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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > [The School for Good and Evil]
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Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/11/2016
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 1:09 AM Post #71
Me too but will need to wait till im sorted
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 7:33 AM Post #72
Ivy? Do you do RPs?
>.< I invite you... to le school for Good and Evil.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 3/28/2018
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 8:37 AM Post #73
I can be your nemesis if you want
Level 32
Joined: 1/20/2018
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 9:56 AM Post #74
Okay! Sounds good to me!
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 11:13 AM Post #75
I definitely prefer RPGs, sorry. RPs tend to dislike me a lot more because there is no sense of order.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 10/18/2017
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Posted: 4/20/2018 at 11:15 PM Post #76
Great, thanks!
Level 75
Fright Master
Joined: 5/14/2016
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Posted: 4/26/2018 at 11:00 PM Post #77
Level 30
Joined: 4/26/2018
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Posted: 4/29/2018 at 12:52 AM Post #78
Name: Linhu (Chinese for Lotus)
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Preferred alignment: Good
Appearance: Stereotypical asian appearance. Slender build, long black hair starting with a ruler-straight fringe and ending at her waist in an equally straight cut. She is short and generally petite. Black, brown-tinted eyes. Prefers to wear kimono-style dresses or armour.
Personality: Linhu is a quiet girl. She is distant, partly because she is shy, partly because she is afraid people might judge her for liking swordplay and insist she be more like other girls. She is not particularly interested in boys at present. A hard worker, though sometimes her work is rushed or unfinished due to her wanting to practice swordplay in private. Doesn't set out to make friends, and tends to lock herself up (metaphorically) if someone attempts to make friends with her.
Fairy Tale Relative: Mulan (The books seem to do Disney, as Aladdin was mentioned in the Ever-Never Handbook, and that is based off a Chinese fairytale)
Likes: Swordplay, kimonos, green tea, her war medallion her mother gave her
Dislikes: Being stereotyped, people interrogating her, being judged, her official skill/talent, gardening
Most Outstanding Skill: She has two: her 'official' skill, which is making flowers bloom (that she hates); and a skill that she learned: swordplay (accuracy and speed, not strength)
Level 30
Joined: 4/26/2018
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Posts: 27
Posted: 4/29/2018 at 12:55 AM Post #79
Sorry, the name autocorrected.
Linhu is what it's supposed to be.
Level 30
Joined: 4/26/2018
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Posts: 27
Posted: 4/29/2018 at 12:57 AM Post #80
Ok, this thing doesn't like special characters.
Lianhua, with the first a having a right-ending dash and the second a with a line on top.
I'll just write Lianhua
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