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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2023 Spring Festival - Outdoor Scavenger...
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Level 75
Fairy Sous Chef
Joined: 10/18/2018
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Posted: 5/24/2023 at 11:05 AM Post #11
[X] 1. A budding flower.
[X] 2. A tree with blossoms.
[X] 4. A wild berry bush.
[X] 6. Something that's fallen from a tree (like a nut or fruit).
[X] 9. A spiderweb.
[X] 10. A piece of tree bark on the ground (that naturally fell!).
[X] 11. A leaf larger than your hand.
[X] 13. A Y-shaped stick.
[X] 14. A smooth pebble or rock.
[X] 15. A pinecone.
[X] 17. A butterfly or other insect.
[X] 20. A dandelion or other yellow flower.

See album for additional notes/all pics.
Level 74
The Perfectionist
Joined: 3/10/2018
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Posted: 5/24/2023 at 6:21 PM Post #12
The quality of some of the pics is not good so I apologize in advance!

[ ] 1. A budding flower.
[X] 2. A tree with blossoms.
A honeysuckle tree, you can suck the nectar out of them! I wouldn't say it tastes like honey but it's definitely sweet.

[X] 3. A piece of trash (throw it away!).
Don't worry I threw it away after I took the pic!

[ ] 4. A wild berry bush.
[X] 5. A pond or body of water.
A creek that runs right by my house.

[ ] 6. Something that's fallen from a tree (like a nut or fruit).
[X] 7. Traces of animal activity (like footprints or burrows).
Definitely a racoon there are a lot of them that use this creek to wash their food!

[ ] 8. A mushroom or other type of fungi.
[ ] 9. A spiderweb.
[X] 10. A piece of tree bark on the ground (that naturally fell!).

[ ] 11. A leaf larger than your hand.
[ ] 12. A patch of clover.
[X] 13. A Y-shaped stick.
Why am I just now realizing the image is sideways smh.

[X] 14. A smooth pebble or rock.
it took me longer than I would like to admit to choose which rock I wanted to take a picture of and I'm still not sure I made the right choice.

[ ] 15. A pinecone.
[X] 16. A feather.
Not sure what this little guy came from. My best guess is a duck or goose.

[X] 17. A butterfly or other insect.
There is a dragonfly on the leaf behind my hand. My phone did not want to focus on him :(

[ ] 18. A squirrel or other small mammal.
[ ] 19. A bird's nest.
[X] 20. A dandelion or other yellow flower.
Its not yellow but it is a dandelion! I made a wish after I took the picture.
Level 75
Fairy Sous Chef
Joined: 5/1/2018
Threads: 39
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Posted: 5/27/2023 at 10:23 PM Post #13
[ x] 1. A budding flower.

[ x] 2. A tree with blossoms.

[ x] 3. A piece of trash (throw it away!).

[x ] 4. A wild berry bush.
(wild blackberries, not in bloom yet)
[ x] 5. A pond or body of water.

[ ] 6. Something that's fallen from a tree (like a nut or fruit).

[x ] 7. Traces of animal activity (like footprints or burrows).

[ x] 8. A mushroom or other type of fungi.

[x ] 9. A spiderweb.

[ x] 10. A piece of tree bark on the ground (that naturally fell!).

[ x] 11. A leaf larger than your hand.

[ x] 12. A patch of clover.

[x ] 13. A Y-shaped stick.

[x ] 14. A smooth pebble or rock.

[x ] 15. A pinecone.

[ x] 16. A feather.

[ x] 17. A butterfly or other insect.

[ x] 18. A squirrel or other small mammal.

[ ] 19. A bird's nest.
[ x] 20. A dandelion or other yellow flower.
Edited By Twilia on 6/18/2023 at 7:43 PM.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 4/20/2014
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Posted: 5/29/2023 at 10:19 AM Post #14
[ x ] 1. A budding flower.

[ x ] 2. A tree with blossoms.

[ x ] 3. A piece of trash (throw it away!). (An old hook of some kind. Brought back to the garage!)

[ ] 4. A wild berry bush.

[ x ] 5. A pond or body of water. (Little wetland area in our backyard!)

[ x ] 6. Something that's fallen from a tree (like a nut or fruit). (Seed pods from our poplar trees!)

[ x ] 7. Traces of animal activity (like footprints or burrows). (Do deer pellets count...? XD)

[ x ] 8. A mushroom or other type of fungi. (A little hot now for this poor shriveled shroom...)

[ ] 9. A spiderweb.

[ x ] 10. A piece of tree bark on the ground (that naturally fell!).

[ x ] 11. A leaf larger than your hand.

[ ] 12. A patch of clover.

[ x ] 13. A Y-shaped stick.

[ ] 14. A smooth pebble or rock.

[ x ] 15. A pinecone. (Different one from the one in the bark pic!)

[ x ] 16. A feather. (Looks like a tiny fledgling feather!)

[ x ] 17. A butterfly or other insect. (A grass-veneer moth!)

[ ] 18. A squirrel or other small mammal.

[ x ] 19. A bird's nest. - pic with name. OK, I HAD to share this. We knew there was a birds nest under our deck, so while trying to get a pic for the scavenger hunt, I saw THIS!! How lucky that I got to see this little guy peeking out into the world for the first time! Highlight of my year so far!!
(Also not to worry, we are keeping a good distance from the nest now and making sure mama bird isnt scared off. She was watching from a nearby tree while I was filming this and went back to perch on the beam right after we left.) EDIT: a pic of her on her nest afterward! a good mama bird!

[ x ] 20. A dandelion or other yellow flower. (Brave lil guy all by himself!)
Edited By Rixva on 6/17/2023 at 2:48 PM.
Level 74
Nature Walker
Joined: 9/13/2016
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Posted: 5/29/2023 at 9:30 PM Post #15
[x] 1.A budding flower.

[x] 2.A tree with blossoms.

[x] 3.A piece of trash (throw it away!).

[ ] 4.A wild berry bush.

[x] 5.A pond or body of water.

[x] 6.Something that's fallen from a tree (like a nut or fruit). (All we got is pine needles.)

[x] 7.Traces of animal activity (like footprints or burrows).

[ ] 8.A mushroom or other type of fungi.

[x] 9.A spiderweb.

[X] 10.A piece of tree bark on the ground (that naturally fell!).

[x] 11.A leaf larger than your hand.

[x] 12.A patch of clover.

[x] 13.A Y-shaped stick.

[x] 14.A smooth pebble or rock.

[x] 15.A pinecone.

[x] 16.A feather. (A bit of fluff from a duck.)

[x] 17.A butterfly or other insect.

[x] 18.A squirrel or other small mammal. (I hope this guy's small enough.)

[x] 19.A bird's nest.

[x] 20.A dandelion or other yellow flower.
Edited By Apricity on 6/3/2023 at 10:46 PM.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
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Posted: 6/2/2023 at 2:12 PM Post #16
[x] 1. A budding flower.
[x] 2. A tree with blossoms. It also has some kind of egg on it I think!
[x] 3. A piece of trash (throw it away!). Happy it was recycleable too! I live in a city so there is a lot of trash, sadly.
[x] 4. A wild berry bush.
[x] 5. A pond or body of water.
[ ] 6. Something that's fallen from a tree (like a nut or fruit).
[x] 7. Traces of animal activity (like footprints or burrows).
[x] 8. A mushroom or other type of fungi.
[ ] 9. A spiderweb.
[x] 10. A piece of tree bark on the ground (that naturally fell!).
[x] 11. A leaf larger than your hand. My boyfriend is holding my paper for me, lol!
[x] 12. A patch of clover.
[x] 13. A Y-shaped stick.
[x] 14. A smooth pebble or rock.
[x] 15. A pinecone.
[x] 16. A feather.
[ ] 17. A butterfly or other insect.
[x] 18. A squirrel or other small mammal. I hope this photo counts... my phone wouldn't focus on both at once, but you can clearly see the squirrel on the tree!
[ ] 19. A bird's nest.
[x] 20. A dandelion or other yellow flower.
Edited By Jenrette on 6/4/2023 at 5:09 PM.
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 2/21/2017
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Posted: 6/3/2023 at 9:17 PM Post #17
Something to note, I did my scavenger hunt with Kingdomkey81 but we did try to take pictures of different things, if it looks like we're in the same place its because we were. >.>

[X] 1. A budding flower.
Image Link

[X] 2. A tree with blossoms.
Image Link

[X] 3. A piece of trash (throw it away!).
Image Link

[X] 4. A wild berry bush.
Image Link

[X] 5. A pond or body of water.
Image Link

[X] 6. Something that's fallen from a tree (like a nut or fruit).
Image Link

[X] 7. Traces of animal activity (like footprints or burrows).
Rabbit burrow

[X] 8. A mushroom or other type of fungi.
Image Link

[X] 9. A spiderweb.
Image Link

[X] 10. A piece of tree bark on the ground (that naturally fell!).
Image Link

[X] 11. A leaf larger than your hand.
Image Link

[X] 12. A patch of clover.
It was very small

[X] 13. A Y-shaped stick.
Image Link

[X] 14. A smooth pebble or rock.
Image Link

[X] 15. A pinecone.
Image Link

[X] 16. A feather.
Image Link

[X] 17. A butterfly or other insect.
Image Link

[X] 18. A squirrel or other small mammal.
He is out by the water, its hard to see

[X] 19. A bird's nest.
Not sure if this one counts because it was very high up

[X] 20. A dandelion or other yellow flower.
Image Link
Level 75
Leaf Bender
Joined: 10/26/2018
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Posted: 6/5/2023 at 6:18 PM Post #18
[x] 1. A budding flower.

[ ] 2. A tree with blossoms.
[x] 3. A piece of trash (throw it away!).

[x] 4. A wild berry bush. (Wild blackberries just starting to form berries.)

[ ] 5. A pond or body of water.
[x] 6. Something that's fallen from a tree (like a nut or fruit).

[x] 7. Traces of animal activity (like footprints or burrows).

[x] 8. A mushroom or other type of fungi.

[x] 9. A spiderweb.

[x] 10. A piece of tree bark on the ground (that naturally fell!).

[x] 11. A leaf larger than your hand. (had to call in reinforcements cause I couldn't hold the leaf down and take the pic at the same time lol)

[x] 12. A patch of clover.

[x] 13. A Y-shaped stick.

[x] 14. A smooth pebble or rock. (smooth with sharp edges)

[ ] 15. A pinecone.
[x] 16. A feather. (debated about flipping it right side up then went naw xD)

[x] 17. A butterfly or other insect.

[ ] 18. A squirrel or other small mammal.
[x] 19. A bird's nest. (was hard to get the camera to focus through the screen and with the card up there so I took one with the card and a couple without)

[x] 20. A dandelion or other yellow flower.
Level 75
Assistant to the Sculptor
Joined: 6/30/2022
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Posted: 6/5/2023 at 9:54 PM Post #19
1 A budding flower

2 A tree with blossoms
3 A piece of trash

4 A berry bush

5 A body of water

6 Something that has fallen from a tree

7 Traces of animal activity

8 A type of fungi

9 A spiderweb

10 A piece of treebark (that fell naturally)

11 A leaf that is larger than my hand

12 A patch of clover

13 A Y-shaped stick

14 A smooth pebble or rock

15 A pinecone

16 A feather

17 A butterfly or other insect

18 A squirrel or other mammal
19 A bird's nest
20 A yellow flower
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
Joined: 1/9/2014
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Posted: 6/11/2023 at 2:32 AM Post #20
[X] 1. A budding flower.
[ ] 2. A tree with blossoms.
[X] 3. A piece of trash (throw it away!).
[X] 4. A wild berry bush.
[X] 5. A pond or body of water.
[X] 6. Something that's fallen from a tree (like a nut or fruit).
[X] 7. Traces of animal activity (like footprints or burrows). Ant Mounds
[X] 8. A mushroom or other type of fungi.
[X] 9. A spiderweb.
[X] 10. A piece of tree bark on the ground (that naturally fell!).
[X] 11. A leaf larger than your hand.
[X] 12. A patch of clover.
[X] 13. A Y-shaped stick.
[X] 14. A smooth pebble or rock.
[ ] 15. A pinecone.
[X] 16. A feather.
[X] 17. A butterfly or other insect. Bees ^^
[ ] 18. A squirrel or other small mammal.
[X] 19. A bird's nest.
[X] 20. A dandelion or other yellow flower.
Edited By Angelzrulez on 6/11/2023 at 2:49 AM.
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