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Level 58
Fancy Pants
Joined: 12/18/2017
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Posted: 12/12/2019 at 2:56 PM Post #61
Name: Meko
Gender: Female
Age: 7 months old
Size: extremely below average
Sexuality: Bi

Personality: Shy, likes to hide in the plants, and other things
Abilities: extremely good at burrowing, good at flying
Bad at: Speaking, being social in general
Powers: Has fur and scales like a chameleon
Power Drawbacks: her eyes dont disappear along with her, kind of like the hunter slime from slime rancher, like this;

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: She was born in the wilderness, far from society, and was taught not to trust anybody
Theme song: Concrete Jungle
Other: none
Code: 778345
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 3/15/2019
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Posted: 12/12/2019 at 3:47 PM Post #62
Come on in!
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 3/15/2019
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Posted: 12/14/2019 at 11:05 AM Post #63
Character update + New Character!


Name: Cesura /suh-zyur-uh/ (means silence or grand pause)

Gender: Female.

Age: Young adult.

Size: Large for her age but not by much.

Sexuality: Straight (open for relationships)

Dark red top-scales and black belly scales. Dark grey circular, ram-like horns. Small goat-like ears. Small dark grey spikes at the end of her tail used as a whip. Dark grey spikes running from behind her horns to her tail. A red talon print on her chest that seems to be tribal paint. (it doesn't come off because it's enchanted) Wears satchels and pouches to carry items with her. A sleek but not skinny build like that of a big cat. Walks like a big cat as well.

-Cunning and quick-witted.
-Stays calm in even the tensest situations.
-Very patient.
-Hates the cold.
-Empathy and remorse mean nothing to her; she isn't afraid to kill.

-Very stealthy, even for her size.
-Fast on her feet.
-Sharp teeth and claws.
-Can make potions and elixirs with the right ingredients.

Bad at:
-Hand-to-hand combat.
-Showing empathy.
-Showing remorse.

-An aspiring spellcaster can use magic.
-Can breathe fire.

Power Drawbacks: Using magic drains her energy leading to exhaustion.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: Cesura was born and hatched in the desert where she was taken in by a cult that has a stronghold out in the desert. They mostly keep to themselves and was raised in their ways. She was taught to believe and worship in Sithis (the god of death they believe in)

As the empire came raiding they slaughtered many in the stronghold. The few dragons that survived fled into the desert or into Khurazir, where she made her home. She chose to fight the Empire for killing the make-shift family she had.

Theme song:

Other: Pale White Horse - Oh Hellos

Code: 778345


Name: Kaharua /cah-are-ua/ (Means amber or... something...)

Gender: Female

Age: young adult (older than Cesura)

Size: slightly smaller than average

Sexuality: straight

White tribal paint-looking talon print on the inside of her wing (enchanted). Snake-like fangs that can fold into her mouth.

-Smart and observant.
-Cool and collected.
-Sometimes a little wild.
-Easily excited.
-Not afraid to kill but still sympathetic.

-Very stealthy.
-Very sharp teeth.
-Good climber.

Bad at:
-Flying for long periods of time.
-Combat with weapons.
-Combat with magic.
-Magic in general.

-Her fangs can inject mind-bending venom into foes (it harms the mind (neurotoxin)). It is extremely potent and the antidote is her blood.

Power Drawbacks:
-She has a limited amount of venom.
-She can't breathe fire.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: Kaharua grew up much like Cesura did. She became an older sister figure for Cesura. She was abandoned by her family because they couldn't take care of her and she doesn't remember much about her real family. Nightshade eventually took her in, become an adoptive mother for her.

When the empire raided the stronghold at which they lived she had tried to fight back but to no avail. She had watched many dragons die that day, but the worst for her was when she watched an empire solder end Nightshade. So she fled through the tunnels under the stronghold along with a few others.

Theme song: Where is Your Rider - Oh Hellos


Code: 778345
Level 68
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 12/7/2019
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Posted: 3/8/2020 at 6:55 AM Post #64
Hello! Is the RP officially dead, I kinda wanna join owo zzz's
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 3/15/2019
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Posted: 3/8/2020 at 4:31 PM Post #65
Yep, totally dead lol.
Level 62
Joined: 2/14/2020
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Posted: 3/27/2020 at 2:11 PM Post #66
Name: Maeve

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Size: Above average

Sexuality: Straight


Personality: bold, brave, daring, risk-taker, independent, stubborn, brash

Abilities: flying, offensive in battle

Bad at: defensive in battle, poetry, the arts

Powers: burning hot scales that burn but won't kill

Power Drawbacks: Nobody can touch her without getting burned (but not incinerated)

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: She will not speak of her backstory and she is rebelling because she is tired of the bad conditions.

Theme song: Monster by EXO

Other: Not much. She has a mate named Jet.

Code: 778345
Name: Jet

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Size: Average size, lean

Sexuality: Straight

Appearance: Basically a Spectral Ny' I could find...

Personality: quiet, reserved, mature, sarcastic, snappy, protective

Abilities: The arts, poetry, writing, defensive in battle

Bad at: Offensive in battle, archery, swimming

Powers: Can see the near future (limit is half a year)

Power Drawbacks: Blind

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling: He was pressed into rebelling by his mate, Maeve. His parents are dead and he found Maeve lost in the woods, burning down a forest, and fell in love.

Theme song: Obsession by EXO

Other: Loves Maeve with all his heart and would die for her.

Code: 778345
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 3/15/2019
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Posted: 3/27/2020 at 2:37 PM Post #67
You do realize this is dead right?
Level 62
Joined: 2/14/2020
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Posted: 3/27/2020 at 2:38 PM Post #68
Yeah...I forgot to edit my post because I didn't see the post before me. Lol
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