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Forum Index > Player Guides > Guide to Making Gold
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Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 2/7/2013
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Posted: 4/4/2013 at 8:30 PM Post #1
Lehana's Gold Guide

I. Introduction
II. Missions
III. Daily Quests
IV. Dungeons
V. Selling items
VI. Killing Enemies
VII. Selling Diamonds
VIII. Breeding and selling pets
IX. Nurturing
X. Mini-Games

I. Introduction

Have you ever wondered how to make gold in Sylestia, but not know how? Well, this guide is here to help you. You might not know it, but there are numerous way to make gold in Sylestia, some of which are better than others. This guide will describe those various methods, and perhaps you will find one or two that will help you make some gold.

The first three methods to make gold, are my preferred methods. These are things that I do every day. Doing these three methods, I make about 150-200K a day.

II. Missions

Mission are one of the best and easiest ways to get gold. They are unlocked early on and require very little effort to complete them. You can get a lot of gold from the missions, and the satchels you get often have gear or potions in them. The level 25 and level 50 missions are the best missions to do, but they are also the hardest and take the longest to complete. However, they give the most gold and the satchels hold the best gear.

You can get Legendary pet armor and Epic Elixirs from level 25 and level 50 mission satchels, which makes doing the combat part of the game much easier. If you do enough missions you will no longer have to buy potions or elixirs, which is a really big money saver.

The best method to successfully complete missions is to have a number of pets devoted to missions. At the current time, I have ten mission pets, though if you are just starting out you could make do with five. These pets focus on one stat and nothing but that one stat. You will want one Health pet, one Strength pet, one Dexterity pet, One Intellect pet, and one Agility pet. They might not be very useful outside of missions, but they will not fail the missions that they have their primary stat in very often.

I make about 50-100K gold through missions in a 24 hour period. The amount I make depends on how diligent I am at resending my pets on missions, and on if I open the Mission Satchels.

III. Daily Quests

Once you reach the Sanctuary of Saerielle you will start to unlock daily quests. As you progress through the zone you will unlock more and more quests until you end up with 5 quests at the end of the zone. These quests can be done once a day every day. Doing all the quests will earn you about 10,000 gold. You will also earn 5 badges with you can sell for extra gold in the Trade Broker.

To do the daily quests you need to explore the zone listed for the quest. The quests that require you to kill specific enemies are easy, just explore the zone and battle until you killed the required number of enemies. For the quests that require you to do certain things, click on the zone on the map and click on explore the area. You will either get a random event or a battle. For those quests you can retreat from all the battles if you want it doesn't matter for the quest. Most of the time you will find battles, but occasionally you will be able to inspect the area. Do that and you will get a random event or you will get a quest event. If you get the quest event there will be two options at the bottom of the screen, one is ignore it, the other is your objective, just click your objective and your quest will be progressed by one. Do that 4 more times and you will have finished the quest. Go to your quest log and Click on Complete quest and you will be done with that quest for the day.

Depending on how lucky you are, these quests can take anywhere from 15minutes to an hour to complete. One thing I have found useful to do for the quests where you don’t have to kill anything is just repeatedly run away from battles. You only have to do the inspect the area events to progress in those quests. That tends to be a little faster than killing all the enemies you find and you will still find the events you need to complete the quests.

IV. Dungeons

Once you are geared, dungeons are an easy way to make gold. You do each dungeon once a day. On a good day it takes me half an hour to do the Dungeon of the Forsaken and fifteen minutes for Nightfall Bandit Dungeon. I fight all the enemies and when done with the dungeons sell all the gear that I have collected that is epic and lower. I easily make 50,000g a day doing that.

If you don’t have very good gear, I recommend gearing up first by sending pets off on missions or buying Legendary Armor on the Trade Broker. You can get a lot of Legendary gear from missions, which will make the dungeons considerably easier. It isn’t very profitable if you spend more on potions than what you earn through the dungeon.
Edited By 2020 on 4/7/2013 at 3:29 PM.
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 2/7/2013
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Posted: 4/4/2013 at 8:30 PM Post #2
The next methods are less efficient ways to make gold or require you to spend your own cash. They can make you a lot of money if you do them, but require much more time and effort.

V. Selling items

As you go about your travels, you will come across many items. At first every item will be precious, but once you start getting better gear for your pets, you will find that you don’t need most of the gear you find. Most gear that is not Legendary gear is not worth trying to sell on the Trade Broker. Perhaps you might make a couple of gold more, but it might take days or weeks to sell. For the hard to sell items, your best bet will be to sell them in your inventory. To do so, go to your inventory screen and find the item you want to sell. Right click on the item, then below the green box at the right of the screen click on the button labeled “Sell item(s)”. It is possible to sell multiple items at once. You can right click on up to 15 items which will fill the box on the right of the screen labeled “sell area”. When it is full, click on the button labeled “Sell Item(s)” to sell them all at once.

Other times you will come across items that other players will be interested in buying. Items people want to buy include, but are not limited to Essences, Avatar Items, and Reputation Badges. You can either sell them manually by posting a thread advertising your items in the Items Auctions Forum, or you can use the Trade Broker. To post an item on the Trade Broker, left click on the item, then push the button labeled “Broker Item”. A pop up box should show up, input how much you want to sell the item for, click list item, then wait for the item to sell.

Prices fluctuate enough, that I can't tell you what items are worth. The problem is, for some items they will be worth one price one week and another price the next. And if I give you exact numbers I could be completely wrong. If you just want your items to sell, and don't care about getting the absolute best prices for your items, here is what I recommend. Look at the Trade Broker and see if there are any items you want to sell up there. Price your items for about the same price as the lowest price. The main exception would be if there are have a bunch of items priced at one price and then there is one or two items dramatically lower. Either most items are over priced, or those two items are under-priced. If you don't know which it is, price your item at the higher price and wait. If it doesn't sell in a couple of days, lower the price to the low price. If you do this your items should sell in a couple of days.

Look here for information on how to mail items to other players.

VI. Killing Enemies

Killing enemies is another way to make gold. It is slow but you can earn a decent amount of gold. The best way to make gold is to go an area that you have finished and repeatedly battle enemies. After your inventory fills up with gear you don’t want sell all the items you get in your inventory and then go back to killing.

Which zone you choose to kill in is up to you. The higher the level zone you kill in, the better the gear that drops and higher level gear is worth more to sell in your inventory. However, lower level enemies are quicker to kill. Humanoids, including the undead, are the only creatures that drop gold, Sylesties are the only ones that drop essences, and all creatures have a small change to drop items.

VII. Selling Diamonds

An easy, but expensive way to make gold is to buy diamonds with real life cash. Using the exchange, you can sell diamonds to other players for gold. This is one of the easier ways to make massive amounts of money. How long it will take will depend on how much gold you ask for per diamond. If you ask for more gold than the other current diamond auctions it may take a while for people to buy your diamonds, as the game is new enough that not a lot of people have massive amounts of gold. Ask for too little, and your diamonds will sell almost immediately and you will get the gold but you might not have gotten the best investment for your money.

If you want to quickly get gold and have diamonds and don’t care about getting the best deal for your diamonds, check the gold selling part of the exchange. There are usually people there posting offers for diamonds. Accept one of the offers and you will get the gold immediately. Most offers will be for less than what people are currently trying to sell diamonds for, however if you need gold immediately that is perhaps the best way to do it.

VIII. Breeding and selling pets

You can set up your adult pets so that other players pay you a fee to breed with them. This probably won’t get you much gold, however it is easy and takes little effort on your part. Once you set up the pets you don’t have to do anything else.

Alternatively, you could sell pets you breed. Most pets you won’t be able to sell for much. However, if you create Sylesties using essences with color combinations and traits that people like, you can usually sell them for decent amounts of gold. Pets with traits are worth more than ones that have none, and the more visible traits a Sylestie has, the more you will be able to sell it for.

Capturing pets to sell them is usually not profitable; however there are times when capturing pets is profitable. The best time to capture and sell pets is during events with special pet colors, or immediately after a new pet has been released. People will pay a decent amount of gold to buy new pets or pets they can only get for a limited amount of time.
Edited By 2020 on 4/8/2013 at 2:04 PM.
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 2/7/2013
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Posted: 4/4/2013 at 8:30 PM Post #3
These last methods are… not very good. However, they do make you gold, so I felt I should include them. They might not be fast or efficient but they might be something you like doing. If you enjoy doing something, and make gold while you are doing it, that’s not a bad thing.

IX. Nurturing

Nurturing is not a fast way to make gold. One might not even consider it a way to make gold at all. However, every time you successfully nurture a hatchling or egg, you get a scale and have a small chance to get an essence. You can use the scales to buy lesser genetic mutators which you can sell on the Trade Broker for a decent amount of gold. Then you can sell the essences you find on the Trade Broker as well.

Be warned though, essences are very rare and when you get them can be quite random. If you are unlucky you could nurture one thousand Sylesties and not find a single one, or if you get really lucky you could nurture two and find two in a row.

If you have no gold and your pets are all on mission or dead this might an ok way to spend your time. It costs nothing but your time and doesn’t require any gold or pets to complete. This however is not a very direct method of making gold, and requires you to sell items on the Trade Broker.

X. Mini-Games

Currently there is only one mini-game and that is Jinxie’s Jamboree. It is an easy and mindless way to spend some time. It isn’t a fast way to make gold, but it appears to be rigged so that over time you will gain gold. If you get 3 staff icons highlighted, you can do a mini-game where you can find potions and essences. This can be very useful, although it is quite rare to find those items. It might be faster to just kill random enemies repeatedly, but if you are bored it could be nice change of pace.
Edited By 2020 on 4/6/2013 at 12:36 PM.
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 4/4/2013 at 8:40 PM Post #4
Reserving one more post just in case.

OK now you can post.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 4/7/2013 at 7:05 AM Post #5
I want to sell items in the broker but I don't know how to price. Please tell me how to if you can.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 4/7/2013 at 8:23 AM Post #6
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 5/31/2024 at 10:10:33pm

I want to sell items in the broker but I don't know how to price. Please tell me how to if you can.

You mean how to get it on the broker? Or what you should price items?

When you get to your inventory and select an item (assuming it's tradable), there's a green button under the inventory box that says "Broker Item" that goes green when an item is selected.

Click it, and Item Information about the item on the market will pop up. It should include the current low price/high price/average price and the last 7 days' low price/high price/average price, with some other things like number being sold, how many sales, and the like.
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 4/7/2013 at 8:32 AM Post #7
I want to know how to price. I don't want to learn that.
Level 70
Enchanted Explorer
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Posted: 4/7/2013 at 8:38 AM Post #8
Well, depends on what you're gonna sell.

It's kinda based on your judgment of what's been selling on the market. The market mind for essences is different from the market mind for equipment. And within equipment (for pets), green-blue equips are priced a little differently than say orange-red equips.

What do you wanna sell?
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 4/7/2013 at 8:41 AM Post #9
Mostly easter stuff and equitment of all types
Level 60
The Whimsical
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Posted: 4/7/2013 at 12:44 PM Post #10
I'm sorry but I can't really tell you what your items are worth. The problem is, for some items they will be worth one price one week and another price the next. And if I give you exact numbers I could be completely wrong.

For example, essences. Since the Easter Event has started the prices for regular essences has mostly dropped. Morkko and Sylvorpa, for example, have dropped from about 15K to 9K. However in a couple of weeks the prices might go back up. Or they might not, I don't know. But if I told you they were worth 15K and you tried to sell them now, it is unlikely they would sell. On the other hand, if I told you 9K and the prices go up, you would have lost money on the sell.

For the Easter items themselves...well, at the beginning of the week they were worth more than right now, since new most people have gotten everything they wanted. Tails, for example were worth 50-70K last weekend and are only worth maybe 10K this weekend. However, after the event ends, I suspect the prices will go back up because people will be no longer finding the items.

If you just want your items to sell, and don't care about getting the absolute best prices for your items, here is what I recommend. Look at the Trade Broker and see if there are any items you want to sell up there. Price your items for about the same price as the lowest price. The main exception would be if there are have a bunch of items priced at one price and then there is one or two items dramatically lower. Either most items are over priced, or those two items are under-priced. If you don't know which it is, price your item at the higher price and wait. If it doesn't sell in a couple of days, lower the price to the low price. If you do this your items should sell in a couple of days.

I really can't help much on the equipment market, since I don't check it much. The only thing I try to sell is level 50 Legendary gear, and that doesn't sell very often.
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