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Level 61
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Posted: 7/10/2017 at 9:45 AM
Post #141
There was a loophole for it, but only a temporary one :( Whenever you'd log off, it would revert back to normal, and it was only possible in Safe Mode. I can imagine that it was fun though ha ha.
We had the same - it was called Impero or something, and you could remotely lock computers. However, people discovered that you could still activate the sticky keys shortcut, and so whenever it came on, there would always be a ton of bleeps because people would sit there pressing the shift key XD Pfft, I spent many years trying to work out how to make my account excluded from the software so that I could do what I wanted ha ha. Also, the website blocking was excessive at our school. No games, basically nothing with a message board (so Sylestia was blocked ;-;), and it kept glitching whenever the server went down, which would sometimes block literally every website, including Google XD
Because it encourages creativity or something? I just did a search, it's a bit all over the place, but I know it was on the news that quite a few places were considering it lol. Not even for modding, just building stuff.
Speaking of modding... I was playing Skyrim with a friend, when he said "Hey, can you give me a really OP sword?" So I opened up the Skyrim Creation Kit, and copied a katana and messed with the damage. I also decided to put the range up a bit.
He was using the sword, and I saw some particle effects, and was like "Hang on, are you hitting that spot over there?" Turns out he was. So I added the maximum amount of range, and we realised that, as long as an enemy could be seen, we could kill it regardless of where we were standing.
Basically, it made a sniper rifle katana, and we spent the next hour spawning in dragons and one-shotting them with this sword XD
This. It was really cheap on the Steam Sale, about 5 pounds XD It uses Dungeons and Dragons mechanics, it's pretty fun, if you're any good at video games (which I'm not ha ha, I can't get past the first stage and it took me ages to work out what to do in the first zone DX).
That sounds amazing, sharing an account XD I'd imagine you got some great stuff ha ha.
Oh geez, one of my cats used to chew all of the wires in the house ha ha. She chewed through one of my phone charging cables, I think a laptop charging cable, and several other things XD Then I went off to go find her because I was mad, and she just sat there, looked up at me, and started purring, and I immediately forgave her lol.
I'm still here, I just have this... strange urge to bite things. I wonder why...
To be fair I'm more likely to die from being repeatedly stabbed by a fig tree branch... We had to shove it in the boot of a C1, and for the entire journey it was poking my arm XD Why did I buy a fig tree I don't even like figs
Oh geez I found this what even... I'm going to have nightmares tonight ;-;
I cri ;-;
Alright lol, I got a bit confused there ha ha.
Thanks! It does need reworking though to fit his personality and stuff... of which he has none. I think his backstory was super edgy, he was being hunted down by the government... for some unspecified reason. Also, to add the the edge, his name is Zero XD
Depends on the character/ what is being drawn XD
ThEre IS nO HaPPiNNEss, oNLy dARKNEsS.
It's really weird... like anthro planes, fine, whatever, but... why... why are they all so 'proportionally gifted'...? 0-0
Ok, thanks :)
I... can't breathe... too... much... floof... *being crushed by piles of fluff*
To be fair though, her original reference is so fluffy, it's unreal... XD Compared to how I draw her... (I know you've seen that image already, but it really highlights the difference, like geez XD)
Level 75
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Posted: 7/10/2017 at 11:44 AM
Post #142
Oh dear X)
Actually that kindove looks interesting tbh
that is a disgusting sword omg XD
OMG IT'S $129.99- okay standard is $20 nvm
Never played dungeons and dragons, my sister has though and it sounds interesting from all I've heard of it ^^
I got to play Slime Rancher and Game Dev Tycoon ;^D
Tbh they bought like A LOT of games but I didn't really look into the others, they were just hyped about those two specifically and were like "ey play these!"
We share games with each other, they get to play games like Ori and Amnesia from mine and I get to play Tycoon and shooter game(if I ever chose to) X)
Played a whole long time of Stardew on their account before buying it myself actually(2 in-game years), only bought it because we were hoping to co-play but it wasn't meant to be X) (mod wasn't working)
It's so hard to be angry at a cat when they see you and are like "I love you!" D:
Have you heard of our lord and savior jesus christ? No no don't worry about it I'll just find the nearest priest to explain all about it to you
I love plants, and have a huge lemonless lemon tree growing in front of my grandparents house I grew out of a seed from a "seedless" lemon they put in the bathtub that I put in a vase to share with their bamboo shoots, they noticed something was growing along side their plants and I was like "oh yeah I put lemon seeds all over the house" and they just
It's amazing though lemon leaves smell like fruit loops man
That's actually very cute dear god
Eggman you've only worn your glasses seemingly your whole life why stop now X)
omg Zero X)
That's like, floof hair levels of protagonist XD
OwO whats this..?
Floof, also dang the differences
Level 61
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Posted: 7/10/2017 at 1:03 PM
Post #143
I wish we could just play Minecraft as a lesson DX I bet they'll implement it, and I'll be like "Damn it, why couldn't that happen when I was in school?" Literally right after I left primary school, they actually started teaching IT in IT ;-;
Considering that this (huh, so that's where all my life went ;-;) is my total play time, no wonder I get bored and do stupid stuff XD But still, yeah, I think I was going to use it to kill literally everything in the game...
I saw that too on the website and I was confused XD But I think that's a newer game, I bought the Enhanced Edition of the first game, which is currently... 15.00 (I bet it's going to delete my pound sign when I post) on Steam, which is about $19... ok nevermind it's basically the same anyway ha ha.
I have Slime Rancher too! :D Completely destroys my laptop because it can't handle anything, but still... it's so cute. I get mad at a slime because it eats something that I don't want to, but then I look at it's face and I'm like "All is forgiven."
I think I only have 6 games on my Steam ;-; And one of them is Skyrim Special Edition, which I got for free because I bought all of the Skyrim DLC, and it's sitting there, taunting me, with it's superior graphics *cries*.
My cat sits on my phone, but then gives me an adorable face. So I'm angry because I can't watch my video, but also not angry because it's been replaced with a cute kitten...
You'll never take me alive!
Imagine how painful it would be to be a Christian vampire...
Oml, I just realised, I actually have a Christian vampire character... well, good thing vampires work differently in my universe! XD
Ha ha XD
We have a lemon tree too, it didn't flower this year so there are no lemons :( And wait, the leaves smell of fruit loops? I need to test that 0-0 *runs outside to go smell the lemon tree*
Actually, it just occurred to me... is there ever a game where Eggman isn't wearing his glasses? And does he actually need them, or are they just aesthetic...? There are things I need to know 0-0
SAITAMA-SENSEI!!! :D One punch man is the best anime.
And some Sonic...
Those memes are so good XD *proceeds to save them all*
XD Like... did I start counting from 0 with my OCs, like a computer does...? I was a nerd without realising it geez...
Yep ha ha.
Repressed memories about anthroplanes are flooding back... oh god... help... '0-0 Those two planes, not on the top of the search thing any more, but... ugh... oh god no...
I didn't draw the original reference that's why it's so fluffy ha ha.
This is the level of floof we are talking about here.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/10/2017 at 8:23 PM
Post #144
That sucks D:
jesus christ that a lot of hours XD
Dude those slimes are evil man, eevillll
The quantum slimes are such a hassle to take care of man, I spent hours moving all of my slimes and such to different places so that my query would be empty so I could just put all of the quantum slimes in their to free range it with all plots used to plant cuberry trees and mixed them with phosphorous slimes so they would die if they ever escaped that place
Do you look at the free games section ever?
dear god, flashily takes off shades
Eggman is always wearing them I believe, not sure if because they are needed or just part of design though
Heck yeah, have you seen Mob Psycho?
(wth does everything but eggman appear when searching eggman funny)
Also damn your writing is good, I genuinely enjoyed reading what there was of "Forgotten"
So aliens have not been introduced yet?
Sexy ;^)
Level 51
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Posted: 7/11/2017 at 4:28 AM
Post #145
Oh, okay. That makes sense. I think creating a whole new world for Black's origins would be good. Maybe for the second part, you could incorporate the two ideas I suggested about having Black possess Zayn and the one where demons are hunting him down with the creation of Black's origins.
Say, Black, after a while of being on the new version of Earth (is it still called Earth or something else?), meets someone who hints towards maybe being able to find Zach in the Underworld (I can't see Zach going to Heaven, as he was possessed by a demon) or he already knew Zach was going to be there but knew it'd be dangerous for him, but soon couldn't handle not trying to get him back, which then leads him to venturing back to the Underworld while still wearing Zayn as a meatsuit (applying some Supernatural terminology there, haha) due to the fact that he knows that if he was to go in his true form he is likely to be hunted down, only for fellow demons to figure out who he is and begin their chase.
Are there going to be objectives within your gameplay?
Haha, that's okay. You don't have to use them at all, just throwing things and seeing if they stick, or inspire something else.
Hmm, maybe. Just because you use poetic lines here and there doesn't mean everything has to be poetic. I've found that a good number of authors are rather poetic in their description of things, but aren't poetic at every turn. The switch between both poetic and then tense moments are sometimes the best parts of a story. It gives the reader a sense of vertigo, that throws them off balance, which in certain situations within a story is a good thing. They can get a sense of characters shock through that imbalance. And, you can most certainly be poetic in more morbid parts of a story -poetic and morbid are a really good mix.
That's okay, I think it got it all, also, no need to apologise, it just shows you're passionate about your writing.
Level 61
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Posted: 7/11/2017 at 11:15 AM
Post #146
I know XD And I keep adding to it...
I haven't found a single Quantum Slime yet D: But geez, that sounds like a good idea. At the moment my crystal slimes are being a pain... Why did I create Crystal Boom Slimes I am the true definition of an idiot. Some of them are fine though - like, Puddle Slimes are adorable and harmless :) But they keep dying for some reason, I swear I used to have 5 of them.
No, not really. I haven't really heard of any good free games though, that's why I just haven't looked. I should do though.
Is there a wiki page for this...? Hang on... Nope. Nothing about the glasses here. Shame.
I've heard of it, but no, unfortunately not. I was going to watch it at some point, but I had to start with Attack on Titan first because I'd been putting that one off for ages lol.
XD I've seen that shirt thing, one of my friends told me to search it and I was really sceptical of what it was.
Really? There are eggman memes everywhere whenever I search 'eggman funny' XD
This is some of the stuff that shows up for me ha ha.
The last one is so true though oml
Thanks! :) And yeah, the random 'red fog' line is to foreshadow that they're about to arrive, Ralxus is going to discover a dead corpse in... the next chapter, maybe? The fog is usually red in the city btw, not sure it's an important detail though.
Why don't airline companies draw anthroplanes on their adverts? 0-0 Would that not be a more effective marketing strategy?
Dear God my friend sent me this video what even is this glorious thing X'D
Some people are encouraging me to read fan-fiction and I'm dying... it's so bad ahhh XD I can't even keep a consistent voice!
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/11/2017 at 11:45 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/11/2017 at 2:22 PM
Post #147
I might add them ^^
At the moment they are small details that might be included for the second part at the moment because I want to keep the story and plot moving with the characters rather than the world still ^^;
(if I did write a 2nd part like this I'd probably like to spend a lot of time creating the interactions between Black and Zayn, and since Black is a forgiving character by default he'd probably eventually forgive Zayn though he'd still force him to stay as his host)
(I wouldn't wanna keep Zayn as a character just to have him become a very small character, if I was to remove the need for him besides to show Black's anger I might as well kill him off)
The name of their planet is never mentioned really, and I'm not sure I want to include revival of characters ):
A character's death becomes pointless once you are given the ability to revive them
Zach would have to be left behind in this timeline(coma ending leads into a 2nd part also but Black is still in full possession of Zach's body)
The objective of the game, tbh it's very character and story driven(pretty much everyone but Zach has an objective, in game after the beginning area for the most part you follow suggestions given by Black(or can ignore them to an extent)
Black's objective becomes to keep Zach as sane as he can and keep him away from danger, Zayn's objective is to hunt the demon down, the killer's objective is to convince Zayn to return home so he can lead the kingdom, Tyrus's objective is to keep everyone he can safe
You play as Zach and depending on your choices(you choose if you wanna have any objectives to try either help everyone you can, ignore all "side-quests", or just attack anyone you feel like-you can either become the villain or someone who just doesn't deserve to die by the end(I have a large graph I was working on on how choices made and characters helped would also change things but I've decided to make the project smaller for now, more manageable)
Just gotta figure out how RPG maker works >.>
(I've started working on a document that has character descriptions and a bit of the beginning planning for the game if you'd like to see?//not nearly done or complete but it's there)
I'd offer to let you see the writing but it's very bad tbh, I'm happy with the idea for it but I'm not a good writer(needs a lot of editing) X)
The poetic thing tbh is the fact that the only thing I'm good(?) at is creating visuals X)
Tbh I'm gonna probably just start writing again from where I've left off for the last few month because I didn't know how to word it and figure out how to fix it later because I really gotta figure out the middle area instead of writing more ending and things that haven't even been reached yet x)
As much fun as it is to write horrible endings I need to create the lead-ups X)
I will probably start to figure out interactions for Zayn and Black though and figure out how to write that ending when I reach the point of "HEY YOU KNOW WHAT'S EASIER?? WRITING ENDINGGS LET'S DO THAT INSTEAD!"
Are you making sure to give the puddle slimes water? If you don't give them water to eat they will die(also make sure you're putting them in ponds)
ALSO! Puddle slimes are shy so they will not produce plorts when there are more than 4 of them in one pond
Have you seen radioactive slimes yet? They are around the same area as the crystals(not in the same area but in the rock/cliff areas), because there is an area that you can only get to by jetpacking a stupid ways off into a cliffside cave opening from a very long bridge(if you look left from around the middle of the bridge) at the end of the radioactive area(if you have trouble maybe try googling how to get to the ruins?)
Also wow why boom crystals X)
I fused my crystals with phosphorous mostly for the fact that my friend had me screen share and had me go screaming freshly into the game to the crystal area trying to leave but leads me farther in to grab them and I'm just there screaming as I suck up any I see trying to find my way out of that hell X)
(Are you allowed to download games that are not on steam btw? Because I know some nice ones//more story over gameplay though tbh)
Free game suggestions(can be ignored I haven't even played some of these bt heard good things): Emily is Away(choices game/dunno how to categorize), Eternal Senia(rpg), Heroes must die(rpg), Marvel Heroes Omega(large game and needs a good pc)(mmorpg?), Time Clickers(cookie clicker)
Games not on steam: OFF(rpg), Home(OFF fangame/rpg), Gray Garden(rpg), Osu(rhythm game), League of Legends(dunno if this would be your thing tbh, lot's of smurfs(term used for the players of higher ranks who make new young unranked accounts) tend to bully and ruin the game for new players)
Ooh you're just starting Attack on Titan? Have fun :)
(I binged it all in one night myself, hope you enjoy it and never find the fandom ^^)
Eggman Funny
His eyes ;)
Okay okay, next chapter he gonna find a dead body
Oh btw is the beginning part where it was mentioning they couldn't find anyone who remembered their friend like the future?//is what I'm reading the past of this event?
Okay everyone, ideas for our next commercial?
*stands up, puts huge file on long table and slides it over*
Dude looks at it for a few seconds before picking it up and flicking through it, eyes widening by the page
This.. this is perfect! Just who are you?!
*swooshes stupid long coat as I exit my seat to leave the room via the window*
Just a good samaritan
I wanted to send something in response but it's baad- like I find it hilarious but the words used and images are not friendly X)
Oh have you heard this before? It's an odd song, grew on me but it's.. unique??? It's one of those songs that starts slow but is pretty great as it keeps moving also the video is cool to watch :)
"I'm just trying to find what is important. It is a way to lose track of life of their own." (translation of the lyrics in the song)
have fun X)
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 7/12/2017 at 8:05 AM
Post #148
wow, i went way longer without internet than i originally thought. srry it took me so long.
eh, i just woke up, btw, so my reply may be a little mushy like my brain. xD
i so love dragons x3 my obsession started out when i was in the thrid grade, and i still love 'em to this day
well, for sonic (actually, for all fandoms, now that i think about it) i kinda create my own chapter within the canon. like with sonic, i created two feline half-sisters that are enemies, one attempts to kill sonic and his friends and control the universe and the other joins sonic in defeating her own sister. the one that wants to kill sonic actually has a previous history with him when he was a toddler (and it involves his parents..) for things like seventh dragon, i pretty much created my own plot, charries, timeline, etc, but i make sure it blends seamlessly with the existing storyline.
pretty much. platinum hates the government for turning her into this business model and treating all these children like lab rats, regardless of who they are or where they came from. she sees her purpose as being the one who ignites the fire that burns the project to the ground. and i guess you could say the process was traumatizing. she's undergone multiple surgeries, the most recent one being a transplant in which they removed one of her kidneys and replaced it with a synthetic one to see how well it would function in the human body. (they developed a new technique in which they can create almost an exact replica of certain organs using purely synthetic materials that the body [in their theory] will accept) though their plan is weaponized, they do perform medical advancements in attempt to get more money from private investors (basically proof of their previous investments being used for what they told them)
eh, hope this all makes sense x3 like i said, my brain isn't quite awake yet.
Level 61
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Posted: 7/12/2017 at 10:24 AM
Post #149
I have them in the little pond area in the docks, complete with rubber duck :) I also tend to dump my spare water that I don't use from splashing all over the crystals all over them, so... I think they've been jumping and it's been doing something? To be fair, I have had problems with vanishing slimes in my game, I had some rad tabbies vanish on me despite having tons of carrots in the corral, so...
Well, I only have 3 now, so that's no longer a problem.
I've already found the rad slimes, I mix them with everything ha ha. The number of times I have almost been killed by them while just trying to get around the back to add food into the feeder is insane lol.
Because I hate myself XD
XD Oml. I don't tend to fuse stuff with phosphorus because I use the outside areas more often - I have a free-roaming rock tabby in the cave area (a really stupid one, at that. Dude, the carrots are right there, there is no scareslime, eat them!), so I don't really want to put any slimes there.
Well, I have the admin password to this computer (I'm not supposed to, but I didn't remind them to change it since I got it ha ha), so I can download whatever I want.
Multiplayer games aren't really my thing, I'm too bad at video games to play them :( All I do is annoy my team, or, as you say, get destroyed by trolls ha ha.
I've actually mostly finished it :) I'm sort of... half way through season 2? I'm not sure how easy it's going to be to find the rest of the episodes though.
I've already found the fandom, and dear God, I never want to read that... thing... again 0-0
Oh ok lol, I don't use Pinterest, I just did a Google search.
The first one on that group of photos looks like a titan please don't eat me Eggman ;-;
Yep Edit: Nope. It's been pushed to Chapter 3 now. Shh I totally know what I'm doing...
The first chapter is pre-friend-vanishing. This is just setting up the world as it is, throwing a few things in there that might be important later. He's not recalling this either - nothing strange has happened yet, and he assumes that nothing will, hence why it starts off with a somewhat normal day for him.
I just spilled my drink all over myself just imagining that scene damn it XD
I think it would be even better if it was in a series of adverts in the summer XD Not sure it would appeal to everyone, I don't think an elderly person would appreciate an anthroplane in a revealing bikini on their flyer lol.
Darn it, now you've left me in suspense because I don't know what you were going to say XD
No, I haven't heard that one before lol. I've just listened to it - I agree, the video is really interesting, not sure about the song though. There are parts I like, but then I'm like "eh" for the rest of them, so...
It's terrible, especially knowing some context behind the author, who has a fetish known as 'sacking'... which is where someone wears a long skirt and shoves themselves into a sack...? It's strange, and it's even worse than that, because it's an MLP fan-fiction... my brain hurts.
Dear God, I was drawing one of my characters in my new sketchbook... I'm so sorry Pepsi... I messed his anatomy up so bad ;-;
That's absolutely fine - sleep-deprivation has been killing me lately, I feel basically the same way lol.
I love dragons too, perhaps not so much any more, but they are still really epic. They're really fun to mess with in stories/ games, especially as wide-spread destruction tends to be fun XD
Oh, ok, sounds interesting. It's good to hear that you spend time thinking about how things fit in with the actual plots and the characters themselves - that's something that it seems a lot of fan-fiction writers seem not to think about too much (this is a bit of a generalisation though, I do spend a lot of time deliberately seeking out bad fan-fiction, so...). I'd be interested in reading some if you don't mind...?
Ok, that makes sense :) I have a few more questions (I hope you don't mind, I feel like I'm sort of overloading you here lol) - Do the medical advancements actually get distributed? Also, do any of the investors have any suspicions? I'd imagine that, to run a cover-up research facility on top of a weapon-based one, they would need a lot of money, and the investors would get suspicious if they put in a lot of money and saw very little come out (e.g just the kidney thing, rather than the kidney thing and something else), unless of course they're pretending that it costs a lot to make this synthetic material? But even so, are there still some that have a slight worry that not all of their money is going to right place?
And one more question (again, sorry about this lol), are the investors allowed to interact with Platinum? To show off what the medical advancements can do? And if so, has Platinum attempted, either successfully or unsuccessfully, to communicate with any of them to spread the word?
I know those questions are a little picky about tiny details, so it's ok if you can't/ don't want to answer them all lol.
Nah, it's all very clear, you're fine :)
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/12/2017 at 6:50 PM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/24/2014
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Posted: 7/12/2017 at 2:27 PM
Post #150
i just ran to the wardrobe when i saw your avie. cause i was like, wait a minute, i've never seen any of those items before. *kicks self for not being here for the patriotic mini-fest, sees wings and begins to drool* i must have those o3o *flees to broker* *sees that the recolorable wings sold for 200k in the past, but now the cheapest are 1 mil* ... *kicks self even more and buys colored one, then goes and pouts in corner* figures, though. the one time i don't have internet access and they decide to release the most epic wings ever.
heh, i love violent video games x3 when i was a toddler, my dad used to place me on his lap so i could watch him play hitman 2. of course, my mom hated it when he did that, but even now if i hear the sound effects, i wander into his office to watch him play xD
eh, i didn't really write anything technically, since when i was pulling it all together, i was thinking more of how it would be as a video game. but i could whip something up if you want x3
that's okay x3 i enjoy answering questions about my series.
first off, that's exactly right. there's this young genius billionaire named arashi drake that uses his tech/medical company touchstone enterprises as a front. he shows up at private demonstrations and offers some of his groundbreaking instruments to hospitals and the rich society. the government's project is called the company's top secret 'experimental department', arashi telling investors it's top secret because he wants to keep the sensitive research away from the media and rival companies in order to preserve his patients' and company's future. though he's seen as the owner and head operator of the project, he's actually just a face. he turns his back on the government and lets them do whatever they want, as long as it doesn't jeopardize his company or reputation. the government makes sure that they're invisible to the eyes of investors, though they do have eyes during the demonstrations. primarily a woman named agent frost, who is an experiment herself, though she's actually part of the project's security detail. (she's also the main character's arch enemy) if investors ask, arashi simply states that she is his bodyguard, and that even though he trusts them, a man of his position can never be too careful.
and yeah, they can interact with her. she's actually arashi's 'secretary', always standing beside him during demonstrations. she's primarily silent during it all, instead demonstrating her genetically enhanced skills through tests, but she answers questions when need be. though, her answers are more rehearsed rather than free speech. instead of trying to spread the word, she just hangs back and acts as an invisible hand to help free escapees, knowing that there's a rebel group doing the dirty work for her. her primary course of action is disarming the tracers embedded in the experiments that track their movement. (she makes sure to randomly disarm other ones as to not raise too much suspicion. and during any mass escape attempt, she strategically disarms tracers rather than all of them. again, to avoid suspicion and instead allow the blame to fall on faulty equipment. but overtime, suspicion does begin to arise.)
and about the tracers, their use began after the first mass escape called the first tragedy. before that, the government believed there was no use for them since all experiments were closely monitored and given routine medication that numbs their emotion and basically brainwashes them into wanting to stay (which they still use). but after the first tragedy, they decided to take the extra step and involve tracers.
edit;; a bit off topic, but i have to share my rant. this is what my avie would look like with the recolorable wings that i want;
^ is this not breathtaking ^ ... compared to this... ^
Edited By Dial on 7/12/2017 at 4:10 PM.
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