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Forum Index > Off-Topic Discussion > What Style of Writing do you Prefer?
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Level 61
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Posted: 7/8/2017 at 2:32 PM Post #131

Actually that's probably not a good idea - me and my friend made a program, he was testing it and forgot to break a while loop, then he crashed the school server and it was down for like, 3 days XD In terms of advice, I suppose it would be just start with the easy stuff, but it's kind of obvious lol. Check your loops break somehow, then, so that you don't make the aforementioned mistake? XD I was more referring to if you had problems with some code, then I would be able to help you :)

I don't know how or why, it just happens XD

I think each project is supposed to demonstrate a certain mechanic or style of game, e.g 2d, 3d, games with dungeons and stuff, open world etc, but I know how to work things out to make it work XD I managed to turn the prompt 'Animal' in Art to a project about Skyrim, so...

I backed up all my memes onto my laptop, I have a ton of them but not at the ready DX


Looks like I just died a second time ha ha XD Reminds me of this :D :

I had the same problem XD As for clothes, I still haven't got the hang of all of the folds and stuff, it seems to be literally impossible to get them right ha ha. A few of my human/ humanoid characters actually don't wear clothes normally so they make my life a lot easier lol

Mine are mostly thin but not muscular ha ha. Even though the references I used for guys were all semi-muscular, no idea how I ended up with something so different lol.

Sounds like a good idea (and fun, I suppose), but I personally prefer to use references and work it out my own way, however it might be worth me at least taking a look later :) That huge butt and floating thing is totally true for most artists, including myself to a certain extent ha ha. Actually, maybe not the butt thing, I tend to draw them quite flat because I can't even anatomy lol.

Thanks! :)

I hope so, or something has gone seriously wrong with my writing ability XD
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/8/2017 at 2:33 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/8/2017 at 5:34 PM Post #132

How did you guys accomplish that kind of feat?? XD
I hope you're willing to help with these kinds of things when a few months have passed and I've finally gotten around to starting anything X)
(as of the moment I'm just figuring out how to use rpg maker, found doors recently now I can connect rooms but it always adds a door so it's ugly but it connects rooms at least >:D
aka I'm messing around trying to build rooms and)

Nice X)
Also that sounds very cool ^^


sorry I sent so many I found more and didn't know which ones I wanted to show

I recently figured out one little thing towards folding clothes
Use triangles, surprisingly works pretty well and even if you don't know what to do after the triangles it looks like you kindove know what you're doing >:D
(also anything looks better than an oddly smooth outfit)
my first oc was gonna be human until I figured out I couldn't draw pants so they became a weird neko as I just put fluff/fur everywhere from the hips down

Might just be your style that is thinner ^^

I use the videos as a bit of reference too, there is no step-by-step things(well actually there probably are) of complete figures but like hand positionings and dynamic positions are nice to see :)
(on that note I just made a huge mistake of trying to draw two people dancing and I really don't know how to draw people dancing and didn't use a reference and it does not look like dancing dear god I've only drawn half of one character and it already looks wrong you're supposed to be dipping your partner not that)

Good luck with it :)
Oh yeah what is it about if you don't mind my prying btw?(you can refuse btw I don't want to seem pushy(?))
Level 61
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Posted: 7/8/2017 at 6:51 PM Post #133

Because we're master hackers Because the school security system was rubbish XD

Using .bat files (batch files that basically execute command line prompts, e.g cmd stuff), since the cmd was blocked from non-admin use, we found the IP address of the school network. Blah blah blah, coding stuff, we inserted the IP address into the code so that it would use the server to send messages (it only worked one way at that time). My friend decides to test it himself, and, instead of just sending one message to the server, he accidentally spammed it because the loop didn't break, and it crashed XD

They spent 700 pounds (edit: why won't the pound sign show up? ;-;) on upgrading the school security system because of us, and we still found loopholes afterwards 0-0 They should be glad that it was us, not someone with malicious intent. To be fair though, I don't think messing with the server for the purposes of learning rather than causing trouble was something that was mentioned in the Computer Use Policy or whatever it was, so...

But the stuff is out there, it's really easy to find on Stack Exchange XD Socket programming with Python.

Yeah, sure, I have all the time in the world considering that I don't have school at the moment XD I'm busy for about 4 weeks of the holidays, but not all week. We need a programming thread on Sylestia XD

I've never personally used RPG Maker, I've always been interested in having a go at using it, but isn't it really expensive or something? Or am I just getting confused with something else...? XD

It's so calm... but so violent. (There's a Youtube Channel who writes songs that have that sort of tone - calming singing, but so much hatred XD Here is probably one of the more mild examples lol.)

I relate to the bottom two so much XD My cat is too cute for me to move her, but she insists on sitting on me regardless of whether it is comfortable or not... I could be sat up, and then she'll try and sit on me anyway, and she just slides off of my legs XD

I have run out of non-offensive dank memes ;-; They're all political and stuff, aghhh.

So have a real image of me whenever someone sends me a dank meme.

Ah wait no, it's time to go into the realm of... nerdy programming memes. *puts on shades and fedora*

Triangles? Do you have an example of how that works, I am intrigued 0-0 I usually sort of just draw a few lines where the cloth has crumpled because it's been rolled up or something, or stuff at the knee, arms, chest etc lol.

My first oc wasn't human, and neither did I even design him ha ha. His name is Latis, he's something called a Dorean Dragon (a species, that, again, I did not create, but the owner of them gave them to me and I still have yet to do something with them despite adding them to my universe ha ha).

Possibly, yeah. I do need to work on more body types though lol.

Oh, ok. Do you have links to a few that you would recommend?

At least you're trying to draw poses XD And oh geez... my imagination just exploded why would you think of that brain what even... just why.

Thanks :)

Ah, no, don't worry about it :) I haven't really fleshed it out much, but the concept is is that there are these alien creature things from another dimension, that, for reasons that I have yet to explain, are hunting down humans that somehow came from their dimension (again... I should really think about this in more detail before writing too far into it XD). Now these creatures kill quite strangely - the strange goo stuff that they emit acts as an ageing... thing. When it comes in contact with a creature/ flower/ plant, it accelerates their ageing (basically speeds up time for them), so someone who is perfectly healthy could die and become a rotting corpse in seconds (fun!). To top it all off, a victim of this will completely vanish from everyone's memory, and will seemingly disappear out of time itself (it works because... science?). The main character is one of those humans from the alien dimension (he is completely unaware of it, however), and blah blah blah plot, a hacker who happens to also be one of this alien humans who is seemingly omniscient about the situation does some stuff, blah blah blah final battle, main character sacrifices self, is forgotten by all of humanity (with the exception of the alien human people) in the process.

Also, there was something in there about a scientist who had taken an interest in multi-dimensional travel or something, and her interfering with that did something that broke a barrier that was originally stopping the aliens travelling to Earth...? I think? (It'll be in my notes somewhere).

TLDR: I have no idea what I'm doing.

I've started colouring Tyrus, but I have a question - is his hair the same colour as his body? So basically all of his features are coal with the exception of his eyes? Also, is the shadow from the reference a part of his character or was it just for effect?
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/8/2017 at 7:29 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/8/2017 at 11:04 PM Post #134

Dang son
Whoops X)
Well at least it wasn't someone bad like you say

That would be an interesting thread ^^
I wouldn't be able to contribute to that one though, I still know next to nothing X)
I know how to move a hero and loops are still a no so that's about it X)

RPG maker has huge sales on holidays I think I got it for ~20$ during a sale ^^
But yeah otherwise like 80-100 or something

oh geez X)

Same with my cats X)
But they try to climb up legs and that hurts man like wow

I've been trying too hard to not send anything with too much cussing or be seen as bad X)
omg that one's great XD Gonna just- save that and there we go

They look cool :)
My :D
I'm crying omg I forgot I didn't even know how to fur/hair either and drew half pants wth is goin on down there XD
(not gonna lie I don't remember what a lot of the ones I'd watched were called but I remembered the hand one//it ended up being the first thing that popped up in the search and I was like "wow that's it")
(This last guy has a nice channel actually in general)

I'm so sorry for the probably accurate idea your brain had XD
I was thinking something bad I'm sorry, I'm fixing it rn but the character has a creepy face and their face isn't helping their situation in all of this either X)
I moved one of the lines a bit of one of the hands it doesn't look as bad now at least but still don't look like any friendly dance I've ever seen X)
Ya little nasty

That's a really cool sounding idea, I especially like the ending :o
of course I'd like that kind of ending I'm horrible X)
Their way of killing others and the forgetting part is cool/intriguing :)
So it's a kindove smaller idea rn though and still being fleshed out?

Tyrus's "hair" is pretty much just longer fur at the back of his head and neck/upper back so it's the same color as the body ^^
The shadow was me shading out his stupidly long back hair and trying to make it look like I meant to use it as effect X)
His fur used to be even longer than it is now XD
Edited By 99echosong99 on 7/8/2017 at 11:06 PM.
Level 51
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Posted: 7/9/2017 at 2:20 AM Post #135
Oh, okay. Is he like Lucifer? Or was Black one of the first demons Lucifer created? If so, it would stand to reason that there'd be more, and most defiantly ones more powerful and evil than Black is -maybe Black could sort of be an abandoned demon? Like he was abandoned by his father (Lucifer) due to his pacifism? Like Lucifer created him to be evil, only to fail in the process of making him 'evil' and instead made someone who was more of a pacifist?

And, maybe in the second part of the series -if you do one, that is- you could have Black, while still possessing Zayn, being chased down by other demons who see him as an abomination to the demonkind?

Keeping someone alive when all they want to do is an awesome way to torture them, and kind of evil in and of itself. When you say shapeshift, do you mean into Black's true form? Or just into anything in general? Also, does Black shapeshift at all while he's possessing Zach?

Oh, okay. Got it. You write very poetically, I must say, haha.
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Posted: 7/9/2017 at 4:50 AM Post #136

I don't think there is a lucifer in this universe(decided a few hours ago that I don't care about adding too much anymore because if I don't add it to the story the universe I've created sure as hell will try to fit it in), but I might create a "Lucifer" character out of him or a new character
If I really tried I could create a whole new world actually, like Black's origin world or something and incorporate your Lucifer idea and such easier
One moment I literally just explained this thing in another post lemme find it

[I was explaining here how humanity went extinct in this world/Black's creation and the creation of the protagonist's species//this information does not go completely into the writing but is hinted at]
"The purpose of them experimenting in making chimeras is just because for the most part they were bored actually and since science was so advanced for them they had accomplished a lot already, so they decided they wanted to try fusing animals and create new and expensive pets and eventually some******decided to use humans in the experiments
In Black's case let's call him more of a mistake in their plans, karma so to say
Black is the first introduction to the human modern world though that magic is real and with his birth science started to fall(Black while being related to chimeras in a shared parent sort of way though is a completely different being)
Humanity goes extinct as the world starts to revert itself into a more jungle/wild state with Black's birth and new species and plants humanity doesn't know how to deal with start popping up around the world
Their homes and cities slowly get destroyed by the rapidly growing, thriving, and enraged planet and their last stand is where the experiments all began, they manage to keep the magical influence out but eventually start to kill each other as resources grew slimmer each day, nobody wanting to take the blame for what they believe may have been their fault by creating the catalyst that started the end of the world
Chimeras during this time found refuge in the new planet or stayed behind in the labs, Black at this time still has his own body and escapes into the new world"

If I do add a second part I'll see about doing that//an old idea I scrapped was that angels were after him but I like the demons one(and ideas you're adding) more if that is okay ^^;

When Black shapeshifts he uses the body of his host as he does not have his own physical form(this does not include the ability to change color and such/grow scales or what-not on a species that wouldn't have scaled already- he can enlarge limbs/recreate missing ones though or grow new body parts but he cannot change into a completely different species)//Black's "true" form or at least the closest it's gotten so far has been the coma ending where Zach takes the backseat and Black completely 100% possesses the body
Black could feel his whole being burning as he violated the contract placed between him and Zach as he forcefully took over against Zachs wishes.
Fur bled to black and they stumbled out of his peg legs as Black took over, the need for them gone as Black grew his own.
He desperately grabbed the dagger, just barely stopping it inches away from his face.
The transition astonished his enemy long enough for him to get a few seconds to understand his new situation as they stood at a quiet stalemate, Black breathing deeply the air he had never needed to consume before. Sweat dripped down Blacks face with the force it took to hold himself steady. I won't accept this kind of ending! For either of us! Black exclaimed as he broke the dagger in his grip, tearing the palms of his hands open in the process.
He threw the two broken halves on the ground between them, drops of his blood following the motion.

Black would shapeshift whenever Zach is in danger(since Zach is missing all of his limbs the shapeshifting part is Black growing the limbs back every time he takes over their shared body)
-one defining trait difference is the size of their hands, Black has a preference for having huge/bulky hands/arms to work with but they are shrunk once in awhile when the need to blend in arises
These transitions happen more in bad routes as the need to switch rises but otherwise nope he makes sure to not shift with Zach

I don't think that's too much of a good thing X)
I mean I think it should be fine if just used for dialog on a game but I really should stop trying to write everything like that especially for a novel because it makes it very hard to write scenes that cannot be prettied up X)

I'm so sorry for this huge response/let me know if anything is confusing?
Level 61
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Posted: 7/9/2017 at 12:52 PM Post #137

Actually, I just remembered, the incompetence of the security system was even worse before XD In my first year of secondary school (so I was about 11/12), somehow, without even trying, I ended up in someone else's files XD It was someone that nobody liked too, and everyone was telling me to delete it. What I actually wanted to do was to create a folder/ file called 'Hi' or something to freak them out, I regret not doing that now ;-; I had another opportunity to at a later time, this year, when actually trying to find loopholes, and again, I didn't. I'm so mad at myself now XD

Meanwhile, just searching 'Minecraft' on the school computers would lock your account, and you'd get in massive trouble...

I don't think I could really set it up, considering that I only know Python and the tiniest bit of C++ XD

Me: Hello, welcome to the thread! What language do you use?

Other person: -[------->+<]>-.-[->+++++<]>++.+++++++..+++.[--->+<]>----.-.++++[->++<]>+.-[->++++<]>.---[->++++<]>+.--.++++[->+++<]>.--[--->+<]>-.+[->++<]>.---[----->+<]>-.+++[->+++<]>++.++++++++.+++++.--------.-[--->+<]>--.+[->+++<]>+.++++++++.+[++>---<]>-.

Me: No... just no.

Yes, that bundle of characters on your screen is an actual programming language. Esoteric one though, so its existence is pointless.

Well then maybe it could be shown as a thread for people who are also learning to talk to those who already know it...? Idk.

Geez, that's really cheap lol.

Ah, I don't think there's a sale on at the moment ;-; Oh well. To be honest though, I'll be learning how to make stuff myself, so I don't think there's really a point of me getting it any more, unless things go terribly wrong XD

Ouch ;-; But they're cute, so you can forgive them, right? :D

One of my cats always rolls over, as if he wants to be stroked, then as soon as I move my hand to stroke him, he grabs it and sinks his claws in ;-; Then he tries to get my arm closer, to him, and tries to bite(?) it. I don't think the whole injury part is intentional, but I'm always really conscious of how close the marks are to the vein on my arm 0-0

Same ha ha, it's really difficult XD I'm like "I wanna send that... but it's got like, 50 curse words on it... agggghhhh" ;-;

The last one really got me XD Oh geez, I love that style of meme so much ha ha.

I'm running out of ideas here XD Uhhh... Spirited Away memes!

I relate to this one, I pointed this out when I first watched the movie with my friends XD Ignore the spelling and grammar mistakes.

Oh ok. Maybe that might be worth trying rather than just randomly adding lines ha ha.

Thanks! :D

At least you actually designed him XD He's cute! Was there a reason that he had faces on his umbrella though?

The hair/ fur is like how I draw hair/ fur now XD But them trousers... They sort of just, become his legs at some point, who knows where? XD This is a mystery that must be solved 0-0

Thanks! :) I've been out most of the day, so I haven't been able to watch them yet, but might do some anatomy practice later now that I think about it (probably not though - I tend to say things and never actually do them XD), so I'll look then :)

It's ok, I have thoughts like that a lot anyway XD I was listening to a song called Snowblind, I thought I heard something, rewound, and was like "Hang on, the lyrics are about two people... Oh... "Snow"... blind... [INSERT LENNY FACE HERE]"

Maybe make his pupils bigger? Or re-position his eyebrows? Idk, I'm no expression expert XD I suppose it'll look a bit more like dancing when you add the other character?

Oh geez I don't know who that is... *brings up Google* ... Mogeko Satanick from Grey Garden...? I'm so sorry please don't kill me I have no idea what this is ;-; The characters look cool though :)

Thanks! :) I think the killing method was somewhat inspired by the Game Theory episode on zombies, where they talks about how long it takes for a body to rot XD I remember watching it at the time.

Yeah, definitely much less development at the moment. I think it was my first story on Wattpad, so it was somewhat thrown together without much thought because I wanted to get it done quickly lol. Do you have any questions or any suggestions with it? I'm kind of stuck on direction and things at the moment, I do have the first chapter if you'd like to read it to maybe help with showing the world a bit better...? I will warn you though, the blurb is terrible, I can't write them DX

It is done. Shhhh, I totally didn't a) Go overboard with the white pen and b) Pick up the wrong colour while shading his outer jacket... Sorry about the terrible pattern on his shirt, I couldn't see the real one very clearly so I kind of had to make it up DX And also the light is making his tail look lighter than the rest of his body...

Time to butcher the designs of Zach and Black now! >:D

Oh, ok XD I do that too when I make a line too squiggly or just don't draw it right lol.

Geez. I have a similar problem, one of my characters' hair just keeps getting fluffier and fluffier and more exaggerated every time I draw them ha ha.
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/9/2017 at 4:33 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/9/2017 at 4:42 PM Post #138
Aw, missed opportunities X)
I changed my sisters wallpaper on her school profile(though not because I'm a pro hacker like you but because her school password is like one digit off from mine)
Her's was an elephant so I changed it into an elephant jumping into a pool

Aw, what did minecraft ever do to anyone? X)

Bruh what if that was a thread though and every post was using just what language they were learning/knew
Actually though now I just thought of an idea where like if you had a story and the characters were robots/computers they could speak only in code
That's as far as that idea is but it sounds cool for an character at least I think X)

That would be a nice thread :)
Kindove like helping each other learn?

Yeah the summer sale on steam just ended ):
Best of wishes to you that nothing goes wrong X)

My kittens are destroying everything, I forgive them but wow is it agitating to hear things fall over like at 2am when I'm either trying to sleep or still awake doing stuff and very grumpy X)
Bruh your cat is a vampire


There are faces on his umbrella because he is mute and he expresses his emotions by having how he is feeling be the face facing the front
His design has changed and he doesn't wear bandages over his mouth anymore but he is still mute, a bit less edgy, and looks a bit more dog-like
His legs aren't half pants anymore though ^^;

same, well anyway best of luck getting the motivation possibly X)

(6w6)~ lenny stand in
Also wow this is the most devotion I'm put into anything I've ever tried to color why the heck did I try with this one and not literally anything else
//but the creator of these characters has an adorable art style but everything is very dark man take caution if you look into these characters pls
//btw they have made a few games(dark themes included so still careful about looking into) but their game "Gray Garden" is for the most part pretty nice(and I enjoyed playing it personally) and doesn't have many dark themes is you avoid the bad endings ^^;

Nice X)

Sure, I'd love to read it :)
(also it would help with me figuring out suggestions as I'm not too certain what ideas would better stick or not yet)

That's so awesome holy-
Why is your coloring so dang good dude omg ;-;
It's really cool dude I think his shirt looks fine too X)

Oh jesus have fun X)

Nice XD
Their hair slowly enters a new dimension of main character hair(?) X)
Level 61
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Posted: 7/9/2017 at 6:23 PM Post #139

All of the regrets are flooding in now... ;-;

"Pro hacker"? I appreciate the title, but I'm no pro ha ha.

XD We weren't allowed to have our own backgrounds at school because people were setting them to offensive stuff. I'd totally do the same though if I'd ever had access to my brother's account lol.

Idk, I though schools were saying that it was educational now...? XD

It would be kind of boring though, considering that it would be the same thing over and over again lol:

Python: print ("Hi guys!")
C++: using namespace <std>;
int main(){
cout >> "Hello!" >> endl;
return (0);

You should make that a thing 0-0

Yeah, and also getting mad at each other for inefficiency (probably, knowing most programmers) XD

What did I get on the summer sale...? *stares at Steam* Oh yeah, Baldur's Gate... and I'm completely useless at it DX

Knowing me, it'll be a trainwreck. Jk, I should be fine XD

I don't let my cats in my room overnight, and I have to be cautious during the day because one of them likes watching the house martins fly past my window... and also likes walking out of open windows to sit on a very narrow ledge... But yeah, everything is forgiven when they start purring or being cute XD

'0-0 *swivels on chair to look at cat, who is asleep on the floor* If you don't hear a reply from me tomorrow...

HE FOUND A WAY TO ABSORB THE CHAOS EMERALDS, THIS IS SUPER EGGMAN!!! Just not golden, for some reason... I couldn't stop seeing it throughout the movie, my brain was like "Why am I watching a strange Sonic fan-fiction...? ...Oh, wait."

Alternatively, you're an impossible anomaly of space time that simply can't exist XD

That's a really creative idea, better than whatever explanation my brain was desperately trying to think of lol.

Less edgy. Posts a picture with a gun and blood. XD Jokes aside, he looks so much better now :) No strange morphing trousers ha ha.

My first character's design has never changed... geez. To be honest, he doesn't really need a revamp. My first human character does though (good lord this is some old art... I thought I'd never touch my DA account again... uggghhh geez I just looked at the main stuff on the account... it's redraw time).

Pfft, one day...

I'll immediately forget that that is a thing, just you watch XD

WELL THAT ESCALATED QUICKLY He looks so gentlemanly while holding him, like "Care to be kidnapped, m'lady?"

Shhh I've seen it all... I've already searched 'anthroplanes' into Google, it's a whole lol worse...

Aww, their art style is amazing and so cute :) I'm used to people drawing dark stuff with a cute style, one of my friends does... along with a few other things.

This is it, complete with badly-drawn cover. It's way too over-dramatic ha ha. There's an author's note thing before the chapter starts, it's only short, just skip it lol.

My colouring really isn't good, the pens do all of the work for me XD Also... I haven't stuck to the lines very well at all. But I'm glad you like it! :D

Prepare yourself XD

Next week - they'll all look like Cloud from Final Fantasy lol.

Level up! You have unlocked new ability - ULTRA FLOOF
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/9/2017 at 6:23 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/9/2017 at 7:10 PM Post #140
Aw, at my school only the library didn't want you changing your wallpaper but otherwise the chromebooks(small laptops) were free to use however >:D
(excluding putting anything inappropriate though- teachers had this app or something that made them able to see their students screens to make sure we were using them as we were supposed to)

Wait how is it educational?? X)
Maybe if the school see's modding from it as good to learn(?) depending on what schools are saying it's educational X)

What's Baldur's Gate?
I got nothing myself personally, but my friend whose friend sharing with me got a lot >:D

I started sleeping in the living room because I got the kittens X)
One of them bit through my headphones protective layer over the wire while I was sleeping >.>
but yeah they too adorable

I'll miss you, and all the time we spent together x)

Eggman stoOOP- WHEEZE

tfw you too fast to exist within the mortal realm anymore

whoops less edgy one was what I meant by "he used to be this edgy mate" X)
Happy you think he looks better X)

That's a cool design :o
Redrawing is fun at least(sometimes) :D

"Care to be kidnapped you stupid idiotic cockroach?"
//gets murdered
Jesus christ how did this turn so dark I just wanted to draw them happy

Oh dear god I searched for anthroplanes after you mentioned it because I didn't know- WHY DID

I will start reading it hopefully tomorrow :)

Edited By 99echosong99 on 7/9/2017 at 9:53 PM.
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