fine. You can omit Items if you do your avatar if it makes it easier.
Level 62
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 6/15/2013
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Posted: 9/4/2014 at 11:08 AM Post #63
Name: Lumya
Place of Residence: In the woods near by Faerinas Shrine... but mostly on the adventure throgh whole Sylestia :D
"I want to join the raffle please!"
Edited By Lumya on 9/4/2014 at 11:08 AM.
Level 70
Master Egg Hunter
Joined: 5/27/2013
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Posted: 9/4/2014 at 11:39 AM Post #64
Alright! thanks!
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 11/17/2013
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Posted: 9/4/2014 at 3:29 PM Post #65
So I decided to try my hand at an original story, sadly not able to think of a title for it.

Avatar/Story Contest Entry

Deep in the heart of Umbra Forest lived a man who hid away from the world that feared him. Though born to two elves, he had dark purple hair, blood red eyes and the ears and tail of a lupora. He rarely left his home for fear of the treatment he faced outside. Any time he dared to venture into the supposed sanctuary, everyone stared and whispered, refusing to look at or talk to him. They talked of but not to him and never met his gaze. He had forgotten his own name because no one ever called him by it, forgotten how to talk because he had no one to talk to.

His only companion was a ryori who had somehow wandered into the forest. Ghostly in appearance, the little creature was not scared of him in the slightest and the two became fast friends over an offered bite of food. The ryori had started to come by frequently until he all but lived with the man, his only friend.

. With the ryori at his side, he frequently ventured out into the forest. His little friend was stronger than he would have thought and protected him from the monsters and sylesti that made the forest dangerous. Free to explore, he came to know all of the medicinal plants in depth, some of which were so rare that he doubted even the town herbalist knew of them. He was a little saddened at the fact he had no one to share his knowledge with; no one who would let him close enough to do any good. Even if Kayani would ever bother to listen to him, surely no one would take a monster seriously. He felt so very useless

On a cold, rainy day, the man was enjoying a cup of hot chocolate and watching the bleak scene outside, nothing but the rain showing any life. Even the monsters were safely tucked away, most likely bothering some poor adventurers who did not take heed of the terrible weather. Suddenly, he saw movement and blinked, setting down his cup. No sylesti would be out in weather like this; even his ryori was curled up far away from the windows. Curious, he grabbed an umbrella and went outside.

At the fringes of his home, he saw the crumpled form of a boy. He was a young elf, dressed in expensive clothing though it was torn and covered in mud. The boy must have been wandering in this bleak weather for some reason and tripped on one of the many exposed roots in the forest. The bitter cold and harsh rain were threatening to make the boy sick and the fall he took seemed to have done some damage. The boy clearly needed help but the man hesitated. He was from the town; surely he would hate him too. And yet, how could he leave anyone out in rain like this? The boy would die

Overcoming his initial fear, the man picked up the boy and took him inside. Once he got the boy in dry, clean clothing, he worked on fixing first his injuries which were luckily minor and then the effects of the cold rain. Even though he felt a little sad to have to, the man could not deny that he was glad to finally be able to put his knowledge to use. He would save the boy and thenand thenhe did not know. The boy was from the town, would he hate him too? All in the sanctuary hated him, after all, but still, he could not let a child die, let anyone die.

Soon, the boy was well again, now sleeping peacefully. It was hours before he stirred and the man bit back his worry, offering what he thought was something like a smile; he was not sure. He did not really even smile at his ryori. The boy blinked big blue eyes at him before doing something the man had never seen. He smiled! At him! He did not even know that was possible

"Y-you made me better?" the boy whispered and the man gave a shy nod. The boy's grin grew and the man heard words he never had before. "Thank you Mister!"

No one thanked him, just cursed his existence, but this boy had and he had even smiled at him. The man could not help but smile back, the smile feeling far more natural now. He offered the boy a cup of hot chocolate which he again received thanks for. The boy was talking non-stop now, including something the man barely caught about ladies who would have charged for the healing and certainly not be so kind about it. Unable to keep up, he just nodded, enjoying having someone talking to him, looking at him. If the boy had noticed his unusual appearance, he said nothing and that gave the man a weird feeling; he was happy.

The man listened intently before speaking for the first time in years. His voice was raspy but the boy did not seem to care. Soon, they were talking freely. The ryori had come to say his hellos, much to the boy's delight. The boy had been looking for the medicinal plants that the town herbalist used in order to heal his sick mother. The man was delighted to tell the boy all he had learned, excited to be able to tell someone. As they talked, the rain stopped and a weak ray of sunlight peeked out. Eventually, it was starting to grow dark and the man sent the boy on his way home with the herbs he would need.

"Can I come back?" the boy was quick to ask and the man frowned slightly.

"Just be careful, your parents are sure to not like you coming by," he answered and the boy frowned.

"You are a good, nice man, who cares what color your hair and eyes are? I dont and I will make Mom and Dad like it too. You saved my life, after all and Mom's" the boy responded and the man gave a weak smile.

He watched the boy go, feeling a little sad. He had hoped all his life for things to change but nothing had so far. Still, he wanted to believe in this little boy. He was the first one to smile at him, to talk to him and look past his appearance. Regardless of if the boy ever came back or not, he would have that priceless memory forever.

A week later, in weather much like it had been that fateful day, the man was startled by a knock on his door. He jumped, looking around to see what had fallen before slowly realizing that it was the door. Cautiously, he went to the door and was shocked at what he saw. Outside the door, under large, brilliant umbrellas stood the boy and two adults that had to be his parents. The woman was a little gaunt but was healthy and recovering. The boy grinned at him and the adults were meeting his eyes, looking at him as a person.

"Told you I would be back," the boy told him and the man nodded, smiling.

"So you did." For the first time in his life, the man felt normal.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/5/2014
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Posted: 9/4/2014 at 10:47 PM Post #66
I was wondering if I could have one more day to finish my art? My school gives a lot of homework since it's
Magnet and I had to do a poster today, 2 math sheets, and I'm still working on a paper. I had no time to go on the computer today really.
Level 75
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Posted: 9/4/2014 at 10:56 PM Post #67
Sorry Ivo, I can't extend it without bending rules. T.T
Bending/changing contest rules isn't something that I like doing. T_T
Level 70
Joined: 1/12/2013
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Posted: 9/5/2014 at 12:00 AM Post #68
I know the feeling of having obligations before Sylestia. T__T

I had a 6pm-9pm sorority presentation thing (I'm trying to rush this year aha), then I was talking to my roomie 9pm-10pm (I didn't wanna be rude!), so from 10pm-to-now I've been working on the picture. xD;

Had to save my shower and homework (a bunch of reading and goodness-knows-what) for later...and sorority rush takes away my weekend as well. T__T
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/5/2014
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Posted: 9/5/2014 at 5:16 PM Post #69
Ok, thanks anyways Eimell.
Edited By Ivodince on 9/5/2014 at 5:16 PM.
Level 66
The Hallowed
Joined: 6/7/2014
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Posted: 9/5/2014 at 5:54 PM Post #70

Just realized quotations marks didn't copy for some reason when I pasted the story onto here. I'm so sorry :/ I have NO idea why the quotation marks didn't copy.

EDIT: I'm sending you a pm with the story with all the quotation marks, because that happened. It's exactly the same; you can compare fi you want.
Edited By Keanai on 9/5/2014 at 5:58 PM.
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