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Forum Index > News and Announcements > Proposed Updated Faelora Themed Pets
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Level 75
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Posted: 8/11/2023 at 12:03 AM Post #21
Might I suggest this for the Stargazer Lily:

With thread traits:

Picked traits:
Edited By WoermOnAString on 8/11/2023 at 12:06 AM.
Level 61
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 8/26/2023 at 1:09 AM Post #22
I like the OG festive better. Now, its pretty muted in color :|
Level 63
Majestic Green Thumb
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Posted: 9/12/2023 at 2:40 AM Post #23
Such a beautiful update, I'm an absolute sucker for the new Blue Crab + Delicate Bouquet Faelora! Amazing job allocating all the new colors, and the shading + lighting looks incredible! Could not be better on those two or this entire list, in my opinion. I can't wait to see the changes roll out fully and for the regens to start popping up!
Level 75
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 9/12/2023 at 3:26 PM Post #24
a few preferences,

i like these better as they are:
sunset poppy
cave pool
holly tree -looks more like holly than the new one
gilded wreath -looks more golden than new one
festive -it's beautiful... but the new one looks like a totally different theme. i would love to see this new one released, as a different theme lol

Other changes:
lenten rose -leave C4 as is
icy cave -leave G3 and A1 as is
crocus -leave A1 as is
stargazer lily -leave G1 and G2 as is
dasher -leave C4 and M2 as is. would like M1 to be Db0000 as well
cornicopia -only change C3

the rest look great!
Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 9/17/2023 at 10:54 PM Post #25
After looking at the Enchanted Embers some more I would like to suggest a light grey for the M1 slot. This would give the look of ash with all of the mutations in that slot.

This with the grey

compared to this
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 10/27/2023 at 9:50 AM Post #26
All Faelora Themed Pets have been updated and are now live. You can view them all via the Themed Pet Codex.

If you own a Faelora Themed Pet that had its colors updated, you can visit its Profile Page and click the "Update Themed Colors" button to update your pet to the new version.

Please note: This action is irreversible. Once you push this button, your Faelora's colors will be updated to the new palette and you cannot go back.

You can do this for both regular Themed Pets and Purebred Offspring.

Thank you to everyone for your patience and feedback throughout this whole process. I apologize that it took so long.
Level 75
Grand Protector
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Posted: 10/27/2023 at 10:19 AM Post #27
Personally, I choose a theme because of it's color, genes and mutes it has at the time and plan what I want to finish up with. I do not change the colors, I do not update the colors either as I want the ORIGINAL theme, the way it was designed at it's conception.
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 10/27/2023 at 11:41 AM Post #28
I like having every version myself and really appreciate that Krin leaves it as an option to change them. I keep the originals as they were and look for new versions that come from the wheel or the next fest if they're still around etc. Or another option is to have fun with some of the offspring with the new colors.

Regarding the changes themselves, the faes had quite the overhaul and a lot of traits just don't work the way they used to and of course the old themes couldn't be originally made thinking of future traits that would be added. I had some of my own themes changed and I'm personally satisfied with them because I feel they still capture what they were supposed to be like. I know that it can be super exciting to have new traits and then be disappointed when no matter what this trait just doesn't work on an old theme.

I think some species in the past have had themes that have had three different versions. I've tried to have all the versions because I get a bit obsessive when collecting. I'm not sure where we're at with some of the fae themes if it's up to four revamps for any or not. Eventually when I finally, someday, maybe, get my stables sorted I'll try to figure it out. I would love it though I doubt it's possible to have at least a record somewhere of all the different versions that have come out. It feels like a part of Sylestia history that's getting a bit lost or forgotten over time.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 10/28/2023 at 10:55 AM Post #29
Author: CasmereSphynx
Time Posted: 10/27/2023 at 10:19 AM
Personally, I choose a theme because of it's color, genes and mutes it has at the time and plan what I want to finish up with. I do not change the colors, I do not update the colors either as I want the ORIGINAL theme, the way it was designed at it's conception.

When we do Revamps, especially ones as complex as the Faelora (in terms of taking something that utilizes 1 or 2 Color Slots and now making it use 4 or 5 Color Slots), there is no option for us but to update their Themed Pets to accommodate all of these changes. Otherwise, the Themed Pets just look like a disaster as things changed that completely ruined how they were originally designed.

Sometimes, as we update the Themed Pets, we realize that certain Themed just don't work well anymore and take the opportunity to try and breathe new life into them. Some Themed Pets were originally literally like 2 or 3 different colors across every Color Slot. So Genes and Mutations are literally just like, blue on blue on blue with little variance. So again, we try and take this opportunity to improve those situations.

But, this is why we leave players the option to update their Themed Pets or not. If you don't like the new design, you can just keep your Themed Pets as they are and your breeding projects as they are. It's completely up to each owner what they want to do.
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