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Level 62
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 11/20/2016
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Posted: 1/1/2018 at 1:30 PM
Post #961
Instead of taking your pets off of your party, you can, if you have enough gold, revive your pets to full health for some money in the plazas.
I have fed your pets for you. Now they should battle better(hungry pets don't battle as well)!
Also, I recommend putting more relics and armor onto your pets. I can send some to you if you want.
Edit: Also, if you need help with anything, feel free to pm me! I can be your mentor :)
P.S. To pm someone, go under social and click 'Inbox', then 'Compose'.
Edited By Catalina323 on 1/1/2018 at 1:31 PM.
Level 48
Joined: 1/12/2018
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Posted: 1/13/2018 at 4:52 AM
Post #962
Screenname: Glaceia
How Active are you?: Well I just started two days ago, but I really like it. ^^;
Mentor Preference (Optional): Silly and sweet.
How much help do you need? (Scale of 1-10, 10 being that you need Major Guidance): 6-7 maybe?
Other:Thank you for anyone you are willing to give me!
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
Threads: 142
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Posted: 1/13/2018 at 8:22 AM
Post #963
welcome to sylestia, i can be your mentor. If you have qny question feel free to ping me (@) or send me a private message ^-^
Level 20
Joined: 1/13/2018
Threads: 1
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Posted: 1/14/2018 at 7:32 PM
Post #964
Screenname: Littlebitt
How Active are you?: Just started yesterday but will likely be on 2 to 3 times a day
Mentor Preference (Optional): Patient with seemingly stupid questions:)
How much help do you need? (Scale of 1-10, 10 being that you need Major Guidance): 5? Probably not too much help once I get into it. Just lost in space with what to do right now:)
Other: Thanks to all the amazing people willing to help others:)
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/19/2015
Threads: 158
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Posted: 1/14/2018 at 7:47 PM
Post #965
HI I can take you on! If you ever need to contact me you can use the blue @ in the bottom of my post or you can go to Social > Inbox > Compose > Type my name into the "To :" Box
Ah thanks so much! I've been needing to put more relics and armor on them, but I've jut been procrastinating lol.
Np. :)
So do you want me to send some relics, armor, and bracelets over?
Level 60
Joined: 1/22/2018
Threads: 4
Posts: 41
Posted: 1/23/2018 at 11:29 PM
Post #968
Could someone tell me how to view pets for stud? Like looking for a female for my male? Thank you!
Edit- Is it worth while to attempt to capture uncommon sylesti?
For Missions: How do you know what a pet's specialty is? Health, intel, strength, etc?
Edited By Dragongirl1031 on 1/24/2018 at 12:21 AM.
Level 62
Joined: 8/23/2016
Threads: 106
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Posted: 1/24/2018 at 12:52 AM
Post #969
Missons - it's the one with the highest stat not including health. I don't think it is wroth catching uncommon sylestis unless they're very pretty ^^
To view pets for stud, go under "advanced search" or click the writing as it's a link ^^
Then go under "Search Pets" then you can pick a species & gender and even specific traits you want the other to have. Make sure you press at the bottom "order by breeding fee" too!