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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > 2024 Spring Festival - Outdoor Scavenger...
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Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 5/12/2024 at 6:03 PM Post #1
To celebrate the Spring we will be having an outdoor scavenger hunt! So yes...this means you must go outside to find the items on the list. If you take any pictures indoors for any of the listed items then it will not count. :)

Once you have found something on the list I ask that you take a picture of it with a piece of paper with your Sylestia username and the date on it. This is so that I know that you are the one that is actually finding the things. :) You also must include pictures, if you don't then your scavenger hunt will not count.

You may not use the same image for multiple answers.

Additionally, please do not use the same submission as you may have used in previous Scavenger Hunts. We ask that you seek out new places and things!

Once you have found everything that you could, come back and post your pictures here in the correct order of the list. If there is a difficult picture where you can't photo whatever you're trying to photo and also get your name tag in it at the same time, you may take a picture without your name tag in it THEN immediately afterwards take a photo of your name tag in the area where you were trying to photo. So you would list both photos for that point on the forums.

You do not have to find everything on the list. But for each one you find you will receive a point. The more points you have the more times your name will be included in the random generator for when we do the prizes.

Everyone that also participates with at least 12 scavenger finds will receive the Title: Nature Walker.

Note: Please be respectful of nature. Do not harm anything of nature while you are outside. Please do not remove, destroy, or harm any nests or anything of that sort. And please leave everything that you find outside (unless it is litter, then you can remove that and throw it away). Also, please do not endanger yourself or others to obtain any of these pictures. Thank you!

A Player Guide on How to Upload Images

Be aware that lately Discord has been deleting screenshots, so if you're relying on Discord to upload your images please be sure that your images are still there.

Scavenger List

[ ] 1. Find a multi-colored flower.
[ ] 2. Find a natural body of water.
[ ] 3. Find a Squirrel, Chipmunk, Possum (or your country's equivalent).
[ ] 4. Find a rainbow.
[ ] 5. Find a bug or an insect.
[ ] 6. Find something slimy.
[ ] 7. Find a rock that you think looks cool.
[ ] 8. Find a bird's nest.
[ ] 9. Find a mushroom.
[ ] 10. Find someone else's litter and throw it away (Use Gloves if necessary).
[ ] 11. Find a tree with moss growing on it.
[ ] 12. Find a garden gnome.
[ ] 13. Find a sunset or sunrise.
[ ] 14. Find a fruit growing tree.
[ ] 15. Find a bush with wild berries.
[ ] 16. Find an ant hole or hill.
[ ] 17. Find a fish.
[ ] 18. Find a spiderweb.
[ ] 19. Find a cold-blooded animal.
[ ] 20. Find a yard that needs to be cut.


Everyone that participates and finds at least 12 Scavenger objectives will receive the Title: Nature Walker and other participation prizes. Additionally, players will receive one point for completing each objective with a maximum of 20 points. Each point will get your name entered an additional time into the random drawing for the grand prizes.

The top ten names randomized will receive prizes. Players can't win "multiple" times. Check the Spring Festival Overview Thread for the end time for this Forum Game.
Edited By Krinadon on 5/12/2024 at 8:56 PM.
Level 64
The Tender
Joined: 3/29/2024
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Posted: 5/12/2024 at 9:51 PM Post #2
1 - A multi-colored flower
(Honeysuckle!!! It's my favorite flower :] Yellow and white!)

2 - A natural body of water
(There's a little lake in my backyard, the dogs love to swim in it)

5 - A bug or an insect
(A little moth!)

6 - Something slimy
(These weird fungi things get pretty slimy when it rains. It's just rained yesterday)

7 - A rock you think looks cool
(Found this red one in the gravel pile! Its pattern kinda reminds me of Pluto!)

9 - A mushroom
(Usually they grow closer to the road, but I found this older one near the cornfield.)

10 - Someone else's litter
(A pretty big gift ribbon, not really sure how it got there. Made sure to put it in the bin afterwards)

13 - A sunset or sunrise
(The first picture I took when I went outside! Hence why all the other photos have varying lighting-)

15 - A bush with wild berries
(Found this evergreen plant growing these weird periwinkle clusters. They look like berries, so hopefully this counts!)

16 - An ant hole or hill
(These lil things are everywhere! I try my best not to step on them-)

19 - A cold-blooded animal
(Fun fact! Turns out insects are cold-blooded! There were a bunch of bees around the honeysuckle bush, so I decided to go with that :])

20 - A yard that needs to be cut
(There's a little fenced-in area for the dogs that hasn't been mowed in a while. The grass has gotten pretty tall)
Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 6/27/2018
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Posted: 5/12/2024 at 11:02 PM Post #3
If something is difficult to take a photo of, can I take video then save a screenshot from the video containing the thing I was finding? I would either include my username in the vid/screen shot or take a pic in the area where the video was filmed, would this type of post be acceptable?
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Site Moderator
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 5/13/2024 at 7:19 AM Post #4
I think that should be fine! :)
Level 75
Sweet Solver
Joined: 12/18/2012
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Posted: 5/17/2024 at 10:05 AM Post #5
With the finding a rock that you think looks cool, can it be a rock that you've already bought for your own garden? I live in Florida and typically have to buy rocks if I want rocks.

Also the garden gnome can be your own garden gnome, too? I just wanted to verify cause it really doesn't feel so much like finding something when you know exactly where something is.
Level 75
Frosty Hands
Site Moderator
Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 5/17/2024 at 7:51 PM Post #6
That's fine! As long as you think said rock is cool and the Garden Gnome is in fact a Garden Gnome, I have no issue with it being your own. :)
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 4/24/2023
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Posted: 5/18/2024 at 12:09 AM Post #7
[x] 1. Find a multi-colored flower.

[x] 2. Find a natural body of water.

[ ] 3. Find a Squirrel, Chipmunk, Possum (or your country's equivalent). - You can see the squirrel behind my paper in the second pic (:

[ ] 4. Find a rainbow.

[x] 5. Find a bug or an insect. - Little guy (Pillbug) was on the litter we picked up! We gently shook him off before tossing it.

[x] 6. Find something slimy. - Found some algae near the lake. Figured that is slimy, I hope!

[x] 7. Find a rock that you think looks cool. - The picture does not do this rock justice. I swear it's a lot more sparkling in real life!!! I actually brought it home with me! (:

[ ] 8. Find a bird's nest.

[ ] 9. Find a mushroom.

[x] 10. Find someone else's litter and throw it away (Use Gloves if necessary).

[ ] 11. Find a tree with moss growing on it.

[ ] 12. Find a garden gnome.

[ ] 13. Find a sunset or sunrise.

[x] 14. Find a fruit growing tree. - Had to take two pictures here. This is actually our peach tree! I wanted to make sure the little fruits were visible, as they haven't fully grown in yet.

[x] 15. Find a bush with wild berries. - These are wild berries, but I think they're a bit... old.

[x] 16. Find an ant hole or hill.

[ ] 17. Find a fish.

[x] 18. Find a spiderweb.

[ ] 19. Find a cold-blooded animal.

[x] 20. Find a yard that needs to be cut.
Edited By Jenrette on 5/19/2024 at 6:34 PM.
Level 22
Joined: 5/18/2024
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Posted: 5/18/2024 at 6:41 PM Post #8
I Have A LOT Of Ant Hills!
Level 68
Joined: 7/4/2014
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Posted: 5/19/2024 at 11:00 PM Post #9
#1 multi colored flower

#2 Hard to see body of water above sticky note

#5 insect/bug

#6 something slimy

#7 Rock that's cool

#9 mushroom

#10 litter and it being thrown away

#11 tree with moss

#12 garden gnome

#13 sunset

#14 tree with fruit (trees in my area just starting to produce fruit)

#Bush with berries (bushes just starting to produce berries in my area)

#16 ant hill

#18 Spider web

#20 yard that needs to be cut
Edited By Meowth27 on 5/19/2024 at 11:25 PM.
Level 62
Lady Luck
Joined: 5/24/2018
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Posted: 5/24/2024 at 12:01 PM Post #10
I didn't put the day on my paper because I never have paper with me. But I put my old bus card on the back of the paper so that it's unique. (

1. Find a multi-colored flower : The beautiful roses from my garden

2. Find a natural body of water. : A lake in a square near my office

3. Find a Squirrel, Chipmunk, Possum (or your country's equivalent). : I think I'll never find one

4. Find a rainbow. : The rainbow in the morning when I go to work

5. Find a bug or an insect. : A pyrrhocore (gendarme in french) that I played a lot with when I was young

6. Find something slimy. : A snail after the rain

7. Find a rock that you think looks cool.

8. Find a bird's nest.

9. Find a mushroom.

10. Find someone else's litter and throw it away (Use Gloves if necessary). : A water bottle left in the street

11. Find a tree with moss growing on it.

12. Find a garden gnome. : Garden gnome hidden and showing it's but

13. Find a sunset or sunrise. : Cloudy sunset

14. Find a fruit growing tree. : A cherry tree with unripe cherry

15. Find a bush with wild berries.

16. Find an ant hole or hill. : I'm not gonna go near it more because I'm scared

17. Find a fish.

18. Find a spiderweb.

19. Find a cold-blooded animal. : Ants are cold-blooded animals

20. Find a yard that needs to be cut. : My yard really needs my landlord to come mow it

Edited By Finnula on 5/24/2024 at 12:25 PM.
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