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Level 69
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Posted: 11/4/2019 at 3:35 PM Post #61
Irylin waited quietly for the Elenor to answer. He watched her with gentle eyes as he heard he respond, albeit a bit slowly.

Youre quite right, he agreed. If nothing, dragons who hadnt ate since breakfast were bound to be hungry. Especially since the Empire had let them grow used to the rations, and since the rations werent enough to keep a dragon full for another day. When she didnt respond he nodded knowingly. Its fine if you say no. I wouldnt consider it rude. I havent hunted with someone in a long time; much less eat what we caught with together. It been a while since I caught something to eat by myself too.

He couldnt help but remember Sera even as he was talking. The dragoness had always been better at hunting then him, and he was sure he still wasnt better than her now. Shed bring him along though, and theyd roast a couple of the small animals they caught until they were nice and crispy when they were eating dinner at night. Slightly charred bat was still one of his favorite foods today, though hed never eat it with her again. He sighed softly.
Level 51
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Posted: 11/4/2019 at 4:32 PM Post #62
Cesura nodded. She understood his pain.

"I'm Cesura by the way. Tomorrow at noon we meet back here. If you can gather more rebels then that would be useful. There is a short parade then. They need guards for it. Should give us enough time to slip in and out unnoticed. If a fight does break out there will be fewer guards. We need to leave them with very few rations and silently hand out what we have reaped to the people of Khurazir. Make our enemies weak and our allies stronger. That puts us in a position to overthrow them. It is one step on the long path to victory," She turned to the other dragons, "Are you in or what?"
Level 27
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Posted: 11/4/2019 at 5:10 PM Post #63
Tutellor and Hasira

Hasira bounded forward with a shimmering "Yes!" But Tutellor hung back, still skeptical. "We're coming back, right, Tutellor?"

He winced. Did she have to say his name so thoughtlessly? "I...I don't know," he glared at the ground, sweeping his tail with impatience. There was still so much they didn't know...things that didn't make any sense.
Level 72
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Posted: 11/5/2019 at 11:43 AM Post #64
She waited a moment to consider her next words when he sighed. She tensed up, her internal fight escalating as she wondered what she had wrong now.

"Food would be nice," she said slowly, not letting any of the stress show. "Where were you thinking of getting it from?"

She had no idea where else he was intending to get food besides the Empire's rations. The concept of being able to get food on her own interested her, but that interest conflicted with trying to reveal as little of what she knew as possible.
Level 51
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Posted: 11/5/2019 at 3:44 PM Post #65
"I know you don't trust me but we have to try." Cesura wore a sad expression now, "Things won't get better unless we force them to."

She turned to address all of the dragons around her, "Tomorrow. Noon. Prepare yourselves. We will plan more then."

Cesura covers up the grate before leaping and gracfully scampering up onto the rooftop of the building behind her. She gives the gathered dragons a meaningful look before bounding away.
Level 69
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Posted: 11/5/2019 at 9:11 PM Post #66
Irylin watched as the dragons seemed to tense up ever so slightly, and wondered what had made her nervous. He cast a glance behind him before his eyes flickered back to the dragons. It seemed as if it was him that had made her nervous, which was strange considering that they had already been standing, or in her case, laying, beside each other for a while now.

When the dragon asked him where he would get the food ever so carefully, the pieces clicked together. She didnt know what he meant by hunting, and she thought that he was going to do something the Empire was going to punish them for to get it.

Truthfully, stealing rations was much to passive for his taste. Besides, it would starve the Empire, but the Empire would surely strike back against the citizens, most of which couldnt fight very well, right after they found out. And the Empire had troops stationed only a few cities away; warriors that would bring rations with them. In the end, how one imagined to reclaim all depended on the style and the strength of the dragon who was imagining things. Irylin personally found freezing the soldiers stationed here solid before doing the same to any part the Empires army who would come to check an enjoyable thought, but it was an impossible one too. Creating that much ice in the desert? That was asking for death.

I meant going out and finding small animals to eat. Were you thinking of anything else? He asked.
Level 72
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Posted: 11/6/2019 at 1:02 PM Post #67
He looked behind himself. Great, now she was confusing him. She straightened, deciding that just acting like she would if he wasn't there would be a better idea. Then she could focus more on talking... however much that would help.

"I... must have been, I suppose," she managed. "I don't mind finding an animals."

She hoped, hoped, hoped she'd said it right. Hoping to further get the message across that she was more than ready to go, she stretched out her wings and waited.

She was sure that if doing a hunt for an animals was what she thought it was, she could easily transfer the skills she already possessed for the task. What might be more difficult was finding one. She hadn't heard of anyone else going into the desert to hunt, so it must have been difficult if you didn't know what you were doing, or perhaps not worth the bother of doing instead of just waiting for ration day.

It would kill some time, at least, and seemed like a good skill to have when rations were few and far between. And she needed to, despite fearing her depleting energy reserves, start practicing what she knew again. If she was even beginning to consider going to aid those other rebellers, she needed to know her capabilities.
Level 69
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Posted: 11/6/2019 at 9:56 PM Post #68
Irylin smiled when he heard Elenors response. Guess we should get going then. He spread his wings and lifted off of the ground with a few strong flaps before hovering while he breathed in deeply. Nothing.

He turned to face Elenor slightly while he flew away from the Empire at a steady pace. The Empire wasnt exactly afraid of losing its citizens; with the miles of deserts surrounding the city it would be hard pressed to survive long enough to make it to another city. Most of the animals out right now are small. Well have to be pretty quick to catch them.
Level 72
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Posted: 11/7/2019 at 1:32 PM Post #69
She shot up into the air, following him. He took a deep breath, and after a second she mimicked him in case it was something you needed to do to hunt. She smelled the river and the dusty smell of sand that was picked up by the wind. Some smoke from the city, the reek of too many dragons inhabiting the same place.

She wondered if she was supposed to smell something different as he started flying further out into the desert. She tailed him and listened over the sound of the wind as he spoke.

"Are they big enough to make up for the energy we'll use hunting them?" she asked, screwing up her eyes against the beating sun. She was glad that they were past idle chat - now she could start to gather information to be ready for the hunt. This was her zone, and she could feel her mind become thankfully calm.
Edited By Falconetti on 11/7/2019 at 1:34 PM.
Level 69
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Posted: 11/7/2019 at 8:42 PM Post #70
Irylin let himself relax and began to glide as he kept a watchful eye on his surroundings. He strained to hear Elenors words as she began to ask him questions. The amount of energy burned, huh? He wasnt quite sure how helpful hunting was is terms of energy used and energy gained.

Im not sure. What I do know is that eating makes it so that you dont feel hungry, so thats why Im trying to find things to eat. Maybe we lose energy, maybe we dont but we feel better. At least, thats what I think.

He hadnt expected the dragon to ask that question. She didnt seem very good at talking with others, or understanding them, a few minutes ago.
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