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Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 1:39 PM Post #881
A little girl trotted out of a back room carrying a back much bigger than herself and she couldn't see you or Rio " Did you find anything in the houses?" she asked in an almost bossy tone. Rio beamed brightly " I found a girl !" he said proudly the girl paused for a moment and put the bag down almost jumping out of her skin as she aw that Rio was not lying

Arico dipped her head, "Do you know if anyone else made it out alive?" she said quickly, hoping that maybe, just maybe, her sickly brother had made it out, "I was alive 100 years ago, so if you know anything about the people of that time.." she gulped, not sure. It was strange for her to be so.. scared.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 10/18/2017
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 4:22 PM Post #882
"hmm that will be a problem....." he said thinking diligently and the sky darkened "Why don't You get some rest , and we can work on it tomorrow " he said kindly seeming to have an Idea

Navani nodded, "Where may I sleep?" she asked, "I can sleep on the floor if there's nothing else."
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:00 PM Post #883
The little girl shook here head " and even if they did they would be SUPER old" she said bluntly
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:03 PM Post #884
He gestured you back down the stairs and to a room directly across from the kids that had a large bed and many books lining the wall and on a little table " Here, this should be comfortable enough " he said letting you enter first before continuing " sorry its a bit of a mess though "
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 10/18/2017
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:06 PM Post #885
He gestured you back down the stairs and to a room directly across from the kids that had a large bed and many books lining the wall and on a little table " Here, this should be comfortable enough " he said letting you enter first before continuing " sorry its a bit of a mess though "

"This'll be great, thanks!" She smiled kindly at him, plopping down on the bed. She fell onto her back, letting her legs hang down the side. "Yes, this will definitely be great."
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:08 PM Post #886
Wolf smiled " great, get some rest I'll see you in the morning " he said with a wave heading out of the room.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 10/18/2017
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:10 PM Post #887
Wolf smiled " great, get some rest I'll see you in the morning " he said with a wave heading out of the room.

"See you!" She called, keeping her voice down so not the wake the kids across the hall. She slipped her shoes off and pulled her legs onto the beg, folding down the covers. She glanced over the book covers, trying to ascertain what they were about.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:15 PM Post #888
any were on the topics of plants and the civilization of your people as well as some books on other nations
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 10/18/2017
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:19 PM Post #889
any were on the topics of plants and the civilization of your people as well as some books on other nations

Navani felt the urge to read, and started to push it away, but then gave up. She picked up a book on her civilization, wondering if it had an account of what happened during or who had survived the destruction of a century ago.
Level 71
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2015
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Posted: 4/17/2018 at 5:27 PM Post #890
There was no information on the destruction, it seemed like a school history book
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