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View Stable List
Owner: Shrike
Stable ID: #44642
Stablehand: None
Occupancy: 55 / 125 (44%) - 457 / 825 (55%)
Copy Link to Current Stable and Tab
Tab 1
Tab 2
Tab 3
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Tab 5
Stall 1 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 2 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 3 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 4 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 5 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 6 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 7 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 8  
Stall 9 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 10 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 11 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 12 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 13 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 14 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 15 Level 3
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 16 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 17 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 18 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 19 Level 3
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 20 Level 1
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 21 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 22 Level 0
Malnourished (0 / 10)
Stall 23  
Stall 24  
Stall 25  
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