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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Summer Festival Themed Pets
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Level 70
The Hallowed
Joined: 6/26/2014
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Posted: 7/13/2014 at 8:54 PM Post #21
Looks fun! I'll edit this with more entries soon

Summer's Night's Firefly Lunemara

Eye color: 078500
Color 1: 002357
Color 2: 002BAB
Gene 1: Faded Glowlight color:F7FF00
Gene 2: N/A color: D9FF00
Gene 3: N/A color: FFF200
Mutation 1: Avatar Wings color: 0C0954
Mutation 2: Firefly color: EEFF00
Mutation 3: Glow Dust color: FFEE00

Forest Flower Aeridini

Midnight Ryori

Summer Breeze Ryori

Eye color: FFCC00
Color 1: 3083FF
Color 2: 45AEFF
Color 3: DEDEDE
Gene 1: N/A color: 004CE3
Gene 2: Petal Markings color: A6E7FF
Gene 3: N/A color: BFF5FF
Mutation 1: N/A color: 99CAFF
Mutation 2: Ethereal Ribbons color: 78DBFF
Mutation 3: N/A color: 00D9FF

Flower Wind Deer Faelora(my younger cousin designed this one)

Eye color: D9009F
Color 1: 5FC902
Color 2: FFF200
Color 3: FF69EE
Gene 1: Okapi color: 566518
Gene 2: Leaf Impression color: F58CFF
Gene 3: Spotted Flower color: EE2E70
Mutation 1: Fae Wings color: A54DC7
Mutation 2: N/A color: 9E8376
Mutation 3: Fae Dust color: F10B92

Frosted Snow Lupora(My younger inspired this from his love for ice pops)

Eye color: 352880
Color 1: 8CE8FF
Color 2: FFFFD9
Color 3: FFFDD1
Gene 1: Spotted Fox color: FFFEE3
Gene 2: Maned Wolf color: 52D7FF
Gene 3: Frosted Glass color: A1E9FF
Mutation 1: N/A color: 33C9FF
Mutation 2: N/A color: 82D7FF
Mutation 3: N/A color: 2C92BE

Um, I forgot which HEX I used for Forest Flower Aeridini and Midnight Ryori, but I can tell you which genes and mutations.

Forest Flower Aeridini Female: Gene 1: Speckles, Gene 2: Tips, Gene 3: N/A
Mutation 1: N/A, Mutation 2: Leaf Wings, Mutation 3: Mystical Flowers

Forest Flower Aeridini Male: Gene 1: Tips, Gene 2: Tips, Gene 3: N/A
Mutation 1: N/A, Mutation 2: Leaf Wings, Mutation 3: Mystical Flowers

Midnight Ryori: Gene 1: Shock Runes, Gene 2: N/A, Gene 3: Nebula
Mutation 1: N/A, Mutation 2: Galaxy, Mutation 3: N/A
Edited By Snowyh2o on 7/15/2014 at 5:23 PM.
Level 61
Fright Master
Joined: 9/6/2013
Threads: 4
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Posted: 7/13/2014 at 8:57 PM Post #22
Summer Nights Ryori

Tropical Paradise Puffadore

Island Flower Aeridini

Desert Oasis Faelora
Edited By Fallyn on 7/15/2014 at 1:10 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/30/2013
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Posted: 7/13/2014 at 9:02 PM Post #23
Yay~!! >w< Can't wait~!! <3

Here are a few suggestions~

Deep Sea Morkko

No Vis

6 vis

Stargazer Draeyl

No Vis

6 Vis

Soothing Waves Ryori

No Vis

6 Vis

(For some reason I had issues posting the girls next to the boys... I don't know what happened. O_o; Thus why there is only one male draeyl with no vis...)
Level 68
Joined: 7/4/2014
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Posted: 7/13/2014 at 9:02 PM Post #24
I have named him Summer Sunset
I have also shown him with 5 vis and with 3 vis 2 carried

Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/28/2013
Threads: 97
Posts: 938
Posted: 7/13/2014 at 9:08 PM Post #25
what doesn't represent summer more then the beach !!!

surfing nephini

genes: leopard ,uromastyx ,spectral wings
Eye Color 10876f
color one edea2f
color two e89c0e
color three e0eb12
gene color one 088c81
gene color two f59b00
gene color three eb6912
mutation color one 0f8c7b
mutation color two 0e8a80
mutation color three faf7f5

seagull griffi

traits: kingfisher, faded wings, elegant feathered wings
Eye Color e66233
color one f2ede9
color two 262424
color three ebcb12
gene color one 6b6565
gene color two 383636
gene color three eb6912
mutation color one 000000
mutation color two ffffff
mutation color three faf7f5

sun burn nyvene

I know I made him a 4vis put this one is to funny I hope you enjoy it
traits: camouflage, cecropia markings, yellow anaconda , essence of flames

Eye Color cc420c
color one ed8313
color two e04c3e
color three ebcb12
gene color one db6c60
gene color two d93e18
gene color three d92b45
mutation color one 000000
mutation color two e0c08f
mutation color three fc4c00

ice crme puffadore (Neapolitan)

traits: fancy swirls , spots, candy wings
Eye Color fab6b6
color one c79a63
color two f5edf0
color three f7efe4
gene color one 331e04
gene color two edabab
gene color three ffffff
mutation color one 6e4d0c
mutation color two 613408
mutation color three f0a6b3

summer sunset lighira

traits: appaloosa , ghostly shadows, mystic wings

Eye Color f50818
color one f2e9ea
color two eded21
color three ff0526
gene color one d64040
gene color two 229fa8
gene color three eb9215
mutation color one f51313
mutation color two f5ee18
mutation color three d7f227

lemonade aeridini

traits:frosted ,tiger, aparajita tail
Eye Color f5bfc5
color one faf7aa
color two fabebe
color three f5b1b9
gene color one f0bdc3
gene color two f9fcc5
gene color three f5bcbe
mutation color one f0faa3
mutation color two faf79e
mutation color three fab9b9
Edited By Arux584 on 7/13/2014 at 11:51 PM.
Level 60
Mojo Master
Joined: 6/14/2014
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Posted: 7/13/2014 at 9:22 PM Post #26
Summer Solstice Pets... All used the same color hexes

Level 60
Fancy Pants
Joined: 6/3/2014
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Posted: 7/13/2014 at 9:28 PM Post #27
This will be my first festival I can wait. Here are my entries
Sun Set Aeiridini

Grass blade Puffadore

Blue Sea Faelora

Flower Petal Zolnixi

Sun Light Nephini

Fire Blaze Qitari

Edited By Hopp78910 on 7/13/2014 at 9:33 PM.
Level 45
Joined: 7/11/2014
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Posts: 26
Posted: 7/13/2014 at 9:32 PM Post #28
Tropical Sunset Aeridini

Speckles, nebula, floral henna, lily tail, tiger sparrow wings, fae dust
Left row hex codes (top to bottom):
Right row hex codes:

Speckles, nebula, floral henna, lily tail, tiger sparrow wings, fae dust
Left row hex codes:
Right row hex codes:

Edited By Naomi on 7/16/2014 at 2:55 PM.
Level 70
Frosty Hands
Joined: 12/20/2013
Threads: 264
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Posted: 7/13/2014 at 9:38 PM Post #29
Beach Fun Aeris there 6vis

Surfs Up Ryori's there 6vis
Edited By Myrubypixie on 7/13/2014 at 9:56 PM.
Level 61
The Hallowed
Joined: 10/4/2013
Threads: 13
Posts: 323
Posted: 7/13/2014 at 9:40 PM Post #30
Humming Bird Nytrieke:

couldnt make up my mind on the honeysuckles so here they all are xD

Honeysuckle Ryori:

Honeysuckle Lunemara:

Honeysuckle Ny'vene:

Beach Ball Lupora:

same issue with eclipse ones xD

Solar Eclipse Aeridini:

Lunar Eclipse Aurleon:

Dual Eclipse Quitari:

Solar Flare Ryori:

Sunburst Lupora:

S'mores Delight Bulbori:

Neapolitan Vulnyx:

Mint Chocolate Vulnyx:

Watermelon Puffadore:

Strawberry Kiwi Lupora:

Strawberry Kiwi Sylvorpa:

Firefly Lunemara:

*based off of the actual bug

Grilling Draeyl:

Shallow Waters:

Sandy Beach Griffi:

Searing Heat Qitari:

Summer Sunset Vulnyx:

*based off of photo linked below*

Fresh Corn Faelora:

especially around the 4th we sold a bunch at work but it seems to be very popular during the summer o.o

Fresh Corn Zolnixi:

Deep Sea Sylvorpa:

Edited By Mysticelf on 7/15/2014 at 11:24 PM.
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