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Level 51
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Posted: 6/30/2017 at 8:10 PM
Post #91
Oh, okay. What's going to happen to the person who tried to kill the protagonist?
Hmm. I can't really comment on how good of a program that is but I suggest, if you're looking for a good art program, downloading Paint Tool Sai.
You can download it for free here:
The link above is to a YouTube video that shows you how to install the program and has the download link for the program in the description. I know it's safe as I downloaded it a few months ago and everything was, and still is, fine.
Just a heads up, when going to the video you may want to mute it or turn it down as soon as possible as the music in the background is some really, really loud heavy metal. So yeah. Down with headphone users.
I bet it is. I don't have the interest in learning code if I'm honest. Though, like you said, it would be something to be proud of.
Sorry for the late reply, real life has a tendency to rear it's ugly head now and again.
Level 75
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Posted: 6/30/2017 at 8:22 PM
Post #92
Oh dear ):
That sounds like a good way of figuring out which to watch ^^
Oh dear that sounds horrible omg
That's pretty nice for adding that kind of scenario unintentionally ^^
I mean, what isn't allowed for someone of your age for reading?
The reason I think it's included is more of the fact that a lot of the things people wrote for it were mature themed//suicide, death,******, etc. rather than the school being against it
Wow, you've been writing this for a long time :o
That's really cool that you've kept writing it and have put so much work into it for such a long time :)
I think what makes a character you don't like harder to write is that you can't express how you would feel or react and need to figure out this whole new mentality and need to create a whole new mindset for yourself too so you can understand them better
You should send me the channel I've been wanting to find something like that for such a long time omg
I used to be fine reading a larger category of fanfiction but now I get really bothered when it's not canon, especially when personalities are alternated extremely(I don't know if I'm happy or not that I'm so bothered by this now because it's insanely difficult to find anything I'd actually read to the end)
I hope you like it, I haven't read it any time recently though so I don't remember if it's okay to read without familiarity ;v;
Yeah, if even the person who gave birth to the character doesn't like them in the slightest then the chances of others liking them is pretty slim X)
I didn't even care about the character, I just really liked sacrifices XD
Good luck on that day! ^^
Yay not everything will get screwed over XD
Good luck saving up for it :)
The creeper rap was how I found him dear god XD
(was listened to a bunch of minecraft music and that showed up of course, or villager news one or the other)
I think my favorite is now tied between the 40 years of gaming one and the ori one now(civilization also is great too though), I don't listen religiously though so I haven't listened to all of them ^^;
Just found out he made another minecraft rap with enderman, sounds pretty great
I'm a bit picky with the music I actually like from the category but the ones I do enjoy I think sound pretty good ^^
Or this possibly familiar one
Otherwise I don't like jazz much either
Level 75
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Posted: 6/30/2017 at 8:33 PM
Post #93
The person who tried to kill the protagonist will eventually be killed by the antagonist as the reason the antagonist starts their journey is because they are trying to avenge the protagonist so when they learn they are the culprit they kill them and become the true villain as their role is set(they go insane with grief along the way and decide to keep searching for the so called demon who killed his little brother since even if they didn't end up being the person who killed them they don't have much left to return to so their new purpose to them becomes this hunt)
In the earlier parts of the story I'm planning on hinting at the person who attempted the murder being the villain then transferring the role over to the antagonist with their death
Thank you very much for the link :)
and the advice ^^;
(dear god every comment on this video is commenting on the music)
I really appreciate it, thanks a lot
That's fine, I understand
Level 61
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 11:33 AM
Post #94
I think we have thousands of spare cables though, I should be fine lol.
Well, I don't have to do it anymore now (unless I have to re-take English... I really don't want to have to do that, but I'm honestly not sure because they made English ridiculously hard for no reason now. I think to pass, you need to get something ridiculous, I remember it being the equivalent of what I had to get in Computer Science to get an A* (to be fair though, I only had to get half the paper right because my coursework was good enough lol. One of my friends could still get a C even if he got no marks on the paper ha ha)).
I tend to do it a lot lol. It's quite useful actually, since it adds extra unintended (but still in-character) world-building and stuff, quite subtly too, so not everything is just shown directly to the reader (a lot of the time I tend to make the reader not work for tiny details, but recently I've started to do that after trying to apply 'show don't tell' thing a little better than before).
I'm 16, so I suppose anything that would make it 18-rated? I'm really not sure. I suppose they just didn't want excessive swearing and things that go overboard, but again, I have no idea. I think one of my friends wrote a story about suicide in an exam once, when the prompt was 'write a story for a school newsletter' lol. Though it was even better in the actual exam where we had to write about 'two people from different backgrounds', and he wrote about the Bourgeoisie XD
Oh, ok, that makes more sense.
Well, not this story (the romance one). The romantic one is more recent, the other one is more of a dystopia sci-fi/ fantasy blend (which is the one that I refer to as 'the main story'), however both take place in the same universe, with one being in one country and the other in a different one. So technically speaking, I could cross them over if I wanted to, since they also take place at the same time. I think 99% of all my stories are in this one universe, purely for fun, and also it means that I don't have to do much in the way of extra world-building lol, but still have different locations and stuff to make it seem country-sized.
Thanks! :) Yeah, I have had to change it quite a lot though. My first obstacle was when I started writing it. I don't know how or why, but when The Hunger Games suddenly gained popularity (I came up with the concept before anyone really talked about it), I realised that most of the stuff was exactly the same by pure coincidence. And the last thing I really wanted was for it to be constantly compared to The Hunger Games (not saying that it's a bad book, but it's kind of average really, and the social commentary is also a bit 'meh'), so I've had to mess with it a lot. But I'm glad I've taken 4 years, since my writing has massively improved, and now I have... let me check... 100MB worth of world-building stuff saved to my laptop, 1.452MB (1,452KB) of which is writing alone (in the form of .txt documents and Word documents), the rest being drawings and diagrams etc. It doesn't sound like a lot, but one of them which details the plot for roughly 200 years ahead of the current story is about 7 pages alone (being about 27KB in size). So yeah... I tend to world-build when I don't want to write, and vice versa, hence my hoard of information lol.
Yeah. But sometimes it is kind of necessary to write as someone you don't like, especially as it can make them more human if you're struggling to make them believable because they're just so heartless. Though I do think that I tend to make my characters' personalities exaggerations of certain parts of my own (not intentionally, but I think it's just a thing I do without thinking about it). For example, my main character from the main story (I'll just tell you his name, it'll make things easier if I reference him by it - His name is Dr Ikeda/ Kazuo) is a complete coward, basically taking all of my own personal stupid fears (like, who the hell is scared of balloons apart from me? 0-0 Only the latex ones, to be fair though. Weirdest fear ever, I don't even know why I'm scared of them lol), multiplying them by a thousand and applying them to different things. So sometimes it's not entirely difficult if you make something about them somewhat like you; even if that character is completely detestable.
Have fun. Just beware some of the stories, they are rather... well, you'll discover it yourself. I'd recommend starting with Sonic Highschool, that series left me in tears because I was laughing so hard at his reaction.
That's often why I feel like I can't write fan-fiction, since I just don't feeling comfortable portraying the personalities of someone else's character, especially when the author will probably know something about them that the reader doesn't. I think the only thing that keeps me engaged is if the personality changes are so ridiculous and the fan-fiction is so unintentionally hilarious that I will continue (equally, if it's really painful, I might force myself to continue to see how much worse it gets).
There was only one time that I ever put down a story and didn't finish, and that was reading Allegiant (the last Divergent book), because I was so bored with all of what felt like filler (which was almost always Four and Tris arguing). Then someone spoiled the ending for me, and I was like "Well, I'm glad I didn't read that far, because it wouldn't have been worth my effort for that ending!" So I just didn't really care enough about the whole narrative, which is a shame, because the whole idea could have been so much better in my opinion, and would have been a great opportunity for a deep meaning, but nope, like most modern stories, they don't do anything with it :/ That's probably what gets me most about modern books - I see a lot of potential in an idea, but the author doesn't go to the depth that they could have, and it's frustrating.
I should do, the opening seems pretty epic :)
I think one of them was supposed to be really unlikable, so I suppose I did well with his character lol. And speaking of sacrifices, in the first version of the story, he was eaten alive by a giant lizard thing (though that was before I decided to make him an awful person - now he doesn't get sacrificed, and, in fact, he can't because his son will be important to a future plot later... but as soon as he becomes irrelevant, he's going to die, because it will be satisfying to have him killed off >:D ), but it wasn't really that sad at all, because I didn't have any emotional attachment to him ha ha.
*60 years later* Ahh, I remember Dexter and Hari. Yes, I meant to do something with those two, I sort of just buried them underneath a myriad of characters with better designs. Maybe it's time to... *dies of old age* Basically, that day is probably never going to come ha ha, I'll keep forgetting, then saying I'll do it, then I won't.
I think my cat is trying to convince me not to go the 'everything dies' route, considering that she keeps sitting behind me when I write and purrs whenever I look at her lol. Your cuteness shall not convince me, cat! I shall do as I please!
Thanks! Knowing me, it'll probably take a while lol, because I'll insist on having way too many spare fineliners.
Yeah, I think it was through Elemental Animation (I think that's their name? Or is it Element Animation?) that I heard about the creeper rap. But otherwise, I didn't really listen to much more of them; despite liking Skyrim, I wasn't really keen on his raps to do with the game to be honest.
Oh, ok, I think I've seen that one before. Or maybe I'm just confused because of the animation style, but still, although I don't really play Minecraft any more, it's not bad, I kind of like it.
Those two songs are actually two of the few I listen to XD Out of Caravan Palace's songs, I think I only really like Lone Digger, and for Jaime Berry, I can say that I like a few of their songs, but I'm not a fan of all of them.
Here are some Nu Disco ones : 1 and 2. I personally prefer the 1st one (it has just a little bit of swearing, at least, I think it does, the lyrics aren't the clearest lol), but yeah, I generally like these two. I'm also going to sneak in some Drum and Bass to the list here, because I absolutely love this song. Edit: And another one lol.
Gah, I'm so annoyed at myself right now. I'm trying to draw the characters from my story, and did an ok job of Ereyse (she looks too young, but I suppose that is the point of her character, so I'm going to let it slide), but then my hand decided to shake while drawing Xurai's face ;-; Hopefully the colouring hides it, or I'm going to have to draw it all again, and that's going to annoy me even more.
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/1/2017 at 11:51 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 12:52 PM
Post #95
That's good :)
Oh dear that sounds terrible, hopefully you're done with those classes then
That's one thing I should probably work a bit more on ^^;
Since I've been stuck on a scene and how to proceed I've been writing future possible events instead which are all written as either gems or different route points so just a lot of major or memorable events
(the scene is where the POV for Zach changes to first person from that point on, and man is that a struggle for me to write first person it sounds so cringy to me because I just can't write it correctly, I think I need to change what is happening around him so they aren't as overwhelmed mentally)
The majority of people in my class were 16-18, I think around this age group you should have open-rein on what you want to write(in a class, outside of class age shouldn't matter much)
That's really cool still :)
You can keep expanding this world if you wanted since it's the world you created for your stories ^^
That's a lot dang dude
Sounds good, I'll have to try that something ^^
Bruh only a few months ago my mother tried to have me take a picture with a mascot and I ran
They chased me I have never been so scared in my whole life the person in the suit was probably dying trying not to laugh
Yes >:D
I have a feeling I know what you are warning me about, and I hope it's what I'm thinking because I've sent friends badly written fiction to read and it's hilarious
Omg I recognize Sonic Highschool(I remember avoiding it years ago XD)
I understand that, actually most of my favorite books are old now that I think about it(ones that feel very immersive and feel like the world and plot were thought a lot about)
Modern ones I liked are usually not so immersive or enchanting but had an interesting idea to them at least(haha my story! *crying*)
Mob with fire and pitchforks chanting "death!" "death!" "death!" "death!"
Oh god I only saw their username yesterday, I think it's Element
I tried listening to more of their music but couldn't get myself to like it X)
It was a horrible time I was still trying to decide if I liked electro swing or not(decided yes I do, even if I don't like a lot of it I still liked some)
Oh this sounds nice immediately, kindove reminds me of pokemon mystery dungeon for some reason(excluding the lyrics)
Wew love drum and bass :D
Have you heard anything from Unlike Pluto?x
Your art style is so nice ;v;
I'm still practicing humans but after spending a year drawing my own character they look a bit above my average style? Hello Zach ^^;
Would you mind me drawing your characters btw if I ever get the chance/feel up to it?
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 4:12 PM
Post #96
I'm mainly a fiction writer, and I LOVE writing Dystopian and Horror. I do 1st person and 3rd person omniscient mainly, but I'm looking into writing horror 2nd person. It's my absolute dream to become a #1 New-York Times Bestselling author like James Patterson or David Baldacci. My main inspirations are Maximum Ride and Everything. Everything because they're so different and unique.
Level 51
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 4:32 PM
Post #97
Oh, okay. When you say they become the true villain, do they start hurting people if they pose any sort of threat -be it to their quest for vengeance, or to their well-being- to them? Or does it solely become a bloodlust for vengeance?
How did their brother die?
I like when authors hint at things, it adds another dimension to the story.
You're welcome, hopefully, it's of some help to you.
Haha, I know yeah, there were a few comments saying thank you, and a few questions when I first found it, but the complaints about the music have taken over since then.
Level 61
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 5:05 PM
Post #98
Yeah. *stares at calendar intensely* Well, I suppose I'll find out in August when I get my results lol. I think I'll probably scrape past with a B in English Language, though I can almost guarantee that I've failed Literature, but I only need one English grade, so...
It's a bit difficult to do though lol, because sometimes you desperately want to make something very clear, but at the same time you don't want the reader to feel that you're basically hand-holding and not trusting them to work it out. I don't think there's really anything wrong with telling the reader a few things, but obviously if you overdo it, it can make it a little dull. I read ahead and saw the whole thing about badly-written fan-fiction, and I think this ties in quite nicely. Here is a fan-fiction that I mentioned at some point, it's a great example of how annoying constantly telling people what has happened can get. Don't worry about knowing the show, the writer spends an entire chapter going through all of the events. It's probably even worse for me reading it since I personally know the person who wrote this, and she doesn't accept any criticism of any of her work, be it drawing or writing, hence why it is what it is.
Sounds like a good plan. Something I was told about writer's block/ if you get stuck is to write mini-stories about the characters, and maybe from there you might be able to work things out by taking ideas from them.
Hmm, I don't really have any tips to give on first person, even though it generally is the perspective that I write from. I suppose, yeah, just don't add as much as you usually would, since a person wouldn't naturally notice thousands of things at once. Though in what way is it cringey? Does it sound too forced, or are the internal thoughts of the characters somewhat generic or something?
I agree. For some reason they treat us like we shouldn't know that these things exist. My parents are a bit like that, as soon as I mentioned getting Fallout 4, they immediately said it was 'too dark'... but then let me get the 'A Song of Ice and Fire' series, so I don't know what that's about lol. If only they knew what I write in my spare time...
Yeah, I keep opening up the folder and being like "Woah... so much badly written stuff from ages ago that desperately needs re-writing because it isn't as good as it should be" It's a bit chaotic, I think it's time to organise it into sub-folders XD But at least I know basically everything about the world, so I can do whatever knowing what the rules are.
I think being scared of mascots is more justified though lol. I mean, balloons don't even move, or really do anything. They sort of just float there. Mascots move, and sometimes look creepy. I think I became scared of balloons because I used to be very mildly allergic to latex when I was younger, but I was never scared of them back then, so where it started, I have no idea.
I believe it is what you're thinking of. Some of the stuff on there isn't badly written, but most of it is lol. Still, it's all equally as amusing (you've probably seen the thumbnail for the minions one already... that was a weird video).
Why would you avoid such a masterpiece?
My favourite book series is actually modern, but other than that, yeah, the older books tend to be better developed and more interesting (I think it's mostly because of the mentality nowadays that readers have a fairly short attention span, and so everything has to be fast-paced, whereas before things were slower and more thoughtful, generally speaking). And nah, your story sounds like it's a lot better thought out than the majority modern stories :)
She's trying, but my heart shalt not be melted! One does not simply convince me to change my murderous ways, regardless of how cute one is! (I would have put a video here, but it's too large, darn it, I'll see what I can do tomorrow)
Did they change it? I thought they had 'Animation' in their name... oh well.
Yeah, I think it was the same with me and brostep (basically what people usually associate with dubstep, despite not technically being it. I'm still sat on the fence about it, there's too much to dislike, but equally, it's not too bad if I'm in the right mood for exploding my ears.
Hmm, I didn't personally think of that, but maybe that's because I haven't played Pokemon Mystery Dungeon for years lol. I have Explorers of Time on DS, I remember never being able to complete it because I found Dialga too difficult to beat (probably because I was Turtwig lol)
Drum and bass is the best genre :D
Yes, I have heard those two songs, I've been starting to like electronic music recently. I think I prefer 'Everything Black', not too sure about 'Worst in Me', but yeah, I generally do like some of their songs. I don't usually like all songs from one artist, even if their style remains somewhat consistent.
Thank you! :) Though the only thing I can draw is humans lol, I'm awful at everything else.
I've seen that drawing before, your art style is cute/ awesome at the same time! I tend to hang around the artwork gallery in the forums when I'm bored, so yeah, I've been on your thread several times. Also, that drawing you did for me of my avatar is still on my About Me, you're good at poses :) I always draw people on the same position, I can't draw them in any other way without messing up the anatomy lol.
All this time I've been thinking that Zach was human ha ha.
Yeah, sure, go ahead! I have some others who are probably more interesting than these lot lol, but they are ridiculously more complex, so if you want more of a challenge, I can certainly think of a few. I still need to finish drawing everyone from this story though lol. Would you mind if I did the same and drew Zach/ anyone else?
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/1/2017 at 6:02 PM.
Level 61
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 5:16 PM
Post #99
I also generally write a lot of dystopian stories, not so much horror, but I do take some elements from that genre when trying to create scenes that are as shocking as possible. Would you mind telling me a little about any stories you have in progress?
Ooh, 2nd person, sounds interesting! It's a shame that not many authors use 2nd person, it can be quite engaging (though it can sometimes be difficult to write, since it can be hard to avoid making the reader feeling like you're controlling their actions). I've used it a few times myself, but only for short descriptions/ character introductions that don't have a full narrative to go along with it.
Good luck with that! :)
I've never read either of those unfortunately, but maybe it might be worth checking them out, because judging by a quick look at them on Google, Maximum Ride definitely looks like an interesting story. I've still got a lot to finish reading though lol.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 7/1/2017 at 6:24 PM
Post #100
I'm glad we both like Dystopian stories, they're really interesting.
I'm not writing much right now, just a fantasy on dragon and wolf tamers and a horror based around a stalker watching a girl till she drives herself insane with paranoia ^^'
If you need any books to read any time soon, I have an entire shelf that I'm sure you'd like!
I personally haven't read any published second-person stories, but i'm fascinated by the idea that the author is, like, talking to you, as if you were the main character in a story.
If you wanna know more about my work-in-progress stories feel free to ask!
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