Forum Index > Pet Marketplace > Lantern Glow Ferrikki Project
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Level 70
Warden of Umbra
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Posted: 7/6/2020 at 5:43 PM
Post #71
Yes, please. (I can't afford them right now but I will come back when I can)
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 7/19/2020 at 1:08 PM
Post #72
Hi everyone. I pinged you guys because I'm having a difficult time getting the traits for Outcome 1.
I also want to ask you guys to please take this 2 question survey. The questions simply ask what your favorite outcome is and to critique them.
Based on the results I may cut out a design or choose a different one to work on.
Also I may be starting a Max Stat Aeri project and a Heart's Desire project soon, please let me know if you would like to be pinged with either of those. ^-^
Edit: forgot to link the survey XD
Edited By Auria on 7/19/2020 at 1:11 PM.
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 7/19/2020 at 7:51 PM
Post #73
I'm interested in both of those projects :) Is the Heart's Desire project going to be max stat as well?
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 7/19/2020 at 9:19 PM
Post #74
Possibly. I'm really wanting a Max Stat Rikki party.
If it doesn't take long to get the traits then I'll max it but if it takes more than 3 months, I might not.
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 7/20/2020 at 2:04 AM
Post #75
Cool :) I have lots of 6v Heart's desire rikki if you're looking for certain traits
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 7/20/2020 at 8:42 AM
Post #76
Thank you for the offer. Right now I'm just experimenting. ^-^ I'll ping you once I get the thread up and running.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 7/20/2020 at 10:54 AM
Post #77
Will the Hearts Desires max stats as well? Excited for whatever you do!
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 7/20/2020 at 11:43 AM
Post #78
Possibly. It really depends on if I get bored of the project or not. This project is starting to bore me but I'm still going to see it through.
I'll post the thread to the HD Rikki project once I get most of the traits and by then I'll have decided.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
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Posted: 7/20/2020 at 8:34 PM
Post #79
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