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Forum Index > Off-Topic Discussion > What Style of Writing do you Prefer?
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Level 75
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Posted: 5/13/2017 at 2:44 PM Post #1
I dunno very random thread but was curious

I write-
.Tragedies, sci-fi/fantasy, (very slight)psychological horror & (also slight?)unreliable narrator
.3rd person & for a physiological view(so rarely) 1st person
.outside sources say gay and I aint disagreeing so(majority of my characters in writing are actually asexual tbh even if I do ship them myself outside of the writing)
.character driven plot

I cannot write-
.Clever humor & short stories
.2nd person
.world based plot

I am trying to write-(and would love help/suggestions on how to)
.a happy ending
.endings in general

Edited By 99echosong99 on 6/20/2017 at 12:20 PM.
Level 71
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Posted: 5/13/2017 at 3:51 PM Post #2
I like writing fantasy, fanfiction, and scifi, and I'm pretty good with using both 3rd and 1st person.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/13/2017 at 3:54 PM Post #3
That's cool :D
Level 25
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Posted: 5/13/2017 at 4:26 PM Post #4
I prefer to write 1st and 2nd pov. I mainly prefer 2nd because you can mess with the reader; I also like the Homestuck-esque feeling of it. For genres, I prefer dark comedies. I sort of mirror Don't Hug Me as to where it starts off nice and slowly spirals into something completely not normal, and yet you still laugh.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/13/2017 at 7:14 PM Post #5
That sound very interesting :o
Is is more like a screenplay in the Don't Hug Me sort of way or put into a completely kind of written meant for reading style?
Level 25
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Posted: 5/13/2017 at 7:44 PM Post #6
More for reading purposes :p It's just fun reading their reactions as it slowly goes from "Awww lol" to "wtf no why my feels"
Level 57
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Posted: 5/15/2017 at 11:40 AM Post #7
Funny stories, fanfics, script-format stories, sci-fi, and fantasy. I such at realistic writing.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/15/2017 at 6:35 PM Post #8
cool :)
from the described likes the first thing I was reminded of was crack fiction
Edited By 99echosong99 on 5/15/2017 at 6:37 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 3:11 PM Post #9
What I write (what my current writing projects are at this time):

- A Historical Fiction (Not boring, it's not mean to be an essay, it's more like historical game of thrones with a lot of plotting, deaths and adventure), with unreliable narrators, it's 3rd person with an internal perspective and you learn who the narrators are only at the end.

- This crack crazy original fiction about time travel which I still don't now if it's fantasy or SF (maybe it's a bit of both...), it's quite humoristic, though it's probably third degree humor... I don't plan to make anybody read because I don't want to finish in a psychiatric hospital x). It's 1st person.

- Fantasy (I have a lot of different Fantasy projects...)

- Fanfictions (Set in different fandoms/worlds, I write them mainly for myself, and don't plan to publish them online)

- Poetry

I don't have any preference between 1st and 3rd person, or between internal or omniscient point of view. My favorite genre to write has always been Fantasy, but I've realized I love writing Historical Fiction ( I think it's so much fun filling the gaps in history and denouncing what can be propaganda and lies, and some "what if" can blow minds in that genre...).

I like ending that are not too happy, but still countains a glimmer of hope.. I find perfectly happy endings quite boring and often expected and dumb, and sad ending too depressing.

When I want to write about the "real world" I usually write poetry, I like playing with the rythm and the sound of the words, and I think poetry can transmit powerful emotions.

I hate writing any realistic fiction set in our time, especially tragedy, because I hate reading those (If I want to be depressed and read about tragedies set in the 21th century, I can just read the news! When I read fiction,I prefer to read about something that can't happen now in the real world. And it's the same for writing: if I create fictional stories, why should I limit my imagination to a realistic 21st century world?).
I also don't like Romance (Stories in which the love story is the main plot, I like a little bit of romance when it's only a subplot in, for example, a Fantasy novel)
Edited By Enyo on 5/18/2017 at 3:15 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 5:41 PM Post #10
Historical fiction sounds interesting, I haven't heard that term used before actually but I think I've read stories premised around that idea
The way you describe how you wrote yours' sounds very cool :)

If you like it then keep writing for it, the best stories make you/the author sound insane c:

Fantasy is great and you can do so much with it :D

I wrote fanfiction once but cringed at myself too hard for doing so but mine was up on a fanfiction site for a bit before I took it down
I write fanfiction for my own stories' characters tho, don't plan on sharing them either they're but good for getting ideas off of when in writers block, you should try it if you ever have block :)

Currently the ending planned out for my own novel that I'm writing(I'm bad at writing multiple stories at once so just the one) has changed from the original premise that started the whole idea of the story of "the hero dies and doesn't win in the end" to "they lose most everything but have enough left to still have a bittersweet still alive ending and though your disabilities still hold you down you cope better at least" and I think that's the closest I'm going to get to a happy ending but not too upset with that, feels more realistic for the situation and happier than the original ending

My poetry when I'm assigned it isn't ever good but becomes very open to interpretation aka I didn't know what I was writing but I was thinking about a murderer and a basement while writing it have fun

Very realistic modern tragedy is painful and I wouldn't write it myself for multiple reasons, and I agree fully with the romance part
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