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Forum Index > Official Games and Contests > Summer Festival 2014 - Create a Summer T...
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Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 1/6/2013
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 12:22 PM Post #141
I present for your viewing pleasure the
'Everything in my yard is dead except for the weeds and that one shady spot in the back yard' Griffi, covered in cracked, dry earth, yellow, white, and purple dandelions and thistles, and that one spot that's green because it doesn't dry out so bad - because unless you make a conscious effort to constantly water your lawn every time drought restrictions let up enough that you can, your lawn will look like this.

His parents will be

(Vis frost runes, carried flower things and tribal marks)

(vis flower things, carried frost runes and tribal marks)
Level 67
The Artistic
Joined: 9/27/2013
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 1:47 PM Post #142

Male visible tiger sparrow wings, carries Uromastyx and mystical flowers

Female visible Uromastyx, carries tiger sparrow wings and mystical flowers

Potential offspring

Ocean Aeris, based on the sand and sea
Note: My first festival day- I haven't looked at the other entries, but I'm sure someone else has already done this...
Level 60
Seashell Collector
Joined: 2/18/2014
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 3:46 PM Post #143

These respective Ryori are lawns getting mowed. Their wings are lawn mower blades. :3

Edit: Their two traits are Lucky Runes and Cyberpunk Wings.
Edited By Deathdust on 8/10/2014 at 3:47 PM.
Level 70
The Hallowed
Joined: 6/26/2014
Threads: 8
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 5:39 PM Post #144
Summer Breeze Ryori

Based off the relaxing, cool summer breeze you get on a hot summer day!

Eye color: FFCC00
Color 1: 3083FF
Color 2: 45AEFF
Color 3: DEDEDE
Gene 1: N/A color: 004CE3
Gene 2: Petal Markings color: A6E7FF
Gene 3: N/A color: BFF5FF
Mutation 1: N/A color: 99CAFF
Mutation 2: Ethereal Ribbons color: 78DBFF
Mutation 3: N/A color: 00D9FF
Level 60
Seashell Collector
Joined: 3/17/2014
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Posts: 71
Posted: 8/10/2014 at 6:20 PM Post #145
These are my 'Firefly Vulnyx' I have based their colors off of late evenings chasing fireflies with my children this summer. The jewels are meant to represent the fireflies, the stripes represent chasing of the fireflies and the antenna represents their glowyness. Their body represents the blackish/blue of a summer night at our home.

Carried Gene Design Three: Galaxy Stripes
Visible Mutation Design One: Jeweled Wings
Carried Mutation Design Three: Glowing Antenna
Eye Color: FFAA00
Color 1: 000000
Color 2: 000000
Color 3 000000
Gene Color Three: 010833
Mutation Color One: 0015FF
Mutation Three: DEA20B

Their future babies will hopefully look like this:
Level 73
Joined: 6/27/2014
Threads: 18
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 6:33 PM Post #146
My pair is based off of the beautiful Gaura flower (one of my favorite summer flowers).

G1 - Nothing
G2 - Nothing
G3 - Carries Glitter dust
M1 - Carries Lily tail
M2 - Nothing
M3 - Visible Mythical flowers

G1 - Nothing
G2 - Nothing
G3 - Carries Glitter dust
M1 - Visible Lily tail
M2 - Nothing
M3 - Carries Mythical flowers

Colors for both are identical (:

Eye Color - DDE07F
Color One - FFFFFF
Color Two - B00055
Color Three - D691B2
Gene Color One - 750039
Gene Color Two - B30074
Gene Color Three - FFFFFF
Mutation Color One - FFFFFF
Mutation Color Two - FFFFFF
Mutation Color Three - BF0056
Level 75
The Hallowed
Joined: 3/9/2013
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 7:03 PM Post #147
Summer is monsoon season, which sadly, results in many tree casualties each and every year.

So with that, the fallen tree Aeridini

G2: Nebula
G3: Muddy
M1: Pampas Tail
M3 Mystical Petals

Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/1/2013
Threads: 101
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Posted: 8/10/2014 at 11:30 PM Post #148
Ulysses Pair!

They both carry
Galaxy Stripes
Lunamoth wings
Glowing antenna

to eventually make this!

Edited By Amirell on 8/10/2014 at 11:31 PM.
Level 71
The Dreamer
Joined: 3/4/2014
Threads: 24
Posts: 452
Posted: 8/10/2014 at 11:30 PM Post #149
This Aeridini couple is based off the colors on a beach on a sunny blue-skied summer day. :)

Sunny Beach Aeridinis:

And their colors, if needed.
Level 60
Enchanted Explorer
Joined: 4/28/2014
Threads: 6
Posts: 175
Posted: 8/10/2014 at 11:45 PM Post #150
Here are the Kelpari that drive Apollo's chariot themselves!

Sun Spot Kelpari: known for pulling the Chariot of the Sun and swimming in the lava flows of ancient volcanoes

Carries: Glowfish and Pearl Armor

Based on this Pic:

and this pic:

Happy Summer Festival everyone! This was fun!
Edited By Unikitty on 8/10/2014 at 11:52 PM.
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