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Forum Index > Groups, Guilds, Clubs, and Services > ~*~ DESIGNERS' CHALLENGE UNIVERSITY...
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Author Thread Post
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/10/2021 at 2:40 PM Post #1

Art by CeruleanCrow

The D.C.U. is a group with the direct purpose of challenging designers on a weekly basis through unique and fun challenges, helpful critiques, and friendly suggestions. Please have a look around, and we hope to see YOU here at the D.C.U.!

PING/Members' List
CURRENT Challenge
Archives / Hall Of Fame
Discord Server

(Understand if you apply to join, you will be placed on a PING list)


Founder/Creator/Retired: Celticnuru (Celt or Nuru)
Current Host: Limor
Admin/Co-Host: Vanikmal, Given
Moderator: N/A
Founded On: Feb. 5th, 2019


Edited By Limor on 10/18/2022 at 10:40 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/10/2021 at 2:40 PM Post #2
D.C.U. Mascots:

Brahma(Angel) Vexi(Devil)

These two will be used when making announcements and or inquires, as well as various other things. Brahma for good things, and Vexi for well...I think you get the point type things. You know the type where you get yelled at, or constantly reminded about type of things.

(These rules are subject to change should the need arise.)

1.) To participate, you must have an approved application submitted to the staff of the D.C.U. You can do so privately to the founder, and or by posting it with in this thread.
2.) All designs are to be of your own making and original pieces of work. As design theft is not permitted by any means. If you suspect design thievery, please do report it to a member of staff.
3.) All requirements of any given challenge must be met! If your submissions is found to be lacking, and you are ask to make changes, please do so accordingly before deadline. Also be sure to keep everything to one post unless otherwise stated. Especially if you are submitting multiple designs.
4.) If you change your name here on Sylestia, please alert staff as soon as possible.
5.) Real life can and often prevents us from participation. So we offer a way to "OPT" out of the current challenge at hand. Just make sure to make that declaration of opting out before deadline. Wither publicly or privately. (The only exception to this rule during a (RARE)mandatory challenge. During this type of challenge, participation is a must by all!!)
6.)Communication is extremely vital...If a staff member contacts you via PING in this thread, or via PM...Please be sure to respond if and when asked too. Failure to do so is just rude and inconsiderate on your part.
7.) Respect one another as members, as well as respect staff. If you have issues with someone in the group, please seek a staff member you feel comfortable with to relay your concerns. Do not hash out things over the thread and cause mass disruption, disturbance, and or grief for one and all to see. Staff are here to help you feel as comfortable as possible. We want you to enjoy this group.
8.) ABSOLUTELY NO HATE....We will not tolerate an unsafe environment for our designers. Hate of any kind is not excusable by any means. Wither it be against any one racial group/ethnicity, gender specific or orientation, religion, creed, or what have you. HATE is HATE....And if HATE is suspected, it will be dealt with accordingly. So please do not keep quiet. Make sure to report if you suspect any hate occuring. This way we can deal with it and remove it to keep the DCU safe for one and all.

~If you have any questions or concerns, please do let me know. Otherwise, let's have some fun!
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/10/2021 at 2:40 PM Post #3
(Please be sure to PING me when you submit so that you don't go unnoticed! Also, understand by joining you will be placed upon a PING list)

1.) Name:
2.) Why do you want to join the D.C.U.?:
3.) Do you understand by joining, that you will be placed on a member PING list?:
4.) Referred by: (leave blank if not applicable)

If you want to refer someone read the details on referring your friends here!

(Your application must be approved before you participate in any challenge.)

And here is a message from our Founder, Celticnuru on the DCU in case any of y'all new comers need some words on why to join:
Author: Celticnuru
Time Posted: 1/7/2021 at 7:23 PM
I have some BIG news everyone, that I would like to take a moment and share with you. It will be 2 years since the DCU originally opened February 5th. 2 wonderfully amazing years, can any of you believe that? I have seen some truly amazing things happen here in the DCU. New friendships formed. Designing skills blossom and grow. Some of you have been there from the beginning, and I can't thank those of you enough whom did...Nor can I thank those you enough whom are with us period. You all are truly amazing. I hope that the DCU continues to help you, and be loads of fun along the way as you continue setting new goals at improving yourself as a designer. Just remember to continue pushing yourself, and trying new things. You never know how great something might look unless you try. And remember, never to settle.

You may not succeed in competitions, or challenges...But that is ok. There is always next time. There will be a day where you too will shine, and have that smile on your faces as you see your work there on display. So never lose hope.

That is why this is so hard for me. That was 2 years of amazing times. Both the good and the bad. I will take those memories and keep them close, as I continue to watch from the side lines. And yes, this is what it seems to be...It is my farewell to you all. I am stepping away from the DCU, and passing the torch of designing guidance..Of leadership, and friend to Limor. I will miss each and everyone of you. And hope for the best for all your future endeavors. The shift in roles will take place after the TOP 3 goes up this Sunday. I hope you all will be kind to her, and follow her advice. She is a great friend and has been helping me out greatly along with the rest of the DCU staff.

My reasoning for this decision, was because of life. Working long hours and missing time with family. That and I didn't want the DCU to become stagnant. I hope with a fresh new leader whom knows the ropes, will breath new life into it. Not just for you, but the entirety of the DCU. Feel free to PM me, friend me, or even simply talk to me if you would like. But for now, I bid you all a adieu and hope you can understand. Please take care, and be supportive and kind to one another.
Edited By Limor on 7/18/2021 at 10:42 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/10/2021 at 2:41 PM Post #4
(Limit of 25 people per PING. So multiple PINGS might be necessary depending on number of members!)

21/25 Hwaseong, Saroyan, Noha, Vanikmal, FrostFire, Zolnixi, Typhlosion, Ilovechu, Shimeree, Chaosincarnate, Drowned, arcaneapathy, Incantamentum, Pirana, July11, CeruleanCrow, Jupiterr, EclipsedMoon, Sphinxx, Hershey, Queenimperial

(On Leave: Lenore, Ammythesta, Dragongem23, Lovador, lunadove, Wooloothedarklord, Revol, Raidenei)

(This will be subject to change only during mandatory challenges.)
1st place will still received a notable COD, and a possible pet or avi item.

2nd Place, will receive an avi item or a COD.

3rd place will receive recognition that they have placed.
Edited By Limor on 10/22/2022 at 10:41 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/10/2021 at 2:52 PM Post #5
Hello everyone! After the conclusion of the Hope challenge we will be moving over to this thread and I will post our first challenge on the new thread at 6pm :)
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/10/2021 at 8:16 PM Post #6
"A look Back" Challenge

Well it sure has been a while, almost 2 whole years since this club was first formed. I'm excited to take on ownership of this club and with that said I want you to give a warm welcome to our newest Co-Host, Vani (Koter) and our newest staff member, Lenore. I plan to keep this club up and running and I hope any changes that come are positive.

That all being said now it is time for the challenge. In this challenge I task you all to creating a design following any of our old prompts, which can all be found here. In honor of the creation of this new thread lets take a look at all the things in the past and see what idea's we can take from them.

Those who have opted out:BookishFlower, Startingle


1.) You must pick and name at least one previous challenge.
2.) You must provide a link to the previous challenge, all of which can be found in the hall of fame.
3.) You must follow the requirements of said challenge that you choose to recreate.
4.) If this is a previous challenge you entered you may not just resubmit old pieces, they must be reworked and redone in some manner.
5.)You may only any singular challenge once (ie. you can make a design based on the Noir Films and the Everyday Hero's challenge but you may not create two noir films designs.)
6.)If you choose to recreate a mandatory challenge the requirement to not edit your posts has been waved.

1.) All core group rules are in play!
2.) Don't be afraid to ask for help, feedback and or anything. We are here for you!


-- Fresno Nightcrawler --

The Fresno Nightcrawler is a creature seen in multiple security camera's footage. Another funny thing to note is they are sometimes called "Alien Pants" due to the somewhat 'dancing pants' look.

Edited By Limor on 1/15/2021 at 6:52 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 1/10/2021 at 8:24 PM Post #7
apologies for the second ping all but I would like to direct your attention here, which is where the hall of fame is now located for your own (and mine!) personal convenience. Please do not post anything there, as the thread is simply there to be an archive of past winners and challenges. Any and all posts from this point forward shall be conducted on this thread!

Happy designing everyone :)
Level 75
Joined: 2/3/2015
Threads: 52
Posts: 735
Posted: 1/10/2021 at 9:27 PM Post #8

Equipment Challenge
Runic Elven Relic of Veracity


Tattoos Challenge
Watercolor Pawprint

Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/2/2020
Threads: 43
Posts: 1,029
Posted: 1/11/2021 at 12:31 AM Post #9
~Something Hated To Something Cute Challenge~
Species: Draeyl
They are difficult to work with, they look to huminoid but not at the same time.
Trait: Face Spikes
None on the M3 traits really flow with the other ones and just look weird.

~Noir films~


Winnie was technically not our pet but more of a brief adoption. We found him in our backyard one night in August with no moma duck. We then put him in a bucket and went to the lake next to my house to see if there where any ducks there (there wasn't). So we took him back to our house and made him a little cage in a plastic bin with some fabric and a small swimming pool. We where accualy thinking of keeping him then releasing him once he was old enough because ducks can easily adapt themselves but it was already quite late in the season and he was very young. The next day, he swam around in our bathtub then we went back down to the lake. There where ducks there and as soon as the female duck heard Winnie, she flew straight at us. Now Winnie is with his mom, wherever that might be.

~Design a Fantasy Creature~

Description: The Kelic live deep in swamps in hollowed out trees. They are very aggressive towards other species and are very territorial. They have trouble seeing in the sun but can easily see in the dark. They have a clear eyelid to make them able to see underwater. Their claws and teeth are poisonous and they are able to breath both under and over water. They are extremely smart and some have been able to learn how to speak in human tung. By bringing them food of items to trade, you might be able to befriend them. They are usually hunted for their poison and almost went extinct so they moved into the swamp to hide from these hunters.

~Favorite Horror Movie~
(It is a comedy horror, I hope that still counts)


Edited By Noha on 1/17/2021 at 12:35 PM.
Level 75
The Majestic
Joined: 11/8/2015
Threads: 34
Posts: 954
Posted: 1/11/2021 at 11:31 AM Post #10
"Pokemon" Challenge

Gigantamax Toxtricity

G1: (SS) Clown Triggerfish
G2: (FF) Water Sprite
G3: (II) Water Dragon Runes
M1: (EE) Lionfish Spikes

Unless fed a special soup, only certain Toxtricity can attain this form!


Something Hated To Something Cute

Disliked Species: Griffi - There just aren't a lot of traits I like on them. The tails and wings are usually wonky, and the tails can usually barely be seen.
Disliked Trait: Feathered Wings - They.. just look like they were super-glued on to me. It really bothers me.

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