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Level 61
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Posted: 7/12/2017 at 4:14 PM Post #151

Good lord I know the feeling, I missed all of the Valentines items this year and was unable to buy any of them because I was too poor and too low-level... and I found one of the Pookas, and I was so mad because I couldn't defeat them ;-; Now I keep thinking "Oh, wouldn't that look great with this avatar... Oh wait, that's the Valentines Item that I wish I had..."

I like violent video games too, but my parents don't let me play them :( One time, when I was 14, I went around my neighbour's house to play CoD, then when I came back my dad was so mad at me, he banned me from going round next door unless he was there too. Also, for my 15th birthday, I asked for Fallout 4, and my mum was like "Too dark!"... but then, for Christmas, got me the Game of Thrones books... *shrugs*

Oh, ok. Sure, if you want, I don't mind though, if you don't have anything then don't feel obligated to make something up on the spot :)

It all sounds good, and very well thought out :)

Though with the whole 'top secret' thing, aren't any of the investors curious about said 'top secret information'? Is there anything that happens to those who ask about it, or any who have tried to access further detail, e.g trying to hack the systems? I'm talking about one or two - a very small percentage - who would probably be sceptical of what they are being told. And isn't referring to it as an 'top secret' just drawing more attention to it? I just think there's a slight contradiction here with remaining invisible and having Arashi refer to it as 'top secret' when speaking to the investors.

By not disabling all tracers, do you mean that not everyone who escapes has their tracers disabled, or just having extras disabled inside the building? And what is the capture process for said escapees, since I'm assuming that the government don't want them running around and telling people? And what happened to the experiments that escaped in the First Tragedy? I'd imagine that some managed to slip under the radar - are some of them helping Platinum to free people, with most too afraid to return to help?

Geez, yeah, that does look a lot better.

I had the same problem with my old avatar:

This was it. I wanted to get a cape, and the Cloak of the Valkyrie (Recolourable) was the only one that worked:

But who has one of them? It's such an old avatar item, and it would probably only be sold for, like, 10 million gold ;-; This was my dream avatar back then. If only I could find one, I would do literally anything for it... if it was writing or drawing, hell, I'd even go out of my way to write or draw something that I would usually be super uncomfortable drawing....
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/24/2014
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Posted: 7/12/2017 at 4:26 PM Post #152
eeeh i so want to reply to this now x3 i love explaining my series to you, as it helps me even better develop the story (i mean, it's in it's final stages, but there's small details you bring up where i thought about but didn't rlly think about it, and now in answering you i'm like, yeah, that totally makes sense) but i seriously need to get some schoolwork done. long story short, i have frequent migraines that impaired my cognitive functions and made me fall back a grade (though i was ahead a year to begin with, so now technically i'm on track with my age group), and now i'm working through the summer to keep up and go into eleventh on time (can't remember if i mentioned all this before or not..) but anyway, with school starting within a month and several chapters to go, i seriously need to get something done today. tomorrow morning, thou, i'll get back to you. it'd be so much easier if i could just hand you the 28-page guide i wrote on my entire series xD

and ikr, it looks so much better *kicks self again* and if i had one of those cloaks, i'd give it to you
Edited By Dial on 7/12/2017 at 4:33 PM.
Level 61
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Posted: 7/12/2017 at 4:45 PM Post #153

That's fine, you should really prioritise your schoolwork over replying to me lol.

Ouch, that doesn't sound fun at all. If you need some more time though, don't feel like you have to reply to me, I can wait :) I finished school recently and have nothing to do, so I'm online 99% of the time anyway, that is, until I go to college and overload myself to get that Distinction, because I really need those top marks... *stares intensely at the date* I get the results of my GCSEs back in a month, I've probably failed lol.

Geez, 28-pages of notes on one story XD I have, like, one page, and a ton of world-building documents lol.

One day, I shall find one... I should start an art shop and offer to do unlimited art for life if someone offers me one XD

I'd do the same if I had the re-colourable wings, I only got useless stuff from the one Pyro I encountered though ;-;
Level 75
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Posted: 7/12/2017 at 11:03 PM Post #154

Woops sorry I've been putting this off all day- a new champion was released on LOL(League, the moba game thing I mentioned) and spent more time playing them game than I have in a while ^^;
Didn't get to play the new champ myself as everyone else and their mother was but oh well

If you have multiple ducks then the slimes might be jumping out of their pond to reach the nearest one which could be in a different area?(I was so scared when I was moving all my water slimes down there and then I'm like "yo some are missing from this pond" then the one in front of me jUST LEAPS OUT OF HIS POND INTO THE WATERFALL ONE)
Oh dear, don't think slimes should disappear like that o-o
(Only the water and fire ones die/disappear from not being fed)

Do you not buy the upgrade for the cages that makes them dark so you can hold phosphorous slimes in them?

Aw ):
Getting better at a game does take time, but I understand the want to not even play to begin with X)
(me with tf2, looks fun but nahh)

Aah you're on season two, how is it? :)
(I've decided not to watch it myself so don't know anything except what friends have said- I dunno I lost interest after the long wait from the first season and the fandom ruined it?)
If you have trouble finding episodes of anything what I do personally is just google the show and the episode I'm looking for- a lot of my friends personally just keep to one place to watch things and usually it doesn't have the episodes?)

Sonic pls

Introduce it whenever you feel like it's best X)
Mkmk it's starting off to seem normal(ish/character is some kind of hunter and their partner seems off which I personally think makes them an alien though I'm probably wrong and ahead of myself)
So you'd like suggestions/ideas?(anything specific towards or just go at it?)

You're welcome X)

Oh dear XD

Not gonna send the thing, but here's the song used in it X)
It's enjoyable in it's own right but care for language

Oh god XD

They're cool :)
Are all of your ocs in stories or just some?
Also which part of his anatomy?
Level 51
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Posted: 7/13/2017 at 7:04 AM Post #155
Oh, okay. I get that.

You don't have to revive him, it could end up being a fruitless endeavour or something happens along the way to Zach that makes it impossible to revive him. You could make it so he needs a special potion, and/or sacrifice that Black just can't provide.

Hmm, is there an option to intentionally ruin Zach mentally through Black, or really, not to protect him, or are there different options that all protect him but some more than others?

I'd defiantly be interested in seeing it, it'll give me more insight. And that's okay, I understand that. I'm generally good with the editing part of it all (I'm constantly beta reading my writing) and I'm constantly changing things here and there.

Haha, I get what you mean, it's so easy to come up with how you want something to end, but it's getting there that becomes the difficult part -endings are fun in the fact that you can either leave them as an open ending, a resolute ending, or a cliffhanger.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/24/2014
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Posted: 7/13/2017 at 8:07 AM Post #156
eh, it's alright. it's pretty easy stuff (except algebra.. *shakes fist*) it's just time consuming because there's so much. besides, i need a break once in a while (though this is prolly going to be my only time getting on here today)

same. my dad doesn't rlly care (if anything he supports it so he can play too), but my mom doesn't like me playing all those gory, violent games. and i literally have only one xbox one game. thankfully it has violence in it xD

well, after the first tragedy, numerous parents became outraged and demanded for either the release of their other children or the return of their money (the wealthy parents invest too), or both. the parents blackmailed the government, essentially, saying that if they didn't comply, they'd blow the whistle to the media. now after pressure began to mount, several families received healthy amounts of hush money. for those who still insisted on exposing the project, they began disappearing and dying of mysterious causes.
as far as hacking to get more info, the government can easily defend against it (well, most. there's one rebel charrie named lith [short for lithium] who was trained her entire life by the project as a circuit hacker, and she ends up breaking in to some of their systems). if they ask what exactly is top secret, arashi tells them it is groundbreaking technology that can change the way humanity sees medicine, and if they still persist (i.e. try to get answers themselves by snooping), they end up like those that tried blackmailing the project following the first tragedy. dead o3o mysteriously.

and there are some experiments that successfully escaped during the first tragedy. the rebellion's leader, saikuron, is one of the oldest main charries in my series at 35, and escaped when he was fifteen years of age. others that escaped during the first tragedy have either been captured, hunted and killed or are living new lives (or at least trying to) eighteen years after the first tragedy, there was the second tragedy (most of the successful escapees from this one are part of the rebel group the series spotlights), and two years after that, my main charrie escapes. in fact, after hearing of the second tragedy, saikuron created the group with lith's help (old friends, she's 25) and they started searching and recruiting.

as far as the tracers, both. and all escapees suffer from amnesia, to some extent. they typically remember their nickname given while inside the project, and the severity of the amnesia varies from escapee to escapee. some are like sai, who remembers escaping but not where he escaped from, as well as a few other minor details about his life, including his real name. others are like my main charrie, ketsueki, who remembers nothing about her previous life except her given nickname.
in order to deal with escapees, the government has two forms of hunting;; capture or kill. which they chose depends on how dangerous the escapee is (how developed their skills are) and either send other experiments to hunt them, send their own security detail, or send these humanoid robots called I.M.P.s. though, it's usually another experiment of I.M.P. that hunts and captures/kills an escapee, since the government wants to preserve their security detail for larger, more obvious problems that threaten their exposure.
most escapees either don't remember platinum at all, or just vaguely remember her. she doesn't reach out and talk to everyone, but instead just those she feels will be able to successfully escape. (basically same thing as the tracers)

yeh, my 28-page guide may seem a bit excessive xD but it's divided into ten parts and includes everything from the plot to different classes, relationships, charrie renderings (bout four pages just with those), facts about the project, other brainstorming ideas, etc. divisions, wards, security...
Level 68
The Tender
Joined: 8/3/2016
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Posted: 7/13/2017 at 8:55 AM Post #157
I usuallly write--

----To elaborate: Fanfiction. Lots of fanfiction.

----(When not fanfiction) Fantasy or Future Apocalypse. My fantasy stuff pretty much all takes place in an Alternate Realm called "Mythworld". That place is so extensively planned out with countries, cultures, people, etcetera, I'd love to explain it here, but it would take a whole guidebook. My future apocalypse is usually fairly realistic (based off of the way the world is currently heading, rather than zombie apocalypse or alien invasion or something else). There was one time that I wrote an apocalyptic story about a very metaphoric world...not gonna explain that here either.

----(when fanfiction) My obsessions have spanned years. In order I think they were: Dragon Helpers. (when I was little my sister and I were obsessed with the "How To Train Your Dragon" books/movies). Roughnecks (the cartoon about people in space that had to kill space bugs? It was actually quite an interesting show). Pirates of the Caribbean (enough said). Lord of the Rings (...*sigh*...) PRIMEVAL (a BBC TV show about rips in time that allowed creatures and people fromt he past and future to enter the 21st century, and an organization (the ARC) that stopped them.) Once Upon a Time (still getting over that one). And finally Star Trek. (particularly DS9 and TNG).

I rarely write--
----Non-fiction (and when I do, it's comedic)

----Non-fiction fiction. (Writing about a fictional subject in a non-fictional way).

----Screenplays (although, I have before. Its just that my whole cast quit on my simultaneously and one of my leading actors went and started HIS OWN MOVIE and asked ME to JOIN IT.)

I can't seem to write--
----the end of a story (NEVER finished one, still working on that)

I would never want to write--

----a report on a country or state

----the biography of a famous person who already has 10 written about them

----a news headline story

----a news story, in general
Level 61
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Posted: 7/13/2017 at 12:47 PM Post #158
(Dear lord I just realised how horribly disorganised everything looks in this form, sorry about that)



Fair enough :) I know the feeling of being hyped to play something lol.

Nah, I only have one duck. I think the only other slime toy I have is in the main area (where you start), in a corral full of rock slimes, and, quiet fittingly, is a rock. So unless there's a glitch where the puddle slimes think that that is the closest toy and are jumping half the map, I highly doubt that that is the case XD

Oml XD

It made me sad, I loved those largos ;-;

Yeah, I do, but keeping them makes me really nervous 0-0 I keep trying to pick something up from their corrals, e.g some extra food that had ended up there by accident, and then it picks one of them up. By accident, I then almost walk outside of the corral, and I freak out because I could have killed it. XD

Yeah, that's why if I play multiplayer games, I stick to stuff like Summoner's War because it's a mobile game that doesn't really require much skill XD As for the working with people bit, there are like... three people who actually fight in my guild, and basically no-one who talks on the chat... so...

It's... alright? I have mixed feelings about it, I think it reveals too much about who was who. It does reveal who the Colossal and the Charging whatever-his-name-was titans are, but it's kind of like "Meh, you know, I wish they hadn't told us?" There's something going on with the titans and the mentality that they aren't as mindless as people think they are, but that's not really been explored much yet. And there is a new type of titan as well.

I'll stop there so that I don't spoil it too much :)

That's what I tend to do, but sometimes it reaches the point at which it is really difficult to find episodes because of how new they are. I will find them eventually, I just have to look a little more lol.

Oml I've watched the entirety of the Game Grumps playing Sonic 06 XD It's hilarious.

I'm so glad you shared a Wendy's meme good lord they are the best things XD

Next chapter is definitely the right time now... or maybe the one after, depends on whether I want to establish that this person has been gone for a while. It could really go either way depending on my mood, but not having it next chapter would probably mean filler content, so... I'll have to see.

Well, all I will say about your theory is... you're certainly not ahead of yourself with that one, that's actually pretty close.

Yeah, just... anything really. Theories, questions, ideas, criticisms of stuff etc.

It was really sticky cranberry and blackcurrant juice as well XD

Now that's given me some really strange images... brain. Please don't do this to me.

XD Oh, ok. I feel like I've seen it before...? But maybe not lol.

Dear lord... I think every video of me reading just gets worse and worse as I slowly slip into an unrecoverable state of insanity XD

Thanks! :)

Nah, not all of them. Since Pepsi is my only merman character, and I have no sailor or pirate etc, he doesn't really interact with anyone... Pray for Pepsi, he has no relationships with anyone ;-;

Well, I think the lower part of his right arm is too long in comparison to the upper part, the right nipple on his chest is too close to the centre compares to the other one, and his muscles look terrible. He was also supposed to be angry, but now he just looks disappointed XD I suppose it's my fault for not using references.

Edit: Nuuuuuu pen bleed why would you do this... *rolls around on floor* Shouldn't have bought this type of sketchbook, the paper is textured and far too thin...



I hate algebra too, especially quadratic equations and re-arranging the damn things... I'd rather do trigonometry without a calculator than that, and yes, we had to do trigonometry without a calculator... it was hell.

I don't even have any new generation consoles XD Original Xbox for the win! We have Halo on it, I really want to have a go but I'll probably get in a ton of trouble for playing it.

So, what's the cover-up for the mysterious deaths, in case people get curious about why families are suddenly vanishing? Car accidents, medical failures? I suppose mass memory-wiping could work, but there would always be the problem of potentially missing a few people, regardless of how thorough they would be with their search, since there isn't really a possibility of 100% accuracy every time.

Also, what is this group (the one being created by Saikuron and Lithium)? I may have missed something, I apologise if I have... but what is their purpose? By the sounds of things it is to take down Arashi and his corporation - am I correct in assuming that? And do they basically have separate 'departments', e.g some of them hack, others try to physically get into the labs etc?

Ok, so how does that work with the amnesia? Is there an explanation for why some remember a lot and why others do not? Do different tracers have different types of chemical in them that is released at certain times to suppress memories? And how did the first experiment escape, since he would have had to communicate with Platinum in some way. Is Platinum given further access than most into the labs and holding areas for the experiments? Or if Platinum wasn't there to help him, how did the tracer deactivate? Was his simply faulty? And if so, what about the others who escaped with him, how did their tracers get deactivated?

I'd imagine that they prioritise capture over kill, since I can imagine that each costs a fairly large amount of money to create, or is there a reason why they would do that the other way round? Like, for example, there would be an experiment that is not particularly dangerous, but they would kill them instead?

Ah, ok. Most of my world-building stuff is somewhat random, I don't tend to note down relationships because they tend to become apparent in the writing itself. But yeah, I'm pretty sure I have a whole document on how the justice systems work in each country, along with certain somewhat strange laws, and a lot more on cultures, religions, etc. The longest document is a plot summary that spans around 200 years of content, which goes beyond the main story itself XD



Hello! :)

Mythworld sounds interesting and very well developed! I believe I stumbled across the roleplay thread that was going to take place within your universe once. Now, where to start with a question... By peoples, do you mean that there are aliens and things like that, or just separate cultures displayed by different organisms on the same planet? And, if you don't really want to explain all of them, could you give me a few examples of them, or would it require thousands of paragraphs on anatomy, behaviour etc?

So, I'm interested, how do you think the world is going to end? Me? I think Trump's going to nuke Russia, or vice versa, and we're all going to die in a nuclear apocalypse. I'm not crazy '0-0 Is that Mythworld being the future apocalypse, or is that something separate?

Primeval...? 0-0 That show was my childhood, but no-one I know seems to remember it - I gave myself terrible nightmares though, but I loved it. The Lord of the Rings fan-fiction sounds interesting too, what sort of things do you write about?

Endings are so difficult, unless they're cliffhangers lol, because those are really easy and require practically no thought to be fasir.

I agree with you on that one, serious non-fiction is horrible to write, because it's very hard to work with and make extremely interesting.
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/13/2017 at 1:30 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 7/13/2017 at 2:42 PM Post #159
I think another thing that would bother me with that is that they're just.. there?(wow nice wording me you go man)
I feel like a character being gone forever(excluding any added afterlife) consists of not being able to see them again until you yourself has died ):
(I will think about it though)

Black is not someone whose actions you can control, he will always try to calm you down can choose if you want to listen or not though, and at times where he'd try to force you to pass out to keep you from doing something you could regret you can go against his wishes and keep going as Black does need your consent
There aren't a lot of different protection options, just what Black feels is best at the time and it's really your choice if you want to go along with him or not(as of the moment I'm trying to possibly find a way to make it look like Black is bad so people have more incentive to ignore his help)

Okay :)
What is your google email if you don't mind me asking?(so I can share the document)

Yeah ^^
Endings are fun to write but you either write them before you have the whole story done or you finish everything before the ending but don't know how to resolve it anymore ^^

Fanfiction is great :D
-don't write it myself but I really appreciate you people who do X)

If you ever feel like explaining either I'd be interested in hearing about them :)
They both sound very cool!

I actually do not recognize a lot of those,(only Pirates, Trek and Dragons, recognize the name of Rings)

Wew my cats just cut up my hand nice

Oh dear ):
It's cool that you got that far into making a screenplay though

Story endings are hard to write unless you write them first I've found X)
Not sure if this is very helpful but maybe try writing the ending then start writing from the beginning? If as your story goes on the ending doesn't fit anymore then edit it to fit by the end?

Ah, I feel that X)
I tend to not enter their cages once I've put them in unless they are completely harmless largos/slimes excluding my rock tabbies that are too few to eat all the food I've stored for them

I actually know who is who because of the fandom that knew from those who read the manga X)
I agree with the not wanting to know that soon though
Sounds interesting how the titans might be more intelligent

It's great X)

Okay so if I'm not ahead of myself then I'm going to assume their are either good aliens living among them who could possibly side with the protagonist against the bad ones(it would be cool and sad if they were the only ones who remembered them when they die(?))
I think the one with him(gonna assume they aren't exactly the same species as the bad aliens from what you're saying but they aren't human) sound like they possibly would care for his wellbeing(?) but is bad at portraying human emotions and does weird things not human like or just looks uninvested doing human things

Would it be okay if when I've got time I tried to draw them possibly?
Level 61
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Posted: 7/13/2017 at 4:14 PM Post #160

I tend to have a habit of walking into the crystal boom slime habitat to clear the crystals away... That ends as well as you'd expect it to XD Perfectly fine, actually, I always have enough water and health lol. Just a bit hard on the laptop because of all of the effects.

But yeah, otherwise, I don't fancy giving half of the slimes a hug, especially the rad ones.

Oh, ok XD But yeah, it was kind of disappointing, although the reveal was somewhat surprising it was like 'I wish they'd kept that a secret longer'... should have had Eren kidnapped by the titans minus the public reveal (e.g they transform before meeting him), and then have the reveal when he wakes up from capture, or much later on, when he finds himself working for them or whatever they wanted him to do.

Nerd3 completed it though XD It's equally as hilarious.

Not really... You were closer with just the generalised 'Ija's an alien' statement. Bearing in mind that the aliens can't shapeshift, that creates a few problems, though fair enough since I haven't mentioned that yet and it won't ever be mentioned in the story itself. None of the aliens are capable of taking on human form, and vice versa. It's more to do with the dimensions - I did say that there are humans who come from the same dimensions as the aliens.

As for the ending thing, yes, I am planning to use the whole forgetting thing at the end, because what makes something more dramatic than realising that nobody will remember the heroic act that saved their lives? >:D

Have you read the second chapter by the way? I didn't mention that it existed, I wrote it yesterday. It might be worth reading it to get more of an idea as to where this is going, since it hints at a few more things that may or may not happen.

Yeah, sure! :) I have a clearer, not messed up reference of him if you would like to use that instead? It's an older piece of art though, the colours aren't as vibrant as they are with the pens and the anatomy is off. I'll do another, better, non-messed up one tomorrow, I'm going to buy another sketchbook tomorrow that doesn't make the colouring like that.
Edited By AtomicBomb354 on 7/13/2017 at 5:34 PM.
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