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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2023 Summer Festival - Avatar Dress Up
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Level 75
Lucky Fox
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Posted: 8/24/2023 at 10:57 PM Post #31
Summer to me means celebrating the 4th of July. It's hot outside, there's often a barbeque going on, and towns usually have some sort of sponsored festivities before the fireworks show. It's a tradition to watch the show every year and be around friends and family enjoying the company, the good food, and trying to beat the heat until it gets dark.

Level 75
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 9/9/2023 at 10:55 PM Post #32
Gilburn Goldenbags Goes To a Garden Party

"Ah, Lord Talon, so nice to see you. How is Dreadnaught? . . . Ah, me, well, these kinds of things happen.

"Sorry to bring it up, old chap, but you've landed on the Nightfall Bandit Camp, I've heard, and I hold the deed to it. You need to pay the rent, which will be 5,000 gold since I have purchased several watchtowers and placed them on it.

"Oh dear, how unfortunate. I'm afraid you must Go To Jail. Go Directly To Jail. Do Not Pass Esior's Haven. Do Not Collect 200 gold. Nothing personal, you understand. Business is business."
Edited By SpaceElf1 on 9/10/2023 at 2:35 PM.
Level 75
Omniscient Gardener
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Posted: 9/10/2023 at 12:22 PM Post #33

In an ocean full of man-eating Sirens, Mariana is a seafarer's lone guardian. Once a Siren herself, she fell in love with a sailor. They were torn apart and she was cast out by her people. Now she patrols the ocean and saves as many humans as she can, using her magic bubbles to buoy those who have fallen under a Siren's spell back to the surface.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 7/20/2023
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Posted: 9/10/2023 at 2:46 PM Post #34

Summer Berry Fairy!
Edited By Megapixie on 9/10/2023 at 2:47 PM.
Level 19
Joined: 8/26/2023
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Posted: 9/10/2023 at 4:11 PM Post #35
When I think of summer as human I think of bleached hair and tan skin with like clothing and pale blue tattoos so that's what I did... buuuut it doesn't work so srry!
Edited By Burntchicken2 on 9/10/2023 at 6:06 PM.
Level 75
Sweet Solver
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Posted: 9/10/2023 at 5:59 PM Post #36

She was vaguely aware of when she was "born". Summoned from elemental water spirits, she existed but wasn't aware. The sorceress eyed her creation. She apparently had succeeded after countless attempts.

"Margaret. That's what I'll name you".

The sorceress called herself Estelle. She lived on a remote island in a castle all on her own. Margaret was apparently the culmination of her life work but little thought seemed to be given as to what would happen with this new life after the fact. Estelle taught Margaret many things but life in such solitude was boring to a water spirit that was meant to be free.

Margaret thought to herself to escape but a barrier was in place. Any time she tried to walk towards the waves lapping at the beach, she never seemed able to get closer. All she could do was look out at the water. Her feelings were something she couldn't describe, still too new to the world to learn all the words for each sensation.

Then one day as she was looking out to the horizon, she saw something strange. Something large was floating on the surface. Large white cloths full of wind seemed to move it towards the island. Estelle appeared suddenly beside her. "A ship". Her face seemed grim. "They shouldn't be able to approach the island. My barrier should keep them from ever approaching."

"Why?" asked Margaret.

"Why? So we can keep our peace here. So I can continue my studies uninterrupted".

"Those are people, right? Is it really okay to never see any of your kind?"

Estelle frowned but didn't speak.

"Can I ever leave this island? It's... like I can't breathe here."

"You can't breathe at all. You're a water spirit."

"But I feel like that I think. The water calls for me. There's life there. I can feel it. Sometimes I can even see it. I want to feel the sea embracing me. Can I go?"

Estelle vanished without a response. Margaret stayed watching the horizon. The ship turned eventually but Margaret didn't leave even after the ship had disappeared from view. Day turned to night and back to day. She refused to return to the castle. Estelle had returned numerous times to argue with her but Margaret wouldn't leave the beach.

Being a water spirit, Margaret had no need for consuming food as people did. The water in the air, the ground, or any puddle could nourish her. She wasn't sure how long she had been waiting. Estelle hadn't shown up for a while. Perhaps she wouldn't ever come back?

It was when Margaret was thinking that that Estelle finally appeared. There was a strange crystal in her hand and she handed it to Margaret. Margaret looked baffled. "What is this?"

"The key". Estelle wouldn't look Margaret in the face as she said it. "With this you can go through the barrier. If you want to be out there, fine. If you decide you're bored of the ocean and come back then you can. Do what you want." Estelle had tears going down her face. her creator couldn't admit she was wrong but at last Margaret could seek her own future at last. Margaret left right then and there finally free.
Level 71
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 9/10/2023 at 8:55 PM Post #37
Lunar Goddess
Level 75
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Posted: 9/10/2023 at 9:36 PM Post #38

"Water Dancer"

She dances with slow, graceful movements to match the rhythm of the ocean's waves. As she she is silently absorbed in her dance, the water itself joins in, synchronizing itself to her motion.
Edited By Anemochory on 9/10/2023 at 9:42 PM.
Moderation Team
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Posted: 9/11/2023 at 4:21 AM Post #39
This thread has been locked.
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 9/13/2023 at 5:48 AM Post #40
1st Place

Prize(s): Free Stable, [Peerless Avatar Token] x1, [Majestic Beach Shovel] x10, [Majestic Fishing Pole] x10, 3-Visible Summer Festival Themed Pet of Choice (2-Vis if Majestic) OR Sculpting Catalyst of Choice, [Quick Drying Agent] x1, [Premium Clam] x2, [Box of Sculpting Supplies] x1, [Box of Sculpting Agents] x2

Frostfal - View Entry

2nd Place

Prize(s): Free Stable, [Majestic Beach Shovel] x5, [Majestic Fishing Pole] x5, [Majestic Sculpting Catalyst] x1 OR [Fabled Sculpting Catalyst] x1, [Quick Drying Agent] x1, [Premium Clam] x1, [Box of Sculpting Supplies] x1, [Box of Sculpting Agents] x2

Carrotcat - View Entry

SpaceElf1 - View Entry

3rd Place

Prize(s): Free Stable, [Majestic Sculpting Catalyst] x1 OR [Fabled Sculpting Catalyst] x1, [Quick Drying Agent] x1, [Premium Clam] x1, [Box of Sculpting Supplies] x1, [Box of Sculpting Agents] x2

Agilupa - View Entry

Draculina - View Entry

All Participants
With valid submissions

Prize(s): Title: Fancy Pants, [Sylestiopoly Property] x3, [Mystery Sculpting Catalyst] x1, [Box of Sculpting Agents] x2, [Avatar Item (Summer - Retired)] x1, [Sun Tokens] x500
Edited By Krinadon on 9/13/2023 at 6:02 AM.
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