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Level 75
The Hallowed
Joined: 3/9/2013
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Posted: 9/27/2014 at 12:22 AM Post #71
Donmino want thingies???

I gots this thingy:

And this thingy:

and this thingy that other thingy should be able to breed to and produce hecka nice babies:

And this thingy:

and this one:

and then your choice of one of these three breed-able thingies:

and I can get you a baby from these two thingies:

and I gots wait lists for IF aeries and LP nephs, but I can put you on both if you would like. (IF aeries and LP nephs will require 100k or more fee per pet) (EDIT) I will be able to produce breed-able pairs on both of these species.

And you can has breeding to this thingy (if you wanna pay for a stud, just link me and I'll make you an egg)

And you can has breeding to one or both of these thingies:

and uh... mmmm... ehhh... I think that's all the thingies I gots that you have interests in.

*pokes thingies*
Edited By Darkwingedangel on 9/27/2014 at 12:23 AM.
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 7/21/2013
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Posted: 9/27/2014 at 12:52 AM Post #72
ohh yes thank you he is perfect :D
Level 70
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 8/24/2013
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Posted: 9/27/2014 at 2:41 AM Post #73
@Willow, he's set for you!

@Dark, ooooh man let's see

I'm def interested in your GC griffi pair (particularly the lady - diamond dust is to die for), breeding with the TS griffi with appaloosa, breeding with your LS ny'vene, a baby MM neph, and the LP neph with fairy shimmer.

However! I'm not sure how much I can actually afford - the diamond sale coupled with those damnable, addicting custom shadow stalkers wiped out my small hoard of gold. (totally worth it though. seven stalkers and a genetic testing kit.)

This said, do any of the pets I have at present interest you? I'd be happy to breed something also, if you're interested ouo
Level 75
The Hallowed
Joined: 3/9/2013
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Posted: 9/27/2014 at 7:50 PM Post #74
*pokes the Donmino and giggles*

Other than previously listed costs ( IF aeri's, LP nephs, stud fees for the ny'vene if using an outside male) There were no strings/fees attached. I just went through my inventory to see what pairs I could maybe help you complete/ obtain. You are welcome to all the listed pets if you really want em. (The SG nephs, it would be the one boy and one girl). (But if anyone asks, you paid a million a piece..... muahahahahahahaha :-P)

Anyhow, these thingies have been set for you, lemme know if you want the others, need me to breed an egg for the LS nyvene (that way baby isn't related to your boy)

For the Donmino person thingy:

For the Donmino to breed with:
Level 70
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 8/24/2013
Threads: 74
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Posted: 9/28/2014 at 8:02 AM Post #75
hold on I'm screaming

Thank you so much wow <3

My TS griff is still a little baby, so it could be awhile before I can breed with yours.

I looked through the LS ny'venes up for stud right now and I like this one best:

would you mind breeding your female to him? I would, of course, pay the stud fee in its entirety owo
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 8/29/2014
Threads: 27
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Posted: 9/28/2014 at 8:44 AM Post #76
Your Ligh is bred. Will set it up for you and send the CoD soon. Thanks for the trade!
Level 60
The Hallowed
Joined: 8/29/2014
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Posted: 9/28/2014 at 2:37 PM Post #77
Okay......the offspring is ready.

Sent CoD
Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 12/26/2013
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Posted: 9/28/2014 at 2:58 PM Post #78
Hey Don! I have a few DD Ny'venes that you might be interested in as mates for your siblings. I have pre-set prices for them, but I would be willing to bring them down, and I would happily accept diamonds rather than gold. Just let me know what you think.

This girl is my personal pick to go with your boy: (though she's still a hatchling, so you'd have to wait for her to grow up)
(1v/3c) 450k

I also have these girls: (both are adolescents or hatchlings)
(1v/3c) 450k (0v/3c) 350k

And I have this guy, but he's only got two carries, so he's not real great for your girl:
(0v/2c) 200k
Level 65
The Hallowed
Joined: 12/26/2013
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Posted: 9/28/2014 at 3:37 PM Post #79
And I just looked through the rest of your list and apparently I have other pets that could help you! And as with the Ny'venes, I would be happy to lower the prices and/or accept diamonds.

I have this little guy that would go nicely with your girl:
(2v/1c) 350k Hatchling

I have this little girl that would go well with your guy:
(1v/4c) 500k Hatchling

These little ones would go well with your sibling pair: (They are siblings)
(1v/3c) 450k Adolescent
(3v/2c) 500k Adolescent

This girl would go nicely with your guy:
(2v/3c) 550k Adolescent

Now, I have a ton of Chocolate Cherry Puffadores, most of which should be breedable, since I have two different females and I tend to breed them to different males, so I'll try to organize them by which female and male they're from.

Kirsche and Katsu Ken'ichi
(2v/3c) 550k Adult

(2v/2c) 500k Hatchling

(1v/2c) 400k Adolescent

Kirsche and Chocolate Cherry
(1v/3c) 450k Adolescent

Vishnya and Katsu Ken'ichi
(1v/5c) 550k Adult

Vishnya and Chocolate Cherry
(2v/1c) 350k Adolescent

(3v/1c) 550k Adolescent

(3v/1c) 550k Adolescent

(2v/2c) 500k Hatchling

(3v/1c) 450k Hatchling
Level 70
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 8/24/2013
Threads: 74
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Posted: 9/28/2014 at 8:37 PM Post #80
ah man why do you have so many pets I need, can't you see I'm trying to hoard gold for more stalkers ;O;

That said, I'm super interested in the first DD lady, your CC male, and this puff. However, I only have like 150k of disposable gold right now (though that can become an easy 225k by the end of today). While I suspect you would have offered a trade if I had any pets that interested you, for the sake of gold conservation, I will ask: are you potentially interested in a pet trade?
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