Players (Online): 90 Players (Today): 371 Players (Active): 2,228
Players (New): 8 Visitors (Today): 1,746 Pets (Total): 8,302,279
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Plum Pie
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Username: Eternalsilver
Title: Wondrous Witch
User ID: 149770
User Level: 75
Joined: 2/16/2021 at 10:44:42am
Last Online: 13 Days ago
Account Age: 1,201 Days
Profile Views: 1,956
About Me
filler filler
- E T E R N A L S I L V E R -
about me

Hi there, whoever you might be! I'm Silver, or Eternal, or whatever name you fancy. I like to think that I'm a pretty friendly person, but there's only one way to find out whether or not that's true--so feel free to strike up a conversation with me! Be aware that I am a minor, though <3

On Sylestia, I'm not super super active (more so during fests) but I do exist occasionally. I love the battling system and I especially enjoy designing! I've had a few themes chosen (scroll down to see them all!) so if you own one of those and are willing to sell, I would love to buy the pet! If you need/want designing advice, I'll try my best to give it to you, but if human interactions are kind of iffy, I've got a nifty little guide here:

I've dabbled a little in breeding projects, but I have found that I have neither the dedication or patience required to actually complete one, which is why there is an ungodly amount of unfinished projects in my stables (don't look--they're so messy). If you see a pet you like, ask me about it! There's a good chance I'll be willing to part with it, and the worst thing I can say is no (also, I constantly need gold, so).

Outside of the game, I have quite a few hobbies, which include reading, sketching, painting, writing, photography and crocheting. I also play a few instruments--piano and violin, along with a little bit of guitar and ukulele. I've been playing piano for about four or five years, and it's definitely my favorite, though violin is enjoyable, too! I would love to learn a wind instrument, particularly saxophone, since I haven't dabbled in that category yet!

I'm a pretty avid reader, and I'll consume basically anything, but I especially love fantasy books! Rick Riordan's books (Percy Jackson, Kane Chronicles, Trials of Apollo, Heroes of Olympus) are amazing, and so are John Flanagan's (Ranger's Apprentice, and all of the related series)! There are so many more books that I love, but it's so difficult to name them off the top of my head. Currently, I'm trying to read the classics (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, etc.), but I've also taken an interest in poetry!

Something else I enjoy is writing! I don't do much of it on Sylestia, mostly just on my own or on FlightRising (my user on there is SIlverazura). I'm always looking for prompts and inspiration, as well as fun words to use!

Favorite Word: Sonder - the feeling when you realize that every stranger around you has a life as complex as your own.
Favorite Color: Light yellow-green, a mix between olive and mint.
Favorite Art Medium: Just a regular pencil!
Favorite Poems: "There Will Come Soft Rain" by Sara Teasdale, "Caged Bird" by Maya Angelou, "Hope is the Thing With Feathers"

[Lunemara] Summer Spriteling - summer festival 2021

[Griffi] Mystical Mermaid - summer festival 2021

[Lighira] Moon Jellyfish - summer festival 2021

[Draeyl] Spellbound Wonder - fall festival 2021

[Nytekrie] Graverobber - fall festival 2021

[Aeridini] Wintertide Dusk - winter festival 2021

[Ferrikki] Rainforest Rhapsody - spring festival 2022

[Draeyl] Vibrant Mandarinfish - summer festival 2022

[Qitari] Fairy Woods - fall festival 2022

[Bulbori] Twilight Serenade - winter festival 2023

[Aeridini] Prismatic Dewdrop - spring festival 2023

[Qitari] Sunken Shipwreck - summer festival 2023

[Faelora] Tropical Sunset - summer festival 2023
Pet Information
In order to help reduce Server Load, these stats have been temporarily disabled.
Exploration Information
Battle Record: 85,835-232 (99.73%)
Mission Record: 2,448-6 (99.76%)
Gold Earned: 147,539,517
Scales Earned: 155,549
Quests Completed: 19
Sylestia Completion: 12.05%
Dungeons Cleared: 72
Bosses Defeated: 0
Elites Defeated: 0
Superiors Defeated: 0
Mythical Items Found: 0
Legendary Items Found: 511
Epic Items Found: 4,544
Rare Items Found: 1,497