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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > [ON HIATUS] Sylesties of The Revolution/...
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Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
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Posted: 4/6/2022 at 7:49 PM Post #1
Ok, I am BORED.
Soooooo, I was thinking about my pets a few days ago, and I was like "hey what if you made like an origin story for one of you pets" and then I went "HOLY SHOOT THATS A GREAT IDEA" and this is how this spiraled out! Also, the formatting and some aspects of the story were inspired by a bunch of other people in the Fanfic Forums! Go check them out OR ELSE-
Also, this is my first time actually writing a story like this, so yeah.
Ok ok, on to the basic infoooooo!
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
Threads: 3
Posts: 63
Posted: 4/6/2022 at 7:49 PM Post #2
Basic info, Some Lore, A prologue summary (sort of) and Characters

In Umbra Forest, there is small group of Vulynxes that live near a river. Since this is an unnatural behavior for Vulynxes, Sylesti researchers constantly monitor the Group for any signs of why a bunch of normally solitary Sylesties would suddenly band together. Thier leading theory is because of safety in numbers but it goes much, much deeper than that.

Long ago, this particular group of Vulynxes had magic but, that all changed when Arcane was born into the group.

He was magical gifted but, for unknown reason, he went insane with power and nearly burnt down an entire section of Umbra Forest. Now, this pack of Vulynxes are very superstitious, if a hatchling has any magical qualities/mutations (Ex.Starfire wings, Flame Spirit Horns, etc.), they are either banished or... the alternative (Putting them down).

Now, this leads us to Olympus.

He is the current leader of the Vulynx group in Umbra and father to Atlas. (Yes. Atlas is my starter pet. Yes, this story focuses on his lore)

"But Wait! Atlas looks nothing like Olympus! How can he be his son!?" Well his mom exists but, she's not really important lol. BUT, she is a descendant if Arcane, but no one knows that, not even her!
Anyways, Olympus, fearing his son may release "The Charring of Umbra 2" (That's what they call the time Arcane committed arson!), tried to commit filicide but, Atlas ran off and, just as Olympus cornered him on a branch, it broke and Atlas fell into the river below. Thankfully, he was saved by some rando from Esior and was given to my player character!

Back to modern times, a party of Sylesties, being these three
Lily Pad


And Dahlia

(Yes, most of these are my pets, Arcane and Olympus are just sylesties I designed but did not generate, I bought Starchaser and Dahlia and tamed Lily Pad), decide to go to place outside The Enigmatic Grotto to grind for exp or something and this is where the story really begins...
Edited By Localtimetraveler on 5/19/2022 at 12:25 PM.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
Threads: 3
Posts: 63
Posted: 4/6/2022 at 7:49 PM Post #3
Prologue: Burning Memories

The sun beat down as a small blue Vulynx rushed through the undergrowth. Its large, blue and black wings shone as if they were on fire and kept getting tangled on long tendrils of brush and some vines. A large cut was steadily oozing crimson blood as it ran. Trailing behind it was an enraged looking, older Vulynx with white and gold fur and wings. It scrambled on to a thin branch. Suddenly, the bigger Vulynx landed onto the branch, "Don't try to run..." The bigger Vulynx growled in a low, threatening tone. The roar of the river made it hard to focus. It took a step forward and the branch cracked in two. The small Vulynx let out a yip of terror as it plummeted towards the river; beating its wings feverishly to stay aloft, but to no avail. In seconds, the glow of its wings faded out under the surface of the water. The big Vulynx turned, leaping off the branch as it did, and walked off.

That would be the last magical problem it would have to deal with.

Olympus shook the memory out of his head and raindrops off his wings. Why was he thinking about this now? He had more pressing matters to attend to! He focused his bright, golden eyes to the dark sky as a white bolt of lightning seemed to spilt the clouds in two. He huffed and trudged along on the, now thoroughly soaked, ground. Wet leaves smushed uncomfortably under his massive paws and the torrential rain wasn't making things any better. Suddenly his ears picked up and he began to smell something strange. He looked over, trying to find the source. It smelled exquisite, and a bit spicy, but he could smell the familiar scent of fire. He looked in a clearing and- There! A Puffadore? From he has heard, Puffadores only live within a human city far, far away from here. But what was one doing here? It shifted a bit and now he could see its face, one of confusion, that is. He could now see it better and he saw that it had a dull, blue and red coat with strange white flowers and red vines wrapping its body. But most concerning of all its strange features was its amulet and wings. It had what seemed to be a butterfly-shaped pendant hanging from a necklace and had deep red, fiery wings that glowed.

"Magic.", he hissed inwardly. He knew how dangerous it could be. He KNEW about the time Arcane nearly burnt down Umbra Forest. He didn't remember how they were able to stop him though.but this was different. This was a Puffadore. A pampered pet owned by humans. This would be a snap for him. This would be easy to get out of Umbra. The magic concerned him slightly, but this Sylesti was significantly smaller than him. He could take it down easily, right?
WHOOO IT IS 11:04 AND I HAVE FINISHED THIS PART AND I HAVE COME UP WITH A. NAME FOR THE STORY! IT SHALL NOW BE CALLED "Sylesties of The Revolution" based off of one of my favorite songs, "Wolves of The Revolution" by The Arcadian Wild! Yay! I'm gonna go to bed now-
Edited By Localtimetraveler on 11/18/2023 at 10:11 PM.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
Threads: 3
Posts: 63
Posted: 4/11/2022 at 9:37 PM Post #4
Part 1: Storm's A'brewin'

That was a horrible idea...

Olympus ran. Rain was now coming down in sheets as thunder and lightning blazed across the sky in a seemingly endless fury. He was being chased. Turns out, the Puffadore was stronger than expected and almost immediately threw him into the mountainside, and he was sure it had brought friends, as he had seen a Zolnixi with strange, purple fur with star patterns and a female Vulynx with green and pink fur. A yellow bolt suddenly illuminated his path and struck a few steps ahead of him. It blew a small crater in the ground as it hit. For a split second, he could see eyes watching him. He skidded to a stop and changed his course; whoever fired that bolt wanted to incapacitate him at the most.

He stopped in a clearing at the riverside just as another lightning bolt slashed through the clouds like a claw. What was he thinking? He realized now, his wings were too heavy to fly as they had soaked up the water from the rain and he had deliberately cornered himself. "So it's a fight." He growled, "Show yourself!" And at that moment, three Sylesties jumped out of the underbrush to face him

His judgment had been right. There before him were three sylesties, a Zolnixi, vulynx and the same puffadore he attacked. "Who are you!? Why did you attack us!?" Demanded the female vulynx. "I'm not telling you." Olympus hissed. The standoff lasted for around a minute. No one dared to move. No one dared to speak. Until a voice sliced through air. "LILY PAD YOU IDIOT!"

A vulynx with blue and black fur and cyan stripes leapt out of the forest as the sound of thunder crashed from above. What seems to be starlight glimmered from his cyan and black wings. Olympus froze in fear. He thought he had drowned in the river when he fell in. Atlas was alive. "Lily Pad, I told you not to lead your party here! I told about the-" Atlas suddenly realized that Olympus was standing right there. Atlas' face turned from concern to anger as turned away from his friends to face Olympus.

And with pure rage he spoke "You."

Before he was able to form a coherent thought he was tackled and knocked clean across the rushing river. He kicked Atlas off of him as the rest of the party leapt over the torrent to join him. The Zolnixi struck first, immediately by bounding right over him and tearing at his shoulders; trying to rip out his wings. Olympus responded to this by rolling over onto his back in an attempt to crush his opponent. But the female vulynx quickly leapt onto his stomach and clawed at his belly. In a flash, he slashed at her eye and kicked her off. By now, he had had enough, and tried to fly away but he was intercepted by Atlas and the puffadore diving onto him!

They all collided with the wet ground below. Olympus got up quickly and, before the puffadore was able to make her next move, he swiftly bit down onto the smaller sylesties back. The puffadore yowled out in pain before Olympus threw it into the river. Although he had intended to throw it into the deeper part of rapids, he had missed and thrown it into a shallow part, but still, it was unlikely that it would survive after the bite wound he gave it. Suddenly, he became aware of a purple glow, just outside his vision. He realized it was coming from the Zolnixi! The talismen around its body and tails (it was weird that it had three tails) were glowing and floating a bit. Then a bright ball of energy burst out from the one on its neck.

Olympus leapt out of the way just as it brushed by one of his wings and obliterated a tree on the opposite riverbank. Seeing an opportunity, he bounded forward and smashed the Zolnixies head into the ground, knocking it out cold.
Now there were only two left to face.

The female vulynx tried to pounce on him but, he ducked and snagged her tail in his teeth. He then yanked as hard as he could, sending her crashing onto the mud. Atlas then charged at him but, a quick flurry of slashes sent him stumbling back. He refocused his attention on the other vulynx, who was running at full speed towards him. In mere moments, he clamped his jaws around the vulynxes throat. She gurgled, choking on her own blood before Olympus threw also into the rushing river. Where he threw her was shallow so that he could kill her with his own paws. He cantered into the rapids himself, being careful not to slip up and raised a claw above his head to slice her neck.

But the hit never came.

A flash of light split the sky as a clap of thunder split his eardrums and he was pulled under the surface of the water. No. Not pulled. Pushed. He was fighting to claim his opponents lives just a few moments ago but now he was fighting for his life at the bottom of a roaring river. Claws sank into his shoulders as he battered the air with his claws. All that he saw was the murky water and two twin cyan lights.

He was on the verge of blacking out from lack of oxygen when the weight was suddenly taken off of him. He was pulled out of the water and just as he blacked out, his head jerked up and he could see several lights flying off into the distance

They had gotten away.


Nov 18 update: Minor edits, might end up rewriting the whole story lol
Edited By Localtimetraveler on 11/18/2023 at 10:09 PM.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
Threads: 3
Posts: 63
Posted: 4/13/2022 at 5:02 PM Post #5
Part 2: Buried Beneath

Ow, ow, ow, ow...
Lily Pad awoke as pain and soreness shot through her entire body, mainly her throat area. "Ack, what happened?" She looked down and saw that she was in the mouth of a cave. Morning light shone through and she could see fuzzy silhouettes of other Sylesties with her. They were conversing about something, but she couldn't hear anything clearly. With great effort, she forced herself up and onto her paws. "Oh, she's up!" Chirped StarChaser. Dahlia bowed her head slightly "That's a good sign. No one died after that Vulynx attacked us." Lily Pad could see a nasty bite mark on Dahlias back, just between her wings, which were folded against her sides. Dahlia piped up again, "Anyways Atlas, what were you telling us about again?" Lily looked up at Atlas. It was strange, even in the dim, misty morning light, she could see how Atlas uncomfortably shifted from paw to paw. With a heavy heart, he sighed and decided to spill out the truth. "The Vulynx that attacked Dahlia was... my dad."

"WHAT!?!" Everyone (except Atlas) yelled simultaneously. Lily Pad could have sworn she had jumped the height of Faerinas Shrine when she heard that. "Whoawhoawhoawhoa, calm down!" Atlas quickly interjected. "Well, OK THEN, BUT I'M STILL CONFUSED!!!" Dahlia yelled, sitting back down. Atlas began to explain the history of this Vulynx group (huh, that sounded weird; Vulynxes living in groups, when did that happen?), About Arcane, and especially about Olympus. "When magic wielders in group emerge, to; and I quote 'Protect Umbra Forest, all Sylesties in our group who bear any magic or magical features must be either exiled or... uh... executed..." "Yikes." Starchaser whispered under his breath. "Uh anyways, when my wings emerged, I was gonna be... well, killed, but I attacked Olympus and ran. Then i fell into the river and I was brought to Esior- I think? I don't remember if was brought to Esior or I walked into Esior."

"Well, speaking of Esiors Haven, we should get a move on." She turned to look outside of the cave and saw two shapes wandering towards the cave. One was flying and one was trotting through the grass. Soon they became clearer and took the forms of a draeyl and faelora

The draeyl landed right in front of the cave just as the Faelora reached it. "Ah, hello Crimson." Dahlia said. "Where were you four!? Me and Oak have been looking for you all morning!" "Slow down there!" Lily Pad said, " We got into a scuffle in Umbra, so you really can't blame us!" "Unless you attacked first..." Oak said. "Well, I was attacked first!" Hissed Dahlia. "Ok, ok, before we start fighting, let's just head back to Esior and work this out alright? Good." Starchaser interjected, diffusing the situation.
The Six Sylesties then headed back to Esior, but not without some unfriendly glances.
Frost flew down onto a hollow tree stump, accompanied by a soft thud as he did.
And at that very moment, Andromeda walked out of the stump, her deep purple fur shinning in the sun.

Frost looked at her hopefully, "Will Olympus be ok?" Andromeda looked at him with sad eyes. "No, he's lost too much blood. I think he'll be in a coma for at least a week." Frost then asked, "What even happened to him?" "He was attacked; Several opponents just by looking at the sizes of the wounds." She looked at her paws for a second, "At least one of them must have a Vulynx like us." Frost looked up thoughtfully. Then he looked at Olympus, still but breathing in the hollow stump then he looked back at Andromeda. "I think I know what to do..."
WHOOOOOOO CLIFFHANGER WOOOOOOOOOO (Btw, Andromedas wings are natural, not magic, so shes fine.)
Edited By Localtimetraveler on 11/18/2023 at 10:16 PM.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
Threads: 3
Posts: 63
Posted: 4/13/2022 at 5:03 PM Post #6
I'm losing motivation for this soooo uuuuuuuhhhh, YEET SOME CHARACTERS AND PLOT IDEAS AT MEEEEEEE
Part 3: Hidden in the Ice

The Sylestian Mountain Range...

Frost soared over the snow-capped mountains. Moonlight shone down upon it, and the snow seemed to glow like stars. Speaking of the stars, these mountains gave out the best stargazing points in all of Sylestia and gave the land its name. Frost looked to his right. A bright band of stars illuminated the inky black void of the night. The galaxy was visible tonight. "Our galaxy..." Frost thought.

He snapped his thoughts back to reality. Currently, he and his group were looking for the culprit who had attacked Olympus. And to that, they needed help. Recently, his group had allied with an infamous gang of sylesti assassins and mercenaries. Most of them had sevred under cruel masters but had since been freed and are now working independently.

In the vanguard was a heavily decorated Lupora named Poly.
He was once a show-sylesti until he had turned against his handler, which got him kicked out of Ethernia (Huh. So that's what the city of puffadores is called.)

Suddenly, Poly took a hard right and swooped into a cave. This was it. Their hideout.

Coral awoke slowly. "Where is Atlas?" He thought. He soon realized that the moon was out. "Atlas? Attie?" He called out, "Where are you?" His gaze swept the entire hollow, but Atlas's dark blue fur was nowhere to be seen! Where was he? "Attie! Are we playing hide-and-seek? Atlas!!!" No response. "Attie!!" He was starting to get worried. Andromeda walked out from the tree stump. "I'm sorry, Coral, but... gone. " A jolt of fear shot through him."What do you mean...?" He mewed, his voice breaking. "Why is he gone?" Corals eyes slowly filled with tears. "Why?..." Andromeda put a comforting wing around the small vulynx as he wept.

"Atlas... please come back..."


Coral awoke with a jolt.

Alps was looking at him with worry. He couldn't really see due to the tears flowing out of his eyes. "Where are you, Atlas? I'm still waiting...."

"Coral?", Alps said softly, "Are you ok?" "Yeah, yeah, it's just-" He pressed a paw to his head, trying to distract himself from the dream, "I'm having that dream again." His best friend fixed his gaze to him, worry spreading across his face. "I see."

His brain fogged over again, his thoughts being consumed by that night. For stars know how long he'd been out here, searching for answers, but he always came up empty-pawed. He heard voices from the biggest treasure pile in the room. He could recognize Poly, but, who was the other? It sounded only vaguely familiar. He could hear Alps introducing himself and saying something about his mind reading abilities. But was he talking to? His vision cleared for a few seconds, just enough to see who Poly had dragged in. Wait, was that? "Frost?" He said, not believing who was really just a few meters away. Frost seemed to recognize the vulynx and looked quite uncomfortable when he looked at Coral. "Coral, you know him?" Asked Alps. "Well, yes." He said, " I was in the same group with him before I was exiled for having magic." Alps seemed to sense his pain remembering his "home" before being exiled and joined the Sylesti gang.

A voice sounded from the top of the biggest treasure pile. "Hmmm? Yes, Poly, did you need me?" Lady Heirloom. The generous Zolnixi who took them all in.

Poly nodded as if to say yes. Coral knew Poly was a quiet lupora, never really choosing to talk. Heirloom looked over at Frost and clapped her two front paws together. "Oh! Have you come here to join us?" Frost shook his head and Heirloom looked quite disappointed when he did. She loved her members as if they were her own hatchlings. "We've come to enlist your group's services in taking down a foe who recently tried to kill our leader, Olympus." "Oh no! That's horrible! What happened!?" Frost quickly explained the situation. A thought crossed Coral's mind. "Could it be Atlas?" He quickly shook that thought out of his mind, "No, Atlas left and- and you know that" "but what if he was exiled like you?" He looked up again at Heirloom. "And what's in it for us?" She asked. Frost looked thoughtfully at the treasure piles strewn across the cave. Then he said, "Gold. Stolen from The Sanctuary."

She looked at him, thought the decision over, and stretched out a paw to shake with his. "It's a deal then! You get a dead criminal, and we get more treasure! OH! And warm things because, HOLY FAERINA THESE MOUNTAINS ARE COLD!!"
Also, I might be opening a roleplay based off of this story because, my best stories were made be me and my friends roleplaying and I need ideas :'D So feel free to throw some at me!
Edited By Localtimetraveler on 11/18/2023 at 10:26 PM.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
Threads: 3
Posts: 63
Posted: 4/14/2022 at 4:17 PM Post #7
Part 4: Meanwhile in Esior...


Atlas shot up from his cot as he heard screaming from the streets and quickly dashed outside the healers tent. "What's happening?!" His mind was racing. Was it the bandits? No, they disbanded when Lord Talon was defeated! So what could be causing all this then- OH.

As he skidded to a stop outside the tent, he saw the town's people running in a panic, rushing to get their kids and sylesties inside and whatnot.

And at least three extremely confused sylesties wreaking havoc.

In a flurry of feathers, he shot up into the air, looking around and trying to assess the situation. He thought about the conundrum a bit and came to the conclusion that this was possibly because of a failed capture attempt. He could see that stalls were knocked clean over; meaning at least one of them was really big and strong. Like a Morkko! Or a Nytekrie! Well, whatever it was, he hoped it wasn't able to fly.

And that's exactly when he crashed into an airborne object.

"AAAA, WHAT THE-" He and another sylesti yelled simultaneously. After getting over the initial shock, he looked over to see a blue-furred bulbori with jeweled wings!

After a few awkward moments of staring, Atlas called out, "Errm, hi?" Which warranted him a slash on the snout. "OW WHAT- D-DUDE WHY!?" Atlas looked back up to see where the bulbori had gone. And it wasn't there. And then a stream of yellow light seared through one of his feathers. He swiftly flitted out of the way of a few more beams, with one nearly hitting his neck, an looked down to see an angry Zolnixi with ornate jewelry, wings and its muzzle bound, attacking all nearby people and knocking over stalls!

It was clearly aiming for him, and so he dove in a complex pattern to land face his foe on solid ground. Once he had landed, the Zolnixi quickly slammed into his side, knocking him off his paws. He retaliated by kicking his hind legs up into the Zolnixies stomach, sending it into the air. But strangely, it didn't use its wings to stay in the air to try and dive on him like he did while fighting his father. And then it hit him, the wings were fake! So this Zolnixi might have been a show sylesti who must have escaped! The Zolnixi hit the ground but then immediately sprang up and battered his chest with its claws. He bit down on its scruff and threw it right at the base of the fountain. It got up ready to attack him with the beams again, but he flew up to dodge them. But then he was slammed in the back, sending him, and the Zolnixi, tumbling into the water of the fountain. He looked over and saw the bulbori from earlier laying in the water, dazed and confused. A second later, he saw a lunemara splash into the water while struggling to get out of a trap.

"Hey! You should really learn to watch your step when you cause trouble in our city!" A feminine voice yelled out.
Atlas then heard the familiar sound of horse hooves clopping towards the fountain.
"Hey kid, are you ok?" Said another voice, this time being masculine.
Then he saw them.
Five sylesties. A kelpari, aurleon, luffox, nytekrie, and ryori, tasked with protecting Esiors Haven. There they were.
The Champions of Esior.

Perch: The leader, also has imposter syndrome but frequently bottles his insecurities up (HELP THIS MAN- HORSE!?- FISH!?!!? MER HORSE!?!?!???!?)

Constellation: Dead inside, the only sane one

Wisp: If Wattpad [Y/N] was a sylesti

Angel: Cute Luffox, will kill but won't because she's seen as the most innocent (Help her)

Jovian: He says he was raised a big brain man, also, he looks suspiciously like a robot

Ok that's all of them Imma go to bed now.
Edited By Localtimetraveler on 11/18/2023 at 10:29 PM.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
Threads: 3
Posts: 63
Posted: 4/18/2022 at 10:22 PM Post #8
Part 5: Ghosts of Umbra/Interrogation

A strange, black and white Ryori stood atop the walls of the fortified city of Esiors Haven. Invisible to all but itself.

It watched as its companions were dragged into one of the highest towers of the city. It turned back and flew north towards Umbra Forest.

Frost looked up to see the Ryori scout he had sent hovering nearby. "Monochrome. Did you see or smell anything?" He said. Monochrome, as he had been told, was a skilled tracker with an incredible sense of smell, so impressive that he could smell the smallest of scents from above a city wall. He had a small headdress that allowed him to become invisible. Monochrome looked off thoughtfully. "Hmm. I believe I did. A young Vulynx had Olympus scent. The scent is still strong, meaning he must have attacked your leader last night, possibly even two nights ago." Frost nodded. "Alright, now, what did this Vulynx look like?" Monochrome paused again. "He had dark blue fur with black fur and his ears and muzzle. He had bright cyan stripes. But his wings... I don't really know how to explain them. Uhhh... Let's just say they were a translucent bright cyan."

Frost spread his wings in alarm. "Atlas!? Didn't he fall into the river a few months ago!?" Monochrome looked at him, then at Alps, who was standing nearby. Alps looked extremely confused and scared. But he just shrugged and went back to whatever he was doing. Frost slammed his paw into the ground, "We can't just have an enemy to our pride running around!" Monochrome spoke up, "He's not a part of your uh- little group anymore, so why do you insist on annoying him for longer?" Frost clamped his paws onto Monochrome's snout. "DON'T YOU SEE!? IF HE COULD NEARLY KILL HIM ONCE AND LIVED, HE COULD DO IT AGAIN!!!" Monochrome's ears were ringing due to Frost's yelling. Andromeda suddenly appeared behind him and gave him a firm slap on the back of his head, knocking him out cold. "Wow." Alps whispered, "Paranoid much." Monochrome nodded in agreement to this statement.

Poly came to Monochrome and motioned to a pile of sticks and leaves. Monochrome blinked and realized what was happening. The plan had been set into motion. It was time to set up the traps.

Atlas was, to say the least, confused. Not only were the Champions much more confusing than thought they would be, ALL OF THEM COULD FLY YET, THEY TOOK THE STAIRS!!! JUST- WHY!?

Anyways, they turned a corner and entered through a door into a hallway until they came up to a room with no door. "Huh?" thought Atlas, "Why have a room with a doorway without a door?". Then he saw the shackles on the floor and said, "Oooh, that's why this room doesn't have a door."

In a flash, Jovian, one of the champions, had chained all three sylesties who were causing havoc in Esiors Haven to the floor.

Suddenly, Perch looked at Atlas with a puzzled expression.
"Aren't you the kid who was brought here around a couple of months ago by a guardsmen?"
" No. The part about me being brought here was correct, I think, but I wasn't brought here by a guard."
"And you took down Bolt and Thunder?"
"Well, yeah, but not by myself, of course!"
"Ah, so it seems..." Perch paused, "May I excuse myself?" Atlas was a bit confused, but everyone needed their breaks, didn't they? So he said, "Ok!"

After Perch left the room, the interrogation began.

The first thing Atlas noticed was that the bulbori looked confused. Like, very confused. Its eyes were glassy, and it looked like it was suddenly awoken from a very long nap. The zolnixi was very aggressive, biting and snarling at everyone in the room. Its muzzle was taken off. The lunemara didn't do anything, though, it kinda just... Stared. It was FREAKING HIM OUT. Also, Wisp wasn't to be seen. Where was that ryori?

Angel ran forward and hit the zolnixi right between the eyes. In an instant, pink sparkles surrounded the zolnixi and lifted it into the air! Atlas had never seen such a thing happen before! Once the lights faded, it was back on the stone floor, but looking less likely to kill anyone in the room and more like the bulbori.

"Now talk." Said Jovian. "I'm not telling anything!" Hissed the zolnixi. "Um. I don't even remember anything! Seriously!" Protested the bulbori.

Atlas heard whispers from the champions, "What are gonna do?" "They're not gonna tell us anything!" "So, make them speak up by any means possible!" Atlas shot a panicked and worried look at the champions, almost like saying, "Oh my Faerina, please don't!" Constellation noticed this and sighed, "Ok, maybe not by all means possible." Jovian nodded and called towards the doorway. "Hey Wisp, can you get the truth potions in the basement? Also, grab Perch while you're at it."

"Oh, there she is!" Atlas thought as the purple ryori poked her head around the corner. Wisp then spoke, "O-o-oh! O-Ok!" Her voice was quiet, really fitting for her name. As she ran out, Atlas heard the familiar sound of something hitting wood. Jovian sighed. "Always so clumsy."

Constellation looked back at the sylesties who were chained to the floor. "Sooooo, now what?" Said Angel. Constellation sighed, "Let's get this over with..." He looked at the interrogatees and said sternly, "Who are you...?"

"I DON'T KNOW! I DON'T REMEMBER!" Yelled the bulbori in a panic."I THINK MY NAME WAS... uhhh..." He was trying so hard to remember... "Dusk? Haze?.... Daze! I think... That was it..." The Zolnixi growled, "IM NOT TELLING ANYTHING!" He lunged at them but didn't get far because of the chains. The lunemara just kept staring. And then the sound of horse hooves resounded from the hallway.

"Hey, we're back!" Said Wisp, almost immediately tripping on a chain haphazardly strewn near the doorway. The bottles she was carrying spilled out over the stone floor, instantly shattering and their contents splashed onto the interrogatees. "O-oh stars! I-I am s-so sorry!" Wisp pleaded, looking up at Perch, who had just entered the room. "No need. I think this should still work..." Perch went and stood between them and the three sylesties and flared his fins. "Now talk." Perch echoed, "Who are you?" Atlas then remembered why he was so scared of Perch when he first entered Esior. Daze still looked far-off, "I said my name was Daze! I think that was my name though, but it's close enough." The Zolnixi growled in a low breath, "My name is Hermes." After a short pause, the lunemara chirped, "Celery."
"Um. Do you want Celery or-"
"No, that's their name." Hermes interjected.

"So how did you get here?" Angel asked. Hermes grunted and then said, " We came from Umbra Forest, well, me and Celery at least. There were traps being set up. Then, some hunters came up behind us, started chasing us all the way to here." Celery nodded. "And what about you, Daze?" Jovian questioned. "I followed them here! I was lost so I saw them running and I assumed they were going somewhere so that's why!"

"There's traps in Umbra... We should go find out what's happening!" Atlas shouted. "Indeed! This is worrying! This could be an illegal poaching operation for all we know!" Perch replied. "But what could they be after?" "Faeloras or Luporas, I presume." Said Constellation. "After all, Luporas are strong, and Faeloras are skilled in using magic." Some debate later, the Champions decided that Perch, Constellation and Wisp would go to Umbra. Atlas, Hermes and Celery would also be going, as they had all lived in Umbra at some point.

As all of them flew off of the walls of Esiors Haven (Hermes was on Constellations back), Atlas had a sinking feeling in his stomach and a strange thought of going back to his old home.

"I have a bad feeling about this..."
This... This took way to long to write.
Also, I made a Spotify playlist for this fic
Edited By Localtimetraveler on 11/18/2023 at 10:41 PM.
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
Threads: 3
Posts: 63
Posted: 5/4/2022 at 9:46 PM Post #9
Hehe sorry for the slow updates
School has been hitting me like a bus and I've been lacking story ideas do, hang in there ok?
Level 67
The Tender
Joined: 3/14/2022
Threads: 3
Posts: 63
Posted: 5/24/2022 at 5:04 PM Post #10

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