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Forum Index > Other Fiction > jie's registery -- ocs, stories, and...
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Level 72
Joined: 3/6/2021
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Posted: 7/19/2023 at 10:32 PM Post #1
"...and for themself, the scribe carved out a little corner of
the world where fiction could find a place in reality, a joyful
secret shared between a visionary and a reader."
-- 7:17:23

Or, Welcome to the place where I share my writing and my thoughts about it with the community! If anyone's reading this, feel free to post or shoot me a DM; I always love me some interaction! :D
Edited By Jie on 7/19/2023 at 11:54 PM.
Level 72
Joined: 3/6/2021
Threads: 22
Posts: 593
Posted: 7/19/2023 at 10:33 PM Post #2
luciferin lights and abyssal knights.
written for arknights's caerula arbor and inspired by omniscient reader's viewpoint's epilogue

Mizuki wiggles his toes into the beach, watching as they sink down in the sand and form footprints a size too big. The sea sways around his legs to a silent melody, and the waves sweep more sand over his feet until they're all but buried.

The Doctor stands beside him, his visor and boots abandoned on the shore. The water lashes at his exposed face with droplets of brine, and the wind rakes his hair back in a billow of black strands. Nevertheless, he remains fixated on the storm brewing on the horizon, flashes of violet dancing between the dark clouds. His eyes glitter with the undertows of a melancholic longing, and Mizuki wonders how anyone could look at the Doctor and call him heartless.

In the distance, thunder booms. Mizuki opens his mouth, about to suggest that they head back before the rain comes and extinguishes their lantern, and stops. Something feels off.

Mizuki takes another look. A spiderweb of cracks runs along the lantern's glass walls, and its wick has already burnt out. He doesn't know when that happened. He remembers a document detailing a bishop's plan to resurrect Ishar'mla and a tree that towered over the heavens, with azure waters that glittered under the moonlight in place of bark. He remembers watching as their light danced and flickered while they forayed into Sacrosanct Cave with Seaborn on their heels, knowing that they were about to be plunged into darkness, but he doesn't know when dread bled into dismay, when the candle died and the monsters sprung to life.

When Mizuki looks back at the Doctor, his distress must be obvious, because the others brows are drawn together and his mouth is thin. "Sorry," he says, "that I couldn't protect you."

And Mizuki-

Misuki remembers.

The ocean roars.
Edited By Jie on 7/27/2023 at 8:01 PM.
Level 72
Joined: 3/6/2021
Threads: 22
Posts: 593
Posted: 7/27/2023 at 8:00 PM Post #3

Theme 1: Walk with the Devil | Theme 2: Hell Has an Elevator
Faceclaim: Zed (League of Legends)

The clash of an immovable shield and an unstoppable sword.
For who else would dare to lay claim to shadows with manmade chains?
And who else would dare to treat the Penitentiary as a back door to Paradise?

inspired by Sslover's Lockdown
Edited By Jie on 4/4/2024 at 11:52 AM.
Level 72
Joined: 3/6/2021
Threads: 22
Posts: 593
Posted: 8/9/2023 at 12:00 PM Post #4

"They call me the devil, darling."

name: Adonijah, the "Captain"
age: late forties
gender: male (he/him)

devil fruit: Stay-Stay Fruit - when near the place of death of someone who died with extreme emotions, the consumer can see them, bind their soul to the world, and raise them as specters; shadowy figures that can interact with the physical world, complete with all their strengths and abilities.

personality: cocky, quick-tongued, and sarcastic, as so many people with self-proclaimed titles are. he talks smoothly and uses pet-names as easily as breathing, but there's something cruel in the cut of his smile. still, despite it all, there's something quiet underneath, pensive and unassuming.
dreams: chases the freedom of being at sea. wants power over affluence and wealth, though the three often come hand in hand. plans on holding an ocean memorial for his lost crewmates.

appearance: a Mink moth-humanoid with black eyes, long white fuzz, and a small pair of wings, incapable of flight. he wears a dark tricorn hat and captain's coat, carries a cutlass at his side, and has along sleeves to cover his missing right hand..

starting location: north blue

x used to be a captain in the navy
x his crew discovered a devil fruit and were escorting it back when they were attacked and sunk. most are unaware of its existence, and those that are aware believe it to be reclaimed by the sea, but the crews survivors know that adonijah has eaten it.
x lost his hand during his time drifting at sea and was discharged after returning to report losing his ship and the majority of his crew
x decided to return to sea a decade later

favorite OP character: Mlynar from Arknights, very insane damage haha. would love him just for his theme song, design, and backstory along with the chapters about the rest of his family, the Nearls, but the fact that he's an OP DPS that you need to bring to every stage is a great bonus. :D

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Edited By Jie on 2/11/2024 at 12:28 PM.
Level 72
Joined: 3/6/2021
Threads: 22
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Posted: 12/3/2023 at 8:11 PM Post #5
twenty-three | female | played by Jie
#train security guard #faction contractor

faceclaim: Faust (Limbus Company)

[ ARC 1: The Catatonic Vessel ]
This time without memories flows like a dream. The chill in her bones and the void in her heart keens something sorrowful, but it is warmed and soothed by the wonder of exploration and the tranquility of enjoying a cup of tea in another's company.

Though these idyllic days may not last under the weight of knowledge, they will always be remembered with the fondest of smiles.

- - -

Overarching: Enjoy the Natural Beauty of the World
Overarching: Collect Relics
Overarching: Investigate the Origin of Relics

Side: Collect Teas

An air of stillness surrounds her, bringing the suggestions of neutrality and vacancy with it. It's shattered by a soft sort of easy-goingness, the quirk of a close-lipped smile. For all that she moves, radiating something slow and relaxed, she's efficient by nature, arrogant by trade, and blunt to boot.

x Wandered the world, exploring and investigating, for a few months after waking up.
x Connected with a recruiter from an unknown organization along the way and was accepted as a freelancer who completes tasks in exchange for rewards or information.
x Took a job as a security guard in a multi-regional train.

Weapon/Tool of Choice
x A hefty iron harpoon, two feet in length. There's sharp barbs crowning its head, and a few meter long rope tied to its end.

Ability & Relic
x A shattered serpent, forged from blue and white porcelain. Only its head and upper body remain, and the indents of scales have worn away with time, while its bejeweled eyes have long since fallen. It gives the possessor the ability to absorb heat from the surroundings before releasing it as plumes of flame.

Strength - 2
Intelligence - 3
Constitution - 1
Dexterity - 1
Agility - 1
Observation - 2
Charisma - 0

x I like Jasmine flowers because they make pretty good tea. I drank it in restaurants as a kid, so it's nostalgic too. :>
Edited By Jie on 4/1/2024 at 9:20 AM.
Level 72
Joined: 3/6/2021
Threads: 22
Posts: 593
Posted: 2/11/2024 at 7:57 PM Post #6
Accidentally posted this, so have another character sheet! Hoping that the next update will be an actual snippet. ^0^

twenty-one - male - he/him

Home Region: Kalos
Favorite Type: Grass

Hot sauce, slushies, black coffee, cotton candy. Street jewelry, casual clothing. Window browsing, reading romance novels, listening to podcasts.
Tomatoes and peas. Octopus, bookmarks, history courses.

Chevy's earliest memories all belong to a crowded orphanage with too many friends his age and too few adults. Excluding everyone who was busy with the infants or the many tasks that needed attending, there was only one who had time to care for them: a woman, always busy but always burning with a comfortingly warm heart. Time passed, and her face began to wrinkle and her movements began to slow. He continued to grow, and he continued to study. When Chevy left, she was still kind, and he was off to college to study computer science, with a first Pokemon to call his own: a Porygon, assigned for classes. He's still continuing through courses today.
Edited By Jie on 2/12/2024 at 5:32 PM.
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