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Forum Index > Off-Topic Discussion > What Style of Writing do you Prefer?
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Level 75
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Posted: 7/3/2017 at 1:45 PM Post #111
I don't think you are being harsh at all, I assumed that it wasn't supposed to be written like that ^^;
I agree on every point you've made about it actually, it's very rushed and I didn't know if it was a story or quick diary entries
I actually never saw the show myself(my twin has, I think she likes it), but from what you're saying I'd say the story is writing a bit ignorantly(?), I'm not sure how to word it

I actually have trouble placing them into different plots for the sole point I need to figure out a new plot line for them to follow so most things I write for them are in their normal universe but different routes X)
I'm taking full advantage of the fact that I'm trying to make different routes in a game to find more things to write about them XD

Sounds good, I think details are fine then since he's just laying in a hammock at the moment ^^;
I'll try to find a way to possibly physically hint at the attacker, for now I've just written what Zach still feels happening, "Muscles tearing, sharp blades hacking, fire burning, why can't I sit up? Where am I, why is it so hard to breathe? It's as if if I took in just a bit too much oxygen in my next breath I'd explode."(quick example, quickly written)
I think I might introduce it a bit slower actually, a bit more subtle so that it's not just immediately "Oh something is wrong with him" but more something the reader can be like "hey that's not normal"
I think I can use subtle physical things farther into the story :)
( ) I'm so sorry I saw whip and I just

Are you not allowed to make your own steam?

Possibly x)

Oh dear what kind of scenes XD
Need to watch that video of the written one eventually been lazy

Ooh I've been seeing that title around recently, haven't read it myself though but I've heard good things about it/hatred for a character

A precious baby is what you've got right there

An I listen to Brostep every once in a while, usually when I am about to play a game and I found that I liked one of the songs X)
-unfortunately not all of the songs though so I hear the one and I get excited then it ends and the next song is while probably not bad not in my taste but I'm too busy playing a multiplayer game to close it X)
I just really like piano and cowbell though tbh

Tfw you're writing a happy scene but then the music turns sad and then next thing you know you've killed off your character and just stare like "this wasn't what I had intended I'm so sorry"

Same X)
Once you figure something out while drawing it just, sticks- I dunno man it's weird but at the same time amazing because wow the kind of progress one can make drawing in such a short time

Glad you think he looks nice :)
Omw, that would be interesting to see X)

[warning, most of what is written ahead is based on ideas I have not spent a lot of time thinking through nor recently]
The purpose of them experimenting in making chimeras is just because for the most part they were bored actually and since science was so advanced for them they had accomplished a lot already, so they decided they wanted to try fusing animals and create new and expensive pets and eventually some******decided to use humans in the experiments
In Black's case let's call him more of a mistake in their plans, karma so to say
Black is the first introduction to the human modern world though that magic is real and with his birth science started to fall(Black while being related to chimeras in a shared parent sort of way though is a completely different being)
Humanity goes extinct as the world starts to revert itself into a more jungle/wild state with Black's birth and new species and plants humanity doesn't know how to deal with start popping up around the world
Their homes and cities slowly get destroyed by the rapidly growing, thriving, and enraged planet and their last stand is where the experiments all began, they manage to keep the magical influence out but eventually start to kill each other as resources grew slimmer each day, nobody wanting to take the blame for what they believe may have been their fault by creating the catalyst that started the end of the world
Chimeras during this time found refuge in the new planet or stayed behind in the labs, Black at this time has possessed a bird and flown off into the new world

That's cool, I'd love to see them :)

Black actually has no physical description ever given(he could look human for all anyone knows)
The only way I've ever drawn him is as a black version of Zach
Black didnt exactly have a body of his own, and didnt ever remember having one though he probably had to have had one in the beginning. But if you could ask those whom he had taken host of, they would tell you that for the single second it took for him to take inhabitance they saw white pupiled, unemotional eyes swimming in black oceans with a large toothy grin that poorly imitated a smile.
-time skip-
Huge, gnarled, black, clawed hands attached to too long, lanky arms ripped out of their torso with a horrific, meaty tearing sound. Clawed feet pushed past a bloody barrier where there was nothing anymore. Their eyes became like a bright white moon within a pure black sky.
Im going to get us out of here ok?
Fur rippled and turned black as limbs became whole, Black stood up and set a swift pace out of the flames in the body of his new host.

You don't need to draw any them though mate, just if you feel like it in your have spare time X)
Level 61
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Posted: 7/3/2017 at 3:50 PM Post #112

That's good to hear XD I was concerned that it would come off as too much like the Hunger Games lol.

Oh geez, you have no idea how much that sounds like someone I know in real life... But yeah, that makes sense, I like the idea you have for the character of the stalker :) Though with the whole prison thing, I think it would be a little more interesting if the character was one that you wouldn't suspect - so just an ordinary person, who just happens to be rather lonely, or struggles to make friends. And perhaps having the main character be popular would feed their jealousy and make them go to more extremes? Maybe she starts off alone, but then when she begins to make friends (because she feels safer with other people - she's getting scared and she seeks company) it makes the stalker go further than they ever have before? Just a few ideas, though ultimately your initial one is good too, especially since the stalker will have to mess with her while she is 'trapped' in her house.



That's fine, it probably helps that I know the person, so I know that they certainly wouldn't switch like that intentionally. Also, it is a little all over the place structure-wise anyway, but still, I've made my point already about that lol.

Yeah, that's probably the right way to put it. This particular acquaintance of mine thinks that 13 reasons why flawlessly represents depression and how people actually behave (she is literally obsessed with the show, there is no way for me to truly show you the extent of this, but let's say it's the only thing she ever talks about, all day, every day. She even thinks it's better than Spirited Away... 0-0) I don't personally think the show is any good at all, I think it's boring and the characters are not believable at all, especially the bully characters, who are unrealistically mean. And when basing something off of something that us already not very good, well...

I'd say do that! If you can find enough to write in the one universe, you might as well, right?

As for plotlines, doing completely random things actually might help. Just dump them literally anywhere, throw in a villain or something to overcome, and then just write - if the personalities are developed enough (and they certainly seem to be), then you write it as you think it, and eventually you have something that, although doesn't make much sense, is a story that you could take elements of and use elsewhere. One of my characters only has a fear of flying because I wrote it into a one-off story once XD

Alright, yeah, sounds good! The slower thing sounds good, it will make it more of a mystery and make Zach seem a bit more strange :)

I know XD Out of all things to choose, that was what my brain decided was going to be the only thing that came to mind, I literally couldn't think of any other weapon at that moment in time.

Nope. It's annoying, but oh well.

Having a fear of round objects would be really annoying lol. "Ah, the sun!" Actually, I don't like going outside a lot, so... valid point for the idea that I have a fear of round objects XD

You'll see ;D *bursts into uncontrollable laughter* I just remembered the wording of one of them... oml I can't stop laughing now, that was literally the funniest thing... All I'll say is Rouge the Bat, and... Espio? I don't remember, I don't know the Sonic characters very well XD

Indeed. Her purr is really loud as well, that's why I wanted to send the video XD

Oml do we just hang around the same parts of YouTube or something for music? Because I've heard that one too XD I agree, not all of them are as good as the others (I feel the same about Trap too). I don't usually stick on a playlist because I don't have it on my phone, but sometimes I feel the same and just can't be bothered to move my hand a few centimetres XD

XD That's so me, it's unreal. It's usually only when listening to Two Steps from Hell, and I go from 'everyone is chill' to 'everyone has pitchforks and is murdering each other in a gruesome and bloody war' lol.

Yeah, though I do remember a few things that never stuck. There was something I used to do to faces that I never stuck with for a while, and I think I brought it back in my new style. Maybe it was noses? I have no idea anymore lol.

I'm talking to some people on Instagram, and we're all sharing our oldest pieces of art. I'm crying, it's so awful. Those aren't legs! What are they!? X'D

I shall do exactly that! Prepare yourself >:D

I love that explanation XD "Because science!" Not enough people use that as an excuse to make stuff lol. Though yeah, sounds interesting! I like the ideas behind it, makes sense too :)

They all need lining and colouring and stuff, I might get them done tomorrow if I decide to be productive (but let's face it, I'm lazy, I probably won't be ha ha).

Oh, ok, yeah. You did explain that he didn't have him own body, I was mostly wondering if there were any differences between when he was in control of the body and when he was not.

Your description is so good ;-; It's a really cool way of putting it, very engaging and descriptive, and the slight subtlety where you don't state what has actually happened is great! :)

*grabs pencil and pens* Prepare yourself for a bombardment of art XD

(Sorry that it's a little short, I'm being spammed with messages right now ha ha. Also, my right arm was really painful for a few minutes, curse the stiff steering of old cars! Edit: Aghhh it's back again... ;-; Not so sure that this was a good trade-off for driving all of those interesting things anymore)
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/3/2017 at 3:59 PM.
Level 51
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Posted: 7/3/2017 at 7:03 PM Post #113
Wow. Okay, what's going to happen to them once they find out their brother is alive, and subsequently, has killed others for no reason? Like, is it going to break his psyche or is he going to carry on down the path of hatred and death? I mean, that is if they find out their brother's alive at some point.

How's the brother going to act once he finds out what the protagonist has done? Be it in his name or not?

Oooh, sounds juicy. You could do so much with it. Though, all the ones I'm thinking of just make the protagonist's life that much harder.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/4/2017 at 2:29 AM Post #114
Originally the story ended with him(antagonist) killing his brother(protagonist), unable to recognize him :D
This is still part of the plan and could very possibly still become the ending of the writing but as of the moment different endings are still being figured out and written(in another ending I've written an angry mob killing the protagonist, probably won't keep it but wow I am horrible to them

Would you mind explaining what you mean?
Do you mean when the protagonist learns what the antagonist/older brother has done?
If so, they don't meet up until the end of the story- the only timeline that at least the protagonist gets to live past that ending is the "good good" ending where the story is extended even longer so assuming they get to live past their meet up then he enters a coma so doesn't get to think much about it afterwards ^^

Hooray for self sufficiently built world that you can keep adding onto :D

Nice X)
I've been trying to use daily writing challenges actually to do this, but I just get stuck because I get stuck in my head thinking " I make this a part of my world or no..?" in a setting sort of way

Will go slow with it then :)

Aw man my lenny face didn't appear for it XD

Oh dear x)
Dunno why but I just got reminded of italian vampires when you mentioned not going out where sun is
And man, italy is like the place of everything vampires can be killed by imagine being italian then turned into a vampire

Espio is the iguana(?)

Maybe X)
Music area is great to hang around ^^

Bruh this song started playing and I was writing a nice scene and then everything just became super intense, like the music started off slow so I was like "okay can write something calm here" and then the it gradually grows more intense and then all of a sudden I've written a new bad ending, an intense fight scene came out of it but still the protagonist got killed(again)
On that note if you ever need calmer/sad hype music I feel like this is good to listen to X)

I have never been able to draw noses, I'm trying something new with them at the moment but haven't figured it out yet ^^;

oh lord X)

Glad you think it sounds okay X)

Can't wait to see them if you ever get to finishing drawing them X)

When he takes over the body he has no need for the peg legs since he is a shapeshifter and can produce his own feet, grows their tail back too and moderately normaller looking arms than before that are actually attached to their body
So a bit of a taller/lankier and skinnier version of Zach with black fur instead and no missing limbs ^^;

I'm happy that you like my descriptions, I spend way too long on them X)

oh dear ):
Not gonna lie not an expert at sore limbs, my back and upper arms are quite often tense(same with the back of my skull which is apparently because of the strained muscles around my shoulder blades)
I'd say though to maybe try either a hot pack or a cold pack?
Googled it it says heat helps
Level 61
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Posted: 7/4/2017 at 12:39 PM Post #115

I suppose lol. I would like to create more different universes though - I'm not sure how necessary it is, since I can just pick another planet or something (and I'd probably have them cross over anyway), but still, maybe I should consider making at least one more, where I can establish new rules and stuff that I can play with, because I can't really break any of the ones I've got in my current universe lol.

I don't write enough to do daily challenges, but monthly challenges could be interesting. And yeah, maybe you should just not think about how it ties in at all, and then once you've finished you can somehow work it into everything? If not, just leave it as just a thing you did for character development or something, as annoying as non-canon things can often be XD

I was wondering what those brackets were XD

That would be terrible ha ha. Imagine trying to walk through the streets when there's a market on during the day or something XD Though it kind of depends on what one defines as a vampire, because I know mine certainly aren't defeated by sunlight or seasonings XD

I looked it up, he's a chameleon... I suppose it's kind of obvious, though to be honest you're talking to someone who originally thought he was a rhino for some reason (to be fair, I didn't know what he looked like at the time) XD

Yeah :)

It's not bad, quite relaxing, not quite sure it's my thing though. But yeah, I can see how that happened ha ha.

They are a bit of a pain lol. I keep trying to vary them for different characters, but it's really difficult. I suppose, like anything else, as long as you study it and use references it should make it easier :)

I was going to finish the drawings today, but I went out today and came back at 6, so I haven't been able to line it :( Oh well, I'll get them done tomorrow.

Oh, ok, that explains the other drawing that was in the top right where he has limbs :)

Alright, cool! :)

It's fine now, I got up at 2 because I couldn't sleep, shoved an ice pack around it and took some ibuprofen. It's all good now :) If it happens again, I'll just do the same. I won't bother trying to wait for it to go away again lol.
Level 51
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Posted: 7/4/2017 at 12:51 PM Post #116
Oh, okay, wow. Truly messing up their lives there, haha.

I think we might be getting confused, or really I am, but I think you've cleared it up for me now, haha. Sorry about that.

But, just to be sure the protagonist is the younger brother who was thought to be dead? And the antagonist is the older brother who's possessed by the demon, right?

Sorry I didn't elaborate on it correctly, but you got the meaning in the end.

How's the antagonist (the older brother) going to both deal with the fact that he killed all those people in revenge only to later find out that there was nothing to be avenged and the fact that though he's finally gotten his little brother back, he doesn't get to keep him for long?
I'd kinda, wanna, sort of, ruin the antagonist mentally, 'cause I'm mean.

Also, a bit out of the blue, but is the demon going to continue to possess the antagonist (the older brother) for the entirety of the storyline or is he, in some endings, going to leave him? Either be killed (exorcised?), forced out by the antagonist, or leave of his own violation?

Also, doesn't the demon know the younger brother is still alive?
Level 75
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Posted: 7/4/2017 at 4:33 PM Post #117
Oh dear I didn't explain this well enough lemme just make a character chart and info thing

Protagonist(Zach): The prince of Gear City and chimera child possessed by a demon, he used to walk around a poor little town to explore and find little gifts to bring to his older brother before that town was burned to the ground in his attempted murder
Demon(Black): Zach's friend, companion and self appointed guardian
He is a shapeshifter but only changes the form of his host when they are not sentient, does not have a physical form of his own outside of his mindspace
He helps Zach deal with his disorders and has his own little garden that he inhabits inside of his hosts mindspace, he sometimes brings Zach here when an attack is especially bad
Antagonist(Zayn): The first born(******) child and Zach's older brother who being misled by the "true bad guy" sets out to avenge his brother who got "murdered by pirates" but while looking into the stories/lore told about the person who apparently did attack his brother he notices that a demon starts to show up more often in the stories the older the story is
"Evil Pirate"(Tyrus): one of Black's older hosts and friends, he is immortal due to the deal made between him and Black and since he has lived for so long has many stories told about him though most people just think he doesn't exist
He helps Black escape with Zach's body from the burning town and they leave on his ship into the new world, his immortality is scarcely mentioned though flashed back to around his death scene to explain earlier written events that didn't make too much sense until this moment

The Protagonist is possessed, the antagonist is in search of the demon who is with his brother though he doesn't know this, when he kills his brother it is because of the physical traits that his brother now possesses because he has made the contract with the demon, signifying the demons possession(white pupiled black eyes)
Everything was adding up. All of those stories and all those slight differences in them, the one thing that strung them together was standing before him.
Eyes that reminded him of the lonely moon in a sky of no stars faced him.
Well well well.
His moment of astonishment was overcome by a sense of delight.
How have you been, you monster.

By the end point he feels disassociated with most everything now, and had spent so long hunting the demon that even when he does accomplish his goal he doesn't feel like he has accomplished anything at all, especially since they didn't fight back(one ending while Black is begging Zach to let him take control and fight back Zach recognizes his brother and refuses, and eventually dodging isn't enough and they both die)
He doesn't care about the people he hurt along the way, growing up the only person who treated him like a real person was his brother and the only other person who treated him this way was using him, he feels no obligation to those other people but if he realizes that he murdered his brother then he'd probably get mentally worse and possibly kill himself I'm thinking(I have been busy more writing the protagonist POV endings and scenes atm so haven't gotten around to writing the antagonist POV past the point of the protagonists death yet)
Oh we can be mean >:)

In one ending that may be scrapped(as I still need to figure out the lead up to it in the first place) Black dies/gives up his existence so that Zach may be "fixed"(which does not fix him at all in one case or he forgets everything after being "fixed", I'm still deciding if I even want to make this an ending)

True ^^
If you are planning on trying to create a new universe anytime soon then good luck :)

Yeah it's good for learning a character's personality more at least ^^;

A generic italian vampire X)

I still got the lizard part right sortove >:D

Found it!

Have fun finishing your characters eventually :)

In that drawing actually at that time when I hadn't started writing a story for them yet he was a cloth demon and when ripped open stuffing came out and he had a little music box heart(at the time he only could fully possess Zach if he died so there was so transition of control back), and while I still actually like that idea and it doesn't need to be questioned a lot game-wise I felt like in writing people would want a better explanation on how he was born/created X)
Level 61
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Posted: 7/5/2017 at 8:24 AM Post #118

Thanks! :)

Maybe I should just make something that picks a random character name, then a random setting, and a random villain (and maybe a random genre too?)... *stares at unused Python IDE on task bar* That... actually sounds like a really good idea, it would just take ages because I have too many characters still DX

That's no tomato sauce! 0-0

At least you got the right kind of thing XD Unlike me ha ha.

I relate to that image so much lol. Literally every time I try and write something happy XD

I actually finished them yesterday, but then I didn't edit my post because I thought you were replying at the time. Here they are (sorry about the awful quality, I have better ones elsewhere, I had to put them into a sheet for the purpose of sending them to some people on Instagram). For some reason my skin colour pen insists on showing up as really pink, I have no idea why lol.

Awww, sounds cute! :D Maybe you could incorporate that in somehow to something else, maybe a another demon character who was created alongside Black without anyone knowing it or something, and that particular demon struggled to possess people, and so chose the form of a stuffed toy?

Ahhh how does one draw large characters ;-; Teach me your ways DX Also, geez, how many layers does Captain Barbossa wear?! 0-0 He has like, 3 jackets, all over the top of each other XD
Level 51
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Posted: 7/5/2017 at 7:32 PM Post #119
Oh, okay. Wow. Haha, I probably shouldn't be laughing but they're gonna be put through a hell of a lot, oh god. So mean. I love it. I'm such a bad person.

Okay, thanks for clearing it up, anyway. Makes a lot of sense now, I was getting kind of confused.

What happens to the demon currently possessing the protagonist when Zach dies? Does he die with him?

If not, or in an ending, you can have the demon not die and in an act of revenge for Zayn killing Zach, he possesses Zayn and makes him kill himself, or, if Zayn was already planning on killing himself, can make Zayn live with what he's done, torturing him with possible flashbacks of when he killed Zach. Or you can kind of mix the two, you could have Black stop Zayn from killing himself after possessing him, not to have him live with the fact that he killed his little brother, but to slowly torture him with nightmares of when he killed Zach, possibly messing with the actual scene of where Zayn killed Zach and making Zach look like he used to when they were children as Zayn killed him, making it impossible for Zayn to sleep leading him to slowly go insane (or more insane depending on the way you look at it) and eventually die of sleep deprivation!
^^I should not be so excited by that thought, oh dear.^^

Also, I love the little entry bit about the starless sky, etc, very descriptive and poetic, is that a part of your story somewhere? Or a summary?

P.s. If you don't want me throwing my ideas at you, just tell me, I know a can get overzealous at times.
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Posted: 7/5/2017 at 8:27 PM Post #120
That still sounds like a pretty good idea, if you ever do have the time maybe do try it :)


I don't even know if it's bad to relate to those kind of things anymore XD

They're all very cool and unique :D
I finally finished up something I was working on so I can see about trying to draw some of them :)

Okay it's showing the non-loading image thing but if you click it it should still show you the image(on another tab)

That sounds like a very cute idea omg, I might use that in another story but for now the one I'm working on already has too much X)
(been trying to figure out how to start a story around the premise of the "monster under the bed" protecting the child from something worse than them)

That looks so good :o
MY WAYS? YOU DARE ASK?? WELL YOU SEe actually I just looked at a lot of references X)
so so many references
omg he probably cooking to death in all of those jackets that's not something I ever payed attention to X)

Yes, a-ha ha ha he X)

Glad to clear it up ^^;

The demon must find a new host before his current host dies, if he is still within them when they die then he's still got a short time to find a new host before he dies too

The demon must have permission to possess anyone that is sentient so he couldn't kill Zayn that way ^^;
Another ending though he does force a full possession on Zach and does kill Zayn that way, but that's the ending that would lead into a 2nd part since Zach then goes into a coma because of Black's(demon) actions
I actually really like your idea though but then I'd have to rewrite a lot of what I have since the permission thing is a pretty important rule for him ):
Might figure something out towards him somehow getting permission from Zayn maybe towards that though, or like the ending where Black accidentally puts Zach into a coma he could force himself upon Zayn where his emotions are powerful enough to give him the strength to force his will onto him

That is part of the story :)
I'm glad you like it ^^

No no I like hearing ideas and seeing if they could work into what I have :)
I just feel bad when it's a good idea and I can't incorporate it ^^;

Ooh also btw I tried out making something in Sai, it's a really nice program to use thank you :)
Edited By 99echosong99 on 7/5/2017 at 11:14 PM.
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