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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2023 Fall Festival - Avatar Item Design
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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
Joined: 5/23/2022
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Posted: 9/8/2023 at 1:18 PM Post #21
Fall held and Fall Background idea, take it or leaf it?

Held Item - Rake
Puts leaf pile next to avatar, My idea was to have a little sylestia peeping out of the leaves or jumping into them. But my skill is defeated, couldn't get it to work but would be so cute!

Background - Autumn Tree
Old Tree overshadowing the avatar, dropping leaves and a little bit of autumn color glittery effect or wind swirls. Preferably with more limbs and leaves!
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 7/20/2023
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Posted: 9/9/2023 at 4:23 PM Post #22
My theme is the Harvest Moon Celestials. Greek inspired.
The Moon is an aspect.
The staff goes to both genders.
The crowns should fit over avatar hair with style appearing behind the crown.
The wrist bracelets go to both genders as jewelry.

Edited By Megapixie on 9/15/2023 at 2:39 PM.
Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 7/16/2013
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Posted: 9/10/2023 at 6:07 PM Post #23
Mushroom Witch/Sorcerer
The idea would be that it would come in more than one natural mushroom color, but mostly more dangerous breeds. However, I do like the idea of a more vanilla color as well?? Going for a sort of cottage core mushroom style witchI hope I was able to convey that.

Level 75
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 9/10/2023 at 7:21 PM Post #24
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - GUMMY WORM ATIRE - - -

Woo! Since we're entering the spooky season and the fall festival is Halloween themed, I thought that a sugary treat inspired outfit might be kinda cool!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Avatar Outfit Item - - -

The little white flecks are meant to be sugar.

- - - Avatar Head Item (Short) - - -

Short hair with little low piggy tails.

- - - Avatar Head Item (Long) - - -

Long hair with the same little piggy tails.

- - - Avatar Wings - - -

Jelly wings :D

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Level 75
Joined: 8/25/2018
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Posted: 9/11/2023 at 5:31 PM Post #25
Vampire Countess

Additional held items:
-Chalice/goblet filled with blood
-A cool sword

I took a lot of inspiration from this piece.

Vampire Countess Gown

Bat's Nest Hairdo
The inspiration for this is heavily based on trad goth hairstyles.

Vampire's Castle/Vampiric Stained Glass Window w/ Thurible (Incense Ball) held
This was inspired by the stained glass ny'vene trait. Originally I had traced the swirls and was going to leave it at that but I thought a stained glass window that also told a story would be much better. The thurible is just because it looks cool.

Cloud of bats and fog aspect

Tattered Cloak

Tattereds Wings


Edited By WoermOnAString on 9/17/2023 at 9:56 PM.
Level 75
Cutely Creative
Joined: 11/29/2022
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Posted: 9/11/2023 at 6:40 PM Post #26
My theme is Hansel and Gretel. For some reason that story always reminds me of autumn.
I was thinking more of a costume esc Hansel and Gretel so that it can tie in for halloween also.

Hansel fluffs (meant to resemble wolf ears) and Gretel curls (bow has embroidered lace that would have pumpkins or turnips as the design, and the glasses are a part of the head item)
Button up top with either paper bag shorts or bag skirt. Long sleeve top has embroidery on the cuffs.
Simple cloak that has either pumpkin or turnip embroidery on the inside that matches the bow.
Candy bag (could not figure out how to draw, but was thinking a messenger bag made out of candy)
Giant cat like bread creature (Tiger Bread)
I could not figure out how to draw this, but it was going to be breadcrumbs being sprinkled on the ground
House in autumnal forest made out of candy. Trees are made out of liquorice.
Level 69
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/5/2023
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Posted: 9/12/2023 at 10:36 AM Post #27
I love fall and it always reminds me of Apple Picking!

The items I thought of are

Apple Pickers Outfit
Apple Pickers Basket

Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 9/15/2023 at 2:24 PM Post #28
Hello, all. Just a reminder that the deadline for this contest is about to end. Now is your last chance to participate and submit any designs for this year's upcoming Fall Festival!
Level 75
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Posted: 9/15/2023 at 6:04 PM Post #29
Wailing Banshee
My drawing isn't that good, so I'll try to describe what I envision.

The gown is long, elegant, yet tattered. Light and wispy, layered. The sleeve split at around the elbow with light lace to the wrist. The lace is a different color from the main outfit color.
Outfit is barefoot, as it's a wraith or spirit and is pretty much the same whether male or female.

Hair is long and wispy, sleek yet careless or wild. Head item.

The diamond-shaped figures are wispy sprites, and are an Aspect item.

Trying to think of a held. I'll update this if I think of something, or add details.
Edited By SerenityEather on 9/15/2023 at 7:59 PM.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Joined: 12/27/2014
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Posted: 9/15/2023 at 7:59 PM Post #30
I present my update on the paintmancer. The thing this magic user brings to like are their spray painted creatures!

I can't edit the original two pictures well at all so I am using them to show what parts of the design I wanted to carry over, and the last picture is the parts I wanted to add.

The things that have stayed the same are the puffy hoodie, the tight pants and stockings, the boots, the respirator, and the gloves. The puffy hoodie may look better with the dragon curling around the arm instead of flowing down it, but the bars on the sleeves, the dragon, the pocket edges, and the draw strings are about what I was going for. The non completed bars on the pants and stockings are supposed to be the same kind as on the jacket and the lines going all the way across the leg are belts. The respirator is supposed to be glowy. The skirt is pleated with chunky belts, or that's what I tried for lol.

The things I added or would like to elaborate on are the background, the wings and the held. The wall is supposed to be a sort of back alley wall with paint splatters and tasteful graffiti, like the kind that someone would pay to have put on the building. The wings are spray-paint and sparkly with the paint somewhat running down in spots. Maybe a few splatters on the cloths would have been a nice touch, but I forgot, I'll add that later if I can. The original idea for the held was a neon sign version of the scribble placeholder bugs from the spring fest, but I think a graffiti bug with a colored in sparkly body like the wings would fit better.

The parts I would like to add to the design is a shock of hair falling down over one eye with three stripes of color running through it

Edited By Zekotan on 9/15/2023 at 8:02 PM.
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