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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 96
Posts: 850
Posted: 5/28/2013 at 9:21 PM Post #41

Another pair I wanted to throw into the mix.
Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
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Posts: 4,629
Posted: 5/28/2013 at 10:00 PM Post #42
K, last entries for me @.@


     Once upon a time, where no humans or sylestis even lived yet, there was of a god. This god made the Earth. He said to the elements which ruled earth to create their aces, for an upcoming war called the war of the centuries. Now, this war wasn't like any other war. It would last for millions of years, and the elements were forced to battle each other for title, King of Earth.

There were four elements, and each of them were either male or female, as they all bonded centuries ago and were best of comrades.

The first element was Titan, element of water and all liquids known and mystery to mankind today.

The second element, was Libitina, element of fire, and was mother to all flames and embers that glowed, even the smallest light.

The third element, WILL UPDATE LATER XD
Level 75
The Whimsical
Joined: 1/19/2013
Threads: 20
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Posted: 5/28/2013 at 10:10 PM Post #43
Here are a couple more:
E: f5e108 c1: e31a14 c2: d13434 c3: d1551b g3: f5e20c m3: 140101
E:3fe6f2 c1: 59e1eb c2: 8ae5eb c3: c9f5ef g1: 6c9de6 m2: daf4f5
E: 121deb c1: 1c4ba8 c2: 2c74f2 c3: 4c9aed g1: 5accdb
e: 24f1d6 c1: faee13 c2: f0b339 c3: f5f58b m3: 39e4f0
e: 1ff50c c1: 1c8507 c2: 022603 c3: 4ac244 g1: 000000 m1: 010f01
With camo:
Without camo: or could have armor
e: 34eb2a c1: 14a122 c2: 0c7013 c3: 61430e g1: 2fcc34 g2: 169925
e: 420542 c1: 31167a c2: 6f34a3 c3: 290c52 g1: 6f49e3 g2: 653d9e
e: e61010 c1: 000000 c2: 2b0303 c3: 4a4508 g1: f70a0a g2: c71616 g3: 421e05 m1: 000000 m2: 4f0707
E: d7f20e c1: f7ff00 c2: f2efba c3: f0f2c4 G1:eb7711 g2:bdbd13 g3: ff7903 m1:ffffff m2: ffffff
e:047898 c1:14b396 c2:308982 c3: 0218a6 G1:e619af g2:bb46a2 m1:46d667
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 4/2/2013
Threads: 31
Posts: 338
Posted: 5/28/2013 at 10:22 PM Post #44
so this is my pair

both carry: essence of storm,jeweled horns,battle armor and cecropia markings.

the babies will look like this :
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 96
Posts: 850
Posted: 5/28/2013 at 10:24 PM Post #45

This pair is a female starfall asked me to design a mate for , and the mate I designed for her. Hope this is allowed if not just ignore it.

The rest are just my designs

Level 60
Joined: 4/4/2013
Threads: 9
Posts: 231
Posted: 5/29/2013 at 8:24 AM Post #46
Helloooooo. I''ve not been able to get on, but I've caught up with all the entries now, and they are excellent!
Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 109
Posts: 2,169
Posted: 5/29/2013 at 9:22 AM Post #47

I LOVE THIS PAIR!! My Inspiration was me falling in the mud while wearing green. XD And the spikes are like, my personality. So in other words this pair is me covered in mud and wearing green. \o/

Level 60
Stocking Stuffer
Joined: 1/21/2013
Threads: 109
Posts: 2,169
Posted: 5/29/2013 at 9:32 AM Post #48
Annnddd My Inspiration for these guys was this dragon statue I have sitting next to the piece of coal on my desk.

Level 60
Joined: 5/8/2013
Threads: 18
Posts: 218
Posted: 5/29/2013 at 11:43 AM Post #49

These first two I tried basing off of Roy Mustang and Riza Hawkeye from Fullmetal Alchemist!

and these two didn't really have an inspiration
Level 60
Season's Greeter
Joined: 2/20/2013
Threads: 5
Posts: 1,302
Posted: 5/29/2013 at 10:07 PM Post #50
Pair One: Storms

Eye Color: FF0000
Color 1: FFFFFF
Color 2: 000000
Color 3: C4AE1D
Cecropia Markings: 002B06
Ancient Runes: 005203
Back Spikes: CCCCBA
Jeweled Horns: CCCCBA
Essence of Storms: C4AE1D

Eye Color: 820000
Color 1: 000000
Color 2: 00D9FF
Color 3: 000033
Cecropia Markings: 240052
Ancient Runes: 3F00C7
Back Spikes: 242424
Jeweled Horns: 242424
Essence of Storms: 000033

Pair Two: Earth (Summer and Winter)

Eye Color: 8EB3D4
Color 1: 043807
Color 2: 241100
Color 3: 754600
Tiger Stripes: 056B00
Ancient Runes: ab7200

Eye Color: 8EB3D4
Color 1: 140700
Color 2: 2B2B2B
Color 3: A1A1A1
Ancient Runes: FFFFFF
Battle Armor: BBD6ED

Pair Three: (Fire)

Eye Color: 0A9BFC
Color 1: AB0000
Color 2: D62D03
Color 3: EDBE00
Cecropia Markings: 04D119
Ancient Runes: 001F5E
Essence of Flames: AB0000

Eye Color: AD0000
Color One: 001F5E
Color 2: 00A814
Color 3: 111FB8
Cecropia Markings: 5CE6DB
Ancient Runes: 940000
Essence of Flames: 001F5E

Pair Four (Water)

Eye Color: 009605
Color 1: 6B90D1
Color 2: D6D6D6
Color 3: 858585
Camouflage: 2B34D9
Cecropia Markings: 299EAD
Ancient Runes: 009605

Eye Color: 00D1C7
Color 1: 009445
Color 2: 7BB0D9
Color 3: 93C7A4
Camouflage: 82400E
Cecropia Markings: 06690D
Ancient Runes: 00D1C7

Pair Five: Wind (Hurricane and Tornado)

Eye Color: 3D82EB
Color 1: 0B0B61
Color 2: DCEBF7
Color 3: FFFFFF
Dilpho Markings: 0246AD
Cecropia Markings: 9E9E9E
Essence of Storms: 157A61

Eye Color: 000000
Color 1: 121212
Color 2: 919191
Color 3: F5DABC
Dilpho Markings: AAD4F0
Cecropia Markings: 63728F
Essence of Storms: FFD500

Pair Six: Shadow and Light

Eye Color: 660000
Color 1: 000000
Color 2: 00001F
Color 3: 0F0030
Tiger Stripes: 0F0030
Ancient Runes: 660000
Back Spikes: 02001F
Jeweled Horns:02001F

Eye Color: F0F013
Color 1: FFFFFF
Color 2: ADFAFF
Color 3: EBD700
Tiger Stripes: C2C2C2
Ancient Runes: 6EECF5
Back Spikes: D9D9D9
Jeweled Horns: D9D9D9
Edited By 2657 on 5/29/2013 at 10:10 PM.
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