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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Summer Festival 2014 - Franken Pet
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Level 75
Nature Walker
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 3:50 PM Post #1
I'll be doing a special round of Franken Pet today at 4:15PM server time. Sorry for such a short notice!

For this round of Franken Pet the pet will be a 3 visible as well as everyone that participates in the first round will be in a random drawing to receive a 2 Visible Lazy Days Nephini. :)

How Franken Pet Works:
I will ask for a color, gene, species, sex etc to fill in the generator slots. For the colors I need the COLOR can get that from the preview generator on the site...obviously its best to pick out some colors beforehand. This game moves fast.

The first person to answer for each slot will 'win' that round and get their selected choice inputted in that slot. Once all the slots are filled I will then go to the generator and create the pet that everyone has made together. I'll then randomized everyone that participated and whoever wins gets the pet.

If you win a slot please sit out for the remainder of that round, so that means you can only win one slot per game. You also may not edit your post or post multiple answers in one post. Everyone that participates though, whether or not you win a slot still has a chance of winning the pet.

Round 1 Results:

Eye Color: DE0D0D - Selestial
Color 1: 00ad7f - Entropy
Color 2: ff3333 - MourningLily
Color 3: 1c706c - MakeshiftDemon
Gene Color 1: 32B4D1 - Marsandin
Gene Color 2: FFFFFF - Meanbee
Gene Color 3: 044d16 - Roshie
Mutation Color 1: FFFFFF - Lumya
Mutation Color 2: dd0000
- Rixie
Mutation Color 3: 6fc9d1 - Lostwords13
Gene 1:
Gene 2:Uromastyx - Aeon
Gene 3: Nebula - Aaronampora
Mutation 1: Spectral Wings - Yugena
Mutation 2:
Mutation 3:
Species: Nephini - Ace666
Gender: Female - Zelly

Sammaria, Summer's Berry

Winner: Roshie

Winner of the Lazy Days Nephini: Zzzzz

Round 2 Results:

Eye Color: FFE8AD - Willowdarimn
Color 1: 050005 - GoldGryphon
Color 2: 86DCEF - Taptothebeat
Color 3: cffdff
- Kestral
Gene Color 1:7a1c7a -Darkwingedangel
Gene Color 2: 189e4d - Pets101creator202
Gene Color 3: 520c00 - MakeshiftDemon
Mutation Color 1: c399eb - Silvervein
Mutation Color 2: e00000 - Entropy
Mutation Color 3: 00F2EA - Fallyn
Gene 1:
Gene 2:
Gene 3: Floral Henna - MourningLily
Mutation 1:
Mutation 2: Flowered Vines - Ace666
Mutation 3:
Species: Nephini - Selestial
Gender: Female - Deathdust

Winners: Franken Pet: Amily

Lazy Days Nephini: Selestial

Round 3 Results:

Eye Color: f9ff9e - Lumya
Color 1: 99599B - Jessc
Color 2: 6b0000 - Clairce
Color 3: fa0000 - Bebop
Gene Color 1: cd94ff - Entropy
Gene Color 2: 444444 - Hundenelsker
Gene Color 3: 000000 - Mereuhel
Mutation Color 1: FF86A0 - Rixva
Mutation Color 2: 784978 - Darkwingedangel
Mutation Color 3: ffa500 - Ace666
Gene 1: Red Panda - Aeon
Gene 2: Three Toned Fur - Ivodince
Gene 3:
Mutation 1:
Mutation 2:
Mutation 3:
Species: Puffadore - Nekowolf13
Gender: Female - MourningLily

Winner: Snocone2

Nephini Winner: Savynn
Edited By Faiona on 8/10/2014 at 9:49 PM.
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 3:53 PM Post #2
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Level 75
Nature Walker
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 4:15 PM Post #3
Alright, here we go! Species please :)
Level 75
The Hallowed
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 4:15 PM Post #4
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Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 4:15 PM Post #5
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The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 4:15 PM Post #6
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 4:15 PM Post #7
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 4:15 PM Post #8
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 4:15 PM Post #9
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 4:15 PM Post #10
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