I did
*flips back into ocean* two questions one answer
Except I'm not putting the links up cuz I'm not ready for the world
Edited By Orcastration on 4/14/2020 at 2:32 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 5/22/2018
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Posted: 4/14/2020 at 9:05 PM
Post #78
I sent this to Lark earlier, might as well post it.
Devils exist. That's all you would need to know about this story, had you wanted the bare strings. But you don't, or if you do, then that is not rewarded. I do not care if you will like this book. I do not care if you think some events are too normal, or abnormal, for a book. It does not matter, as this all happened. This story is true, not in your universe but in mine. Now, do not judge me, I have some conflicted feelings at the moment. I will not tell them now, as that would be like reading the ending of the book. That is not what I want. What I want is for you to learn from my mistakes, so they do not become our mistakes.
Got that? Good. Now let me introduce you to my world, which is identical to your world in every way except one. Mine has devils and demons in it.
"But that is impossible!" I hear you scream."That makes no sense!" It violates your CONTT or COMET or whatever. Some thing that has "natural" in it, correct? Well, it is natural for us. We do not follow your physics, people. I care about you, so please listen. I going to tell you my story, but before I can, I must tell the story of the past.
You all know what cavemen are. I do not know if that is common knowledge or not. Not that anyone would care besides me, of course. I'm the only one who cares about you in this world. Sucks to be me, huh. Well, it sucks in more way then one, dear reader, but first I must tell the story of the past. I'm getting side tracked.
Once upon a time, humans were the only human creature to exist, besides the apes they evolved from. Once the creatures made fire that changed forever.
The minute they did, a creature that looked like a human emgured from the shadows. No one knew who this creature was, or where it came from. But what they did know was that it was not human. hmm, they must of thought, let's hunt the creature down. I suppose that might be what you'd do if aliens invaded your planet. But one, me, could only guess. Anyways, the humans hunted it down, only for it to escape. This happened at least five more times. None the less, when they, the humans, got tried of this sport, they went to other means of trying to make sure they don't die. They befriended the thing, despite the fact it might kill them!
The next part is messy, but I think I have it straight: It came one night to a clan of humans that hadn't befriended it yet. Nobody heard about it before, since these humans hated the others, called them impure. When it arrived to a fire with them gathered around, it sat down next to them.
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/16/2019
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Posted: 4/14/2020 at 9:12 PM
Post #79
You had me at demons, now you just go throwing cavemen into the midst and I don't know what to think. XD
It's definitely the most interesting premise for a demon & human contact story I've seen. Curious to see how this would play out.
Level 75
Joined: 5/22/2018
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Posted: 4/14/2020 at 9:18 PM
Post #80
Well, I don't know what it would be. Maybe the demon falls in love with a human and his spawn father (that's what their called. Get it? Devil's spawn? Okay, I'll shut up.) gets pretty upset or something along those lines...
Ah yes, cavemen. That demon narrator gots to love his cavemen.
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