Create a Sylestia Valentine
No Reserving Posts
1. You must create a Sylestia themed Valentine using real life arts and crafts. Any types of materials may be used as long as your finished item is Sylestia themed and resembles a Valentine.
2. You must provide at least 3 progress pictures of the creation of your Valentine. Each picture must include your Sylestia Username and the Date. You must upload your pictures to an image uploading site, such as Failing to follow this rule will automatically disqualify your entry.
3. In order to qualify as an entry, the entry must look like it actually required effort. Please do not just throw something together in 5 minutes with the goal of just simply earning the Participation Prizes. Faiona and I will be the sole judges of what we deem to qualify or not. We obviously are not going to be judging on skill for this part so as long as you actually put forth effort to make something, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. We just want to see everyone who participates put forth some effort as we feel that makes the Prizes fair to everyone. =)
A Player Guide on How to Upload Images
4. You must submit your own entry. You cannot share an entry with other Players. You can, however, work together with other players on your own entries. You just have to of been the one to make it and the one to submit it.
5. The due date for submitting your entry is by the end of the Week of Love Event.
There will be prizes awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers. All entries will be judged and the winners will be selected by the Admins.
There will be a Participation Prize as well.
Here is an example of a winning entry from a previous contest:
Have fun and enjoy!
1st Place Winner(s)
Prizes: 2,000 Diamonds, Free Stable, [Peerless Avatar Token] x1, 3-Visible Week of Love Themed Pet of Choice (2-Vis if Restricted) x2, [Candy Heart Complete Set] x10, [Philter of Trait Disruption] x3
2nd Place Winner(s)
Prizes: 1,000 Diamonds, Free Stable, [Peerless Avatar Token] x1, 3-Visible Week of Love Themed Pet of Choice (2-Vis if Restricted) x1, [Candy Heart Complete Set] x5, [Philter of Trait Disruption] x2
3rd Place Winner(s)
Prizes: 500 Diamonds, Free Stable, [Peerless Avatar Token] x1, 3-Visible Week of Love Themed Pet of Choice (2-Vis if Restricted) x1, [Candy Heart Complete Set] x3, [Philter of Trait Disruption] x1
All Participants
Prizes: Title: Cutely Creative, [Candy Heart Complete Set] x10, [Avatar Item (Love - Retired)] x5 |