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Forum Index > Roleplay Games > The Labyrinth
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Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 12:10 PM Post #791
He followed Victoria, a bit slowly at first. "Kenzie's right. With how much the labyrinth supposedly shifts and changes, this could be the path to the throne room. It could also not be. In fact, all of those paths could not have been." He shrugged.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 12:44 PM Post #792
"True. I hate this place." Victoria makes a face.
Kenzie hesitates at the entrance of the path before following you.
The path doesn't give you much grief and you soon come to a split.
Left - dark
Right - extremely hot
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 12:49 PM Post #793
"Let's go down this path." He decided to lead this time, and he walked down the left path. "I don't really want to burn to a crisp."
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 12:57 PM Post #794
"I wouldn't mind the heat." Kenzie notes as she walks beside you. Victoria snaps her fingers to a certain rhythm as if to A song of a sort.
The dark made it hard to see. And something fuzzy races past you.
You hear Kenzie trip beside you. "Curses. Someone better have some light so I don't trip again. I'm not in the mood for a trip." Victoria obliges, cupping her hands in which a small ball of light appears to light the way. Kenzie finds herself face-to-face with a werebeast - different than shapeshifters. Another beast was next to you, looking about ready to eat you up. Victoria was unaware that a werebeast was behind her.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 12:58 PM Post #795
"I'm very uncomfortable. Please don't eat us. Thank you." He tried to back away from the werebeasts.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 1:15 PM Post #796
"If we don't eat you, we sacrifice you." The were beast growls, grinning a toothy grin as it grabs you by the waist and slings you over its shoulder. Kenzie tries to reason with it.
"I'm a shapeshifter, so we're like cousins or something. You should let us go." Kenzie says. The werebeast growls.
" then we're sacrificing you too. Shapeshifters are overrated. " the beast growls and grabs her as well.
Victoria was the only one that wasn't taken by the werebeasts.
The beasts being you to an altar place crudely made by cracked stones. "Ladies first." Kenzie was tied to the altar and one of the werebeasts raised a knife to kill her. You are held by one werebeast, but your two feet are back in the floor.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
Threads: 46
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 1:18 PM Post #797
"I'm done. I'm so done. I can't reason with them. They want to kill you and me. Victoria still isn't here. I'm just so done." He ranted.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 1:31 PM Post #798
Kenzie kicks at the werebeast holding the knife. "I know why these guys are down here. They have no respect for us." she says, pulling her legs back when she accidentally cut her foot on the blade. The werebeast bares its teeth at Kenzie, who hisses back.
A moment later, Kenzie left the world for the second time. The werebeasts turn to you, ready to sacrifice you now.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 2:12 PM Post #799
"I can't save her now..." He stared at his hands. "Victoria better come quickly."
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
Threads: 36
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Posted: 6/21/2020 at 2:21 PM Post #800
As if summoned, Victoria appears next to the werebeast that had done the sacrificing.
"Hullo, good chap. I've got to borrow this, sorry." Victoria says, taking the dagger from its paws before violently stabbing the werebeast. Light in one hand, dagger in another, Victoria looks at the werebeasts. "Sorry to crash the party. I have a friend to save." She hops off the raised section of the floor that the altar was on and disappears into the crowd of werebeasts. For a moment, there was shocked silence. Then cries of outrage. Victoria seems to appear beside you.
"Meet my other friend, it's name is dagger." Victoria says cheerfully, slicing the throat of the werebeast that was guarding you. "Come on, I have only angered the werebeasts." Victoria says, tossing the light into the air, where it hung over her head. With her free hand she takes yours and leads you through the mass of werebeasts, showing a surprising amount of viciousness when it came to cutting down those in her path.
Soon, you reach a cross road.
Right - strange noises
Left - webs
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