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Forum Index > Off-Topic Discussion > What Style of Writing do you Prefer?
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Level 61
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Posted: 7/6/2017 at 8:05 AM Post #121

I actually decided to start it yesterday. It's currently 320 lines long, and all it does is allow you to input a few options and add character names to a file 0-0 But yes, I shall try and make this work, even if it ends up as a pain. It took me several hours for it to finally do one really simple thing, because for some reason, even though I said 'break this loop when the count becomes the same as or higher than the number of values in an array!', it was breaking unnecessarily when the count was 3 and the values was 24 DX Sometimes I hate coding.

*le gasp*

Probably not XD

Thanks! :)

Hiaafssdawawdfta oml I love it, it's so cute!!! :D Thank you so much!

You should! It would be adorable :D

Hmm, monster under the bed... maybe start with some mystery as to what this greater evil is? Like, the child is being mildly tormented by the creature (not to a ridiculous extent though), but the monster happens not to be there to protect them in the first instance? But it sounds like a really good idea! :)

Thank you! :) What colour is Tyrus by the way? Edit: Just finished the lining, oml I missed so many details in the sketch that I had to add on XD

XD I think I used references for each gender... once. I didn't even study female faces either lol. It's probably a good idea that I go back and use them again, I feel like my anatomy skills are faltering a little (I'm starting to draw people with long necks now aghhh. Also, I totally didn't mess up his hand and change it to pretend that he cut his finger off...).

Just... geez. Poor Barbossa ;-; And yeah, I never realised until now either XD
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/6/2017 at 9:21 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/6/2017 at 1:07 PM Post #122

I couldn't have done that ever if I tried, loops don't agree with me X)
On that note I should probably find that coding game I was playing again because that was my only source of learning any coding since there have been no classes for it here

I'm happy you like it :)
Dear god I do the neck thing too though(read ahead)
Your art is so nice dude, it really pops out(not just 2 dimensional)
(realized this is read ahead too just gonna clarify to remove confusion, I like your drawing of the dude missing a finger a lot)

Sounds good, thank you for the suggestion :)

Tyrus is coal ^^
His braids(that are impossible to see in a small image I'm so sorry) have green beads in them if that matters any(how many colors we asking about?)
His eyes are gold

I.. I keep trying to draw females but though I've got the face down(I think) the body becomes masculine and just wow those are some beefy arms my lady dost thou lift?
I mean the problem before was that I gave the body a masculine torso and a female face and legs and now it's just I can't draw females X) (well actually I think I figured out the body but I cannot figure out the boobs)

The sea is a harsh mistress with a cold heart, dost thou not decide to wear three pairs then thou'st shalt shiver
Wtf is this why did I write this what does it even mean
Level 61
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Posted: 7/6/2017 at 3:08 PM Post #123

Oml, that reminds me, I have this giant book on C++ that I still haven't looked at yet ;-; I was going to teach myself it over the holidays... But yeah, for loops really hate me, hence why I use while loops all the time XD It really annoys my friend because he's like "That's so inefficient, how dare you!!!"

Sounds like a good idea, but to be honest I find it easier if you just find an online thing that just takes you step by step, since half of the stuff that games seem to teach people aren't even actual commands in the language, but maybe I was just in the wrong place lol. Which language are you thinking of learning?

Thanks! :) My shading is actually pretty lazy lol, all I do is wait for the ink to dry, then colour over the top with the same colour ha ha. And I don't even use highlights because my white pen doesn't show up on any colour but black XD Pens have made me lazy - I actually used to shade and stuff with pencil.

The missing finger is now a result of him trying to make a sandwich, I have decided. Now he is on a quest to destroy all sandwiches, and he looks angry because the blood ruined the bread. *rainbow appears* Originality! Oml people are noticing it on Instagram and asking me about it ha ha

No problem! :)

My wording was a little vague, I meant all the colours, sorry lol. I'll start colouring him now :) My dark coloured pens are going to run out so quickly, I swear all of my OCs use black/ dark grey in some shape or form XD

I had too I'm so sorry ;-;

Personally, all I do to make a body feminine is make their torso curvier (making the shoulders less wide doesn't really count because I do that for some of my more feminine male characters, so...), and then, 99% of the time, add boobs (some of them are flat-chested though, like Ereyse). I think it's mostly faces that I use to differentiate them, even though technically speaking male and female faces have the same structure in real life.

I suppose the obvious solution would be references? Though I suppose it is possible to still draw female characters with masculine torsos, depending on how one draws masculine torsos.

I can't draw boobs either, my hand can't stay steady enough to draw curves for long enough ;-; I think every drawing to this day, one of the lines of a female character's chest is squiggly at some point XD The sketch always looks fine though, which really annoys me lol.

Aye, and she's a desperate one. Her winds will try their best to tear thou from atop thine ship's deck, to embrace thou and give the gift of eternal slumber if thou accepts her love. Beware, young sailor, as she dost not give up easily, as she shalt return to do the same - perhaps even thrice a day, if thou art unlucky.

True poetry, is what it is.

Also, is it ironic that a story I am deciding to revive and re-write on Wattpad is called 'Forgotten'?

Edit: Oh geez, I just found out why all of the baby rabbits have been vanishing... 0-0
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/6/2017 at 3:18 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/6/2017 at 4:47 PM Post #124

I'm just going with the easiest coding atm, viper(? some kind of snake)
It's been a while so not sure which language it was

I think it looks nice still ^^
I usually don't add color but learned crosshatching and stippling so when I'm not lazy I like to go to those for shading black and white :)

Dang what a tragic backstory, rip in pepperoni and good luck on your quest sir

I'm so sorry about your dark pens X)



Sketches always look nice but then you go over it and you're just looking at it like "I trusted you"


tfw you remember to keep writing your story called "forgotten" because you forgot about it for a bit there

Baby rabbits?
Level 61
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Posted: 7/6/2017 at 5:23 PM Post #125

Python! :D I use Python all the time, it's the only programming language I know lol.

Thanks! :)

Oh ok, sounds interesting. I think you used it on one of the images you showed me? I think I tried it once, but I couldn't be bothered to use a ruler so it looked terrible XD

It's joke story time! Some Demon Dude and His Question to Destroy All Sandwiches!!! It'll be a bestseller in weeks, just you wait.

At least they're cheap lol.

There's more where that came from XD

Oml a question came up in our English Literature exam paper about that scene... Minus the end bit, of course XD It would have been pretty funny if they added it though - considering the amount of mistakes on our English papers this year, I honestly wouldn't have been surprised ha ha.

I didn't study female faces at all XD Oh dear... well I suppose they're kind of similar, right? Brain why would you do this to me you idiot ;-; I suppose it's time for me to actually use references for that ha ha.

Yeah, it's so true. Especially when your hand decides "Nope, not going to follow that sketch line", and the face or some part of the body ends up looking really strange.

Best poetry, 10/10.

*cries* It had an alright concept too...

Yes... my adorable precious little kitten is a murder machine.

(Sorry it's a bit short, I'm really tired, it's 11:30pm almost, I should get offline XD Nevermind, I had some time and edited it, now that my brain is actually working XD)
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/7/2017 at 8:48 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/7/2017 at 4:02 PM Post #126

Yeah, it was Python!

Oh you don't need to use a ruler, I just try to make the lines as close and quickly put down as possible so that there is less time for me to accidentally squiggle one X)

Amazing, tbh though not that absurd an idea for a game if you think about it X)

Oh geez X)

Pretty similar, small differences but noticeable depending on the style ^^

(hand proceeds to draw different path that the sketch)

Are you not writing it anymore?

Oh dear
Level 61
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Posted: 7/7/2017 at 4:41 PM Post #127

Well, if you ever need any help with using it... I can offer some advice and stuff, even though it'll probably be terribly inefficient and whatnot, but it'll probably (no guarantees) work XD

I don't really trust my hand not to squiggle ha ha. Then again, I am someone who is capable of drawing a line that's not straight even with a ruler, so...

That's... literally the best idea ever XD I wonder if I could incorporate it into my work at college somehow...? 0-0 Hmmm...

*AtomicBomb354 has been slain in the dank meme war by the dankest of all memes*

I don't think I can top that one ;-; Have some increasingly verbose memes though, I love these things XD

Yeah, I suppose lol. I follow someone on Instagram who draws male and female faces exactly the same, it's a little strange but actually it works well with their style :) If I tried to do the same though, it would look really weird ha ha, so I just stick to the anime method - make their faces rounder and give them larger eyes XD

*stares down at drawing, the face now being ridiculously thin, in contrast to the fact that the character is supposed to have a chubby face*

And that's the story of why I only have one character who is chubby ;-;

I'm restarting it from scratch :) I'm just referring to the fact that I completely ruined the concept in the first write XD I've sort of just dumped the first chapter on my Wattpad, I'll get round to writing the second... in about a few years time, probably lol.

>_> Don't chu purr at me... you know what you've done. *stares at cat*
Level 51
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Posted: 7/7/2017 at 9:49 PM Post #128
Ooh, okay. Got it. Glad you liked my idea, though.

I think Black being able to take over Zayn without his permission due to his emotions being powerful enough to do so would be a good way around it, and maybe if you do make that possible, maybe that could be where Black gains more powers? Like there's some sort of hierarchy of demons, those who are able to possess someone without their consent are higher on the hierarchy than those who have to get someone's consent before they possess them. Maybe that's a sort of stage all demons aspire to?

And when a demon archives that they not only get more powers, but are more powerful, and therefore no longer need to have someone's consent to possess them? 'Cause, if you do somehow fit in my idea, or really the one where Black possesses Zayn and then kills him (slowly or straight away, whichever) he'd need to have someone close by to possess so he doesn't die along with Zayn, so maybe making it possible for Black to possess someone without their consent would be a good way of doing it.

Basically, due to him being able to possess Zayn without his consent due to -I suppose- a surge of power, he then gains the ability to possess anyone without their consent?

Unless you're planning on having Black die?

Haha, you don't have to feel bad about not being able to fit it in, after all, I am, essentially, pushing my ideas onto you. Plus, I like throwing my ideas at things and seeing if they stick.

Oh, cool. It looks really good. I'm glad the program was useful to you.

Also, just a quick question, what powers does Black have?
Level 75
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Posted: 7/7/2017 at 10:30 PM Post #129

So far Black is the only demon presented in this story but if I ever get around to creating a 2nd part I may try to use that :)
(this first part will only have him specifically for the point that he is practically the literal father of the magic world, though with your idea he'd be lower classing than others I think it would be interesting actually that if I did decide to create more demon characters that he would actually be weaker even though he was the first- it could factor to the fact that he's been a pacifist for the most part for his whole existence)

If I do get around to writing an ending that involves Black taking over Zayn I think that for a while they would both just be filled with grief(and anger), and while Zayn would try to die Black would force him to keep living since that was the last thing Zach fought for
I think Black is too kind to become more "evil", but he sure would torment Zayn for his actions in a way that wouldn't slowly kill him- maybe even figure out how to keep him as a permanent vessel from then on(immortality, the last thing somebody that wants to die would want)
Would probably not mind shape shifting in his body either(not sure if I mentioned this in an earlier post- him changing the form of his host hurts the host)

It was never my intention to kill of Black actually, Zach's whole original idea though was based off of his death(not anymore since there became multiple routes but he sure dies a lot) but nah Black's pretty safe- part of his development involves him creating attachments before but even if he doesn't want to continue his will to keep living and the fact that one of his original hosts actually sacrificed the last few years of their life to bring Black to a populated area just to keep him alive keep him going

Black is able to manipulate physical magic/aka he is a shapeshifter
Flower safely secured, Black set his jaw back cringing slightly with pain. A rats jaw wasnt supposed to do that. The way his magic worked dealt more with possibilities, the physical. He didn't absorb items, he ate them. He knew he was not the rat, so the flower didn't get taken by the rat. He liked to imagine himself like a pouch at times like this, the only physically identifiable thing about himself the items he stored away.
Dragons for example, their magic dealt more with the impossible, what people usually thought of magic as. Young dragons not strong enough to defend themselves would use fire, in Blacks case he would make himself stronger physically, grow bigger and more intimidating. His magic would produce wings, the other magic would let the user just hover or float. Dragons born with wings didn't seem like they would need to use magic for something like flying, but dragons are huge, and their wings were physically incapable of carrying their large forms.
Black didn't like using magic often, the mental strength needed to create the possibility was taxing and dangerous. If he stopped believing what he was doing was real, then the illusion would fall apart. A shapeshifter.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/7/2017 at 10:45 PM Post #130

I would love any advice you have to give :)

Same with the ruler thing though

Hell yeah it's an amazing idea, You should see about that X)


Glorious X)
I don't got any of those though, have this X)

I actually could never get the anime thing working for me- it was that kind of quality that you'd see from someone who didn't realize that sparkly anime eyes on everything was not amazing kind of thing you know? Never got clothing down either actually, even now I draw my characters and even if they are human I look at them and realize "why are you naked"

I mean all of mine are either muscular or muscular-ish(as every reference tended to use showed how to muscle and not chub)
Ooh btw there are videos on youtube that you could also watch to figure out body types(I think one of my friends sent me one recently, the person was showing how to draw bodies and such(whilst screaming about how people gotta stop giving people huge butts and floating boobs), just search art how to's probably to find those kind of vids ^^;)

Ah, well have fun re-writing(?) it :)
Maybe it'll be even better this time ^^
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