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Forum Index > Player Guides > Hundenelsker's Guide to Mission Pets...
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Level 75
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Posted: 3/25/2014 at 4:11 PM Post #1
I have decided to make a guide about missions, focusing on mission pets and how to create them. Mission pets are easy to create and can be very profitable.

Mission Pets

So, first off, what is a mission pet? It is a pet that is specifically designed for completing missions. As daunting as that might sound, it is actually easy to make.

General Idea: Take a pet that is naturally inclined towards a stat, put all level ups and proficiencies to the stat, and gear them with equipment that increases the chosen stat.

Why Make Mission Pets
While any pet can technically do a mission, it is generally not preferable to lose your battle team to the higher difficulty and thus longer duration missions. Having set pets for missions means you can go out and battle whenever you want and never have to worry about the time. It is also best to fully specialize pets for certain stats so as to maximize their effectiveness. The higher that single stat is, the more easily the pet can do missions and bring back the rewards.

How to Do it:

First off, choosing a pet. Look at their base stats naked (without any gear, level ups or proficiencies assigned) and see where they are inclined. For health, you can refer to the preview generator information on a species to see if it has high health as this is not a stat that is easy to compare. Note: Remember that sylestis gain 200 health and one point in the other stats with every level so you need to take that into account when looking at stats. Any gold you might have to spend if having to reset assigned level ups and/or proficiencies can be made back quickly. Missions are strictly about stats so it does not matter what pet you choose or how they look as long as they are inclined towards the stat.

Note to New Users : Even if you are too low of a level to take a, say, Level 50 pet to battle, you can still send them on missions. This means you can buy high-level pets and make them into your mission pets. This keeps your main pets free to further the story line while making missions easier for you.

Once you have chosen a pet and what stat that pet will be for, put all points to that designated stat. Make sure to fully commit to making them a mission pet and only put points into the designated stat. Because you are not going to be battling with them, it does not matter which element you choose. Reminder: The elements are still designated as either physical or magical so make sure to make an intelligence pet one of the magical elements and a physical pet a physical element because it will still default to the proper one.

Magical Elements
Fire, Light, Shadow

Physical Elements
Air, Earth, Water

So now you have a mission pet but it could use some gear. You can get away without any gear but it will help your pets. Some styles of gear are no longer given out so you would have to try to scrounge them up from the broker.

Warden gear: perfect for agility and dexterity mission pets. Note: You'll have to go to the broker for this gear now if you don't already have some
Crusader gear: good for strength and intelligence mission pets if you have it or can get it cheap on the broker
Arcanist gear: Perfect for intelligence mission pets.
Ravager gear: Perfect for strength mission pets.
Disciple gear: this works beautifully for health mission pets, the higher the rarity, the better **

**Note: Not every piece of equipment of a certain rarity has the same health. Gear from mission satchels generally has higher health than gear obtained from battles.

Mission satchels and general combat also seem to delight in giving relics that either do split damage or, worse, the wrong type of damage. As frustrating as it is and useless for your team, this is perfect for your mission pets, especially wrong damage relics of epic or legendary level. You are not fighting with them so all that matters is it enhances their stat. With all the "reject" gear that can accumulate, your mission pets will probably be your best dressed ones.

Example of a Mission Pet
So this is Mercury, he is one of my agility mission pets.
As you can see, as handsome as he is, he doesn't have elevated stats. Though nice, it isn't necessary. He has all warden gear

Proficiency Points
This has become easier after the changes. You're just going to choose an element (Remember to choose a magical element for intelligence and a physical element for strength) and put all points into it. Mercury here has all his points under shadow because it's pretty fitting for his name but you could put the points under any element for an agility mission pet like him..


Why Do Missions If done regularly, missions give a steady source of income without requiring much effort on your part. They also give gear, elixirs, potions, experience, reputation with cities, and sometimes even essences.

How to Do Missions
Missions are assigned from the barracks in the city, either Esior's Haven or Sanctuary of Saerielle. Depending on how much reputation you have with the city and how far along you are in the storyline, you will have anywhere from two to five choices of missions of different difficulties. It will look like this:

To accept a mission, select it and then choose the pet you want to send on it. Note: Make sure you are sending the right pet on the right mission. It will look something like this:

If you have accidentally assigned the wrong pet to a mission, you can go to your mission log and cancel it out so you can assign the right pet. Sometimes errors do occur so look over your mission log after assigning a mission.

When you have as many missions assigned as you have slots for, all available missions will black out to show you are maxed out

After the allotted time for a mission is over, the mission notification will turn orange on the old pages (so not when you are in your stables or the forums, for instance). You have to go manually complete it at which time you get the rewards for it.

In order to get a solid income from missions, you should send out another pet on a new mission. Note: the higher of difficulty a mission is, the better the rewards.

Also, do not forget to go to your trades to collect the mission satchels. They are where the bulk of the rewards from missions are


Buy mission slots when you have the gold and are far enough along in the storyline to justify it. If you only have access to three missions in Esior's Haven and have yet to unlock Sanctuary of Saerielle, it is not worth it to get more than 3 mission slots. However, as you progress, always try to work towards maxing out mission slots. Generally, having four pets out on missions is better than only three.

Try to assign as many high difficulty missions as you can in order to get the most rewards for your time. A Level 25 very hard mission from Esior's Haven is actually better as far as rewards go than any mission from Sanctuary of Saerielle aside from the Level 50 very hard mission.

Make multiple pets of each stat, especially agility and dexterity since these are stats that your battle pets are not generally strong in. Designated mission pets are really needed for the Level 25 Esior's Haven and Level 45 and 50 Sanctuary of Saerielle agility and dexterity missions.

Make mission pets to fit your deficits. For health, strength, and intelligence, battle pets can be used if you have more than one team but if you do not have many tanks, fighters, or mages, make extra mission pets of that stat so that you do not always lose your battle pets to missions.

Mission pets do not need to be Level 60 to successfully do a mission but it is best for them to be above the designated mission level by at least 3 levels to improve your chances of completing it exceptionally.

It does not strictly take a mission pet to do a mission; missions can be done by any pet in your stables with high enough stats in order to level them up. Just remember that this takes them out of active duty for the designated amount of time. Short missions like the easy ones are great for leveling low-level pets quickly.

******At any level, your pet can come home with only a satisfactory with Level 25 Haven and Level 50 missions being notorious for it. Do not get disheartened or think there is something wrong with your mission pet if they occasionally come home with only a satisfactory. Check to make sure that their stat and equipment are maxed but it is most likely not an issue with your pet.******

Well, that is all I have. I hope this will be of use. I tried to cover everything but if you have a question on something I did not address, feel free to contact me and I will help you as best I can.

Note: Edited to add a new section and some more detail
Note: Edited to reflect recent changes in the system.
Edited By Hundenelsker on 4/28/2017 at 4:16 PM.
Level 33
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Posted: 4/6/2014 at 2:35 AM Post #2
I love you for helping me Hund <3
Level 60
Mojo Master
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Posted: 4/6/2014 at 9:13 PM Post #3
Nicely written guide!
Great that you pointed out this part Hund....
" your pet can come home with only a satisfactory with Level 25 Haven and Level 50 missions being notorious for it. Do not get disheartened or think there is something wrong with your mission pet if they occasionally come home with only a satisfactory"

Many times I have had top ten stat ranked pets come home from a Level 50 mission with only a satisfactory grading...
Level 75
Fright Master
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Posted: 7/16/2014 at 11:34 AM Post #4
Bumping to make this easier to find again
Level 71
The Dreamer
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Posted: 7/18/2014 at 2:04 PM Post #5
I hope others may find this pic useful. :D

I have finally got around to organizing my mission pets in a specific mission pet tab, and I have 5 of each rank on their own row so I can easily find them. :)

They are all over level 50, and my ultimate goal is to have them each matched with the right armor for maximum effect and have over 800 total on their highest designated stat to reduce the times they get only "satisfactory" on the very hard missions. None of them fail anymore at least. :D
Edited By Roseydove on 7/18/2014 at 2:06 PM.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 7/22/2014 at 4:22 AM Post #6
Wanted to post my mission set up too c:

I put my mission pets in the first tab of my first stable, so I instantly open up to em when I load the mission barracks pop up.

Shows up when I pull up missions like:

For now, I only need 2 sets of mission pets. If I need more, they're easy to make. c:
Level 60
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Posted: 11/21/2014 at 10:52 AM Post #7
sorry. I had to make a comment here, to put this back on the 1st page. heh. I use it every other day, at least, trying to make my mission pets better.

(and THANK YOU for doing this! it's helped so much!)
Level 67
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Posted: 2/19/2015 at 12:40 AM Post #8
teeehee I just wish there was an auto-mission thingie "they go on missiosn for a week without you poking it" just because my memory sucks *halo*
Level 60
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Posted: 7/11/2015 at 5:00 PM Post #9
Do pets gain any EXP for doing missions or will I need to take them out to battle to level them up?
Level 75
The Dreamer
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Posted: 7/12/2015 at 1:32 AM Post #10
Pets will gain experience from missions, but only if they do it successfully I think. You can see how much exp your pet will get by looking at the mission information.

Mission Information
Pet Name: First Sunray
Mission Name: Patrolling the Garden
Level: 50
Objective: The Elves could use extra help patrolling the area around the Garden of the Magnates.

Start Time: 07/11/15 23:17:41
End Time : 07/12/15 11:17:41
Time Remaining: 09:55:11

Gold Reward: 2,400
Experience Reward: 71,750
Faction Reward: 120
[Exceptional Mission Satchel]
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