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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Lunar's Newbie Pet Gifting
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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/31/2013
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Posted: 9/3/2013 at 10:35 PM Post #71
@Lunarshinobi ~ She's EPIC! TY!
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/21/2013
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Posted: 9/4/2013 at 3:28 PM Post #72
Pretty new trivis available.
Level 60
Joined: 9/2/2013
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Posted: 9/7/2013 at 1:35 AM Post #73
I don't know if having my account for 4 days count me as a newbie still x3 But I'd appreciate it if I could have a random egg to hatch from whoever will donate if I'm still considered one. It would be nice to get a random species I dont have yet or don't have many of (excluding lunemaras. I don't like most bugs.) I know by now that I can get a random egg via scales, but it would be nice to get an egg from someone w/o going on a shopping spree or clicking spree for pets/eggs.
Edited By 8040 on 9/7/2013 at 1:35 AM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/21/2013
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Posted: 9/7/2013 at 4:42 PM Post #74
@Taleenafuka, I just did a bunch of breeding actually. Here you go

Level 60
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Posted: 9/7/2013 at 6:44 PM Post #75
Thanks so much, I really appreciate it!
Edited By 8040 on 9/7/2013 at 6:45 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/21/2013
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Posted: 9/8/2013 at 6:14 PM Post #76
I've got some new tri vis nixi for any new members who'd like one.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/13/2013 at 8:00 PM Post #77
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/15/2013 at 8:49 PM Post #78
New Spotlight pets.
Level 39
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Posted: 9/15/2013 at 9:22 PM Post #79

Found it could I get the third one I just started on here
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/21/2013
Threads: 93
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Posted: 9/15/2013 at 9:54 PM Post #80

x There you go ^o^
Edited By 3409 on 9/15/2013 at 9:54 PM.
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