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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 6:50 AM Post #71
Okay! Police box?! *laughs head off for no reason*
Level 60
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 7:18 AM Post #72
XD Yes, police box!!
Level 66
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 7:19 AM Post #73
Oh god, lol. That's weird!
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 3:26 PM Post #74
Name: Jacob Stark
Age: 14
Species: Human
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: His Dad was a stuntman. He died doing a stunt in Niagara Falls. He watched his dad jump to his death. Before that, he and his dad always dared each other. He would tell his dad to jump off the roof. His dad would tell him to jump off the shed. And on and on. His dad was better. Then, one day, his life totally changed. A man offered him a job as a stunt boy for a movie because the star couldn't do some things and since Jake was such a dare devil, he took his job. He was paid 250 Dollars. He traveled with the cast all around the world, shooting big hit movies. The thing was, no one ever knew that he was doing all the dangerous stuff while the real star only said lines. The star was Ricky Lawrence. He looked like Ricky a yeah. He did a lot of the stunt stuff, like jumping off the Lady Liberty. And all Ricky did was groan and be fatally hurt and stuff. It really annoyed Jake, so one day, he ran away from the cast. That was the same day the dun disappeared.
Power: * If any * None

Crush: None
Pet: * if any * None

He'll do any stunt. From skateboards, bikes, and roller skating, to full fledge building jumping.

Name: Summer
Age: 16
Species: Dimension Shifter
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: She was a normal Dimension Shifter from beginning to end I mean the forever eclipse. She was a small thief. Nothing serious. Just food and stuff. She lived in the forest near the beach. She watches the incoming ships.
Power: * If any * She can make herself blend into anything. She can change her color and stuff. She can make herself look 2D. Like, for example. There's a blue wall. She turns blue and makes herself 2D. No one could tell she's there! Unless they touch her. She may look 2D, but her 3D body is still there. She can look like someone painted her onto the wall.

Crush: Open
Pet: * if any * None
She looks like a pirate! Arrr!
Edited By Crystal25152 on 1/3/2014 at 10:31 PM.
Level 66
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Posted: 1/3/2014 at 11:30 PM Post #75
Name: Michael or Mike
Age: 18
Species: Robot/Human
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: He loved Video Games. He could beat anyone at any game no matter the stat. He had a lot of brainpower, making him ultra-smart. He lowed his grades till he dropped out on purpose so he could play video games. His parents never paid attention to him. One day, he was riding an elevator and he accidentally got his right arm and right keg stuck between the doors. (Don't ask why.) They got cut off. He made himself a robotic arm and leg. He programmed weapons into them. But while doing this, he shot a bullet into his right eye. So he made himself a robotic eye, too. (Lol ouch! How'd he get it in his head?!) He figured out how to make artificial nerves and inserted them in his robotic limbs. After that, he got very interested in robotics. But he still plays video games.

Power: * If any * Super brainpower...
Crush: Open
Pet: * if any * None

Name: Alicia Alison Quincy
Age: 18
Species: Shapeshifting Sea Serpent
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: She was born in Atlantis, the lost continent. She was happy living there with King Neptune, or Poseidon. Same thing. She had a good amount of friends. Some mermaid, ya know. When the dun got blocked out, the plants down there stopped growing and the fish started to die. The bigger fish that ate the smaller fish starved and it goes on...
Sorry it's so small...

Power: * If any * Turning into a sea serpent. She can breath underwater.
Crush: Open
Pet: * if any * None

Will fin later.
Edited By Crystal25152 on 1/4/2014 at 10:17 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/4/2014 at 4:31 AM Post #76
Summer and Jacob accepted :3
Waiting for the last two to be finished before acception :3
Level 60
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Posted: 1/4/2014 at 11:15 AM Post #77
Accepted :3
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Posted: 1/4/2014 at 11:45 AM Post #78
Name: Jigoku
Age: Supposedly 17
Species: Hell Child
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: Was born from all the evil in the world, though infact she is a very nice girl...sometimes...
Power: Weaponry Master ( can handle swords and other stuff very well )
Crush: N/A
Pet: N/A
( Found a few pictures of her :3 )

Name: Crimson
Age: Unknown
Species: Angel
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: She died at 17 after a person put her out of her misery from being stabbed ( was stabbed in the heart so was going to die anyway ). She was sent to heaven and became one of god's favourite angels when it comes to doing a job. She was sent to earth to try and care for suffering humans, and if to hurt to survive, put them out of their misery. She knows Zach bhase due to him being once a angel in heaven.
Power: Light and good powers ( they don't work if used for evil )
Crush: N/A
Pet: N/A

Name: Hick ( kinda like hick-up...only without a 'up' )
Age: 22
Species: Dhampire
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: Born as a Dhampire, mother was vampire and father a human she fell in love with ( he didn't love her...but yeah... ). He grew up and never understood why the other children where always so scared of him. Later in life he knew why.
Power: Vampire powers ( strength, speed blah de blah and all that! )
Crush: N/A
Pet: * if any *

Name: Wave
Age: 19
Species: Wolf Demon
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: He controls a small pack of wolves, because he is their leader. He would usully target houses and things in the forest to eat/ kill for fun/ steal the women.
Power: Controling wolves ( Koda is in for s surprise XD )
Crush: N/A
Pet: * if any *
Level 66
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Posted: 1/5/2014 at 10:56 AM Post #79
Name: Robert
Age: 18
Species: Satyr
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: Born in Greece. Hunts and stuff. Worships all the Greek Gods. Normal satyr. A few days before the dun blacked out, his friends started acting weird. When it really blacked out, hid friends all died except for him.
Power: * If any * Master Archer and playing that reed pile thing...the normal Satyr stuff.

Pet: * if any *

Name: Caroline
Age: 18
Species: Human, well, at least she thinks so.
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: Born normal, but she discovered her power after falling out of a helicopter 5k feet in the air and living at age 10. Then, people called her freak and started to test how much pain she would take for fun. They would stab, shoot, and burn her. They never succeeded. When the sun disappeared, they finally left her, but bloody and broken, stuck in a cage, facing pain. She got out to try to kill herself, or at least get rid of her power. You wouldn't see any old injury sights. She hates her life and wants to be left alone in peace and figure out how to die. She'll follow whoever talks to her. She never will go to Heaven or Hell...she wishes to go to either...if she could die.
Power: * If any * She cannot be destroyed no matter what. It is torture to her. No matter the blood loss, she lives and bears the pain. No matter the limbs cut off, she grows new ones. She feels pain like anyone, but it repeats and repeats. She wants to die. Some people say she's indestructible. She's also immortal, which sucks because then she has to face all that pain forever. She's been shot in the head, stabbed in the heart, choked, and still living. And no scar to show. Try burning her. Doesn't work. All she wants is for someone to kill. Her. Even when the wound doesn't show, she stills feels the pain. Every of the wounds she faces, the pain of it never goes away. It stays. Like a burn, she will always feel that burn forever and ever. Her power is more like a curse.

Crush: No one, buy hopes someone will love her.
Pet: * if any *
Edited By Crystal25152 on 1/5/2014 at 9:51 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/6/2014 at 2:25 AM Post #80
Accepted...and poor Caroline T-T * hugs her * it's okay!
Also I might have to ban you from making characters XD You have 24!!!!
Edited By Coradrawa on 1/6/2014 at 2:26 AM.
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