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Forum Index > Roleplaying > ouroboros {finished}
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Level 34
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 11/1/2019
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Posted: 3/8/2021 at 1:24 PM Post #181
She looked at him sadly before looking at the food "I'ma get in trouble if I eat but...thank you" she said sadly
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/8/2021 at 4:02 PM Post #182
"sorry" i cringe, taking the plate back "i'll sneak you some food later, alright? i'll make sure you don't get in trouble" i promise, quietly slipping out of her room. that could have gone much, much worse.
Level 34
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 11/1/2019
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Posted: 3/8/2021 at 4:30 PM Post #183
She lays on her bed after he left and was thinking about everything
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/8/2021 at 7:27 PM Post #184
i wander a round a bit, before finding myself with lei, who's sitting in the mansions atrium, looking around. this place is beautiful, it would be good to draw in or take pictures of. maybe if i ever get my hands on some paper and pencils i'll sketch the place. for now, though, i simply sit down next to her, flashing her a smile. "how are you?" i ask, striking up conversation.
Edited By Stringworms on 3/8/2021 at 7:49 PM.
Level 50
Joined: 2/11/2021
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Posted: 3/8/2021 at 7:41 PM Post #185
(Could I please leave the rp? I had to take a break and now hve no clue what's going on so... it was fun though!)
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
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Posted: 3/8/2021 at 7:47 PM Post #186
(no problem ^^)
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
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Posted: 3/8/2021 at 7:50 PM Post #187
i wander a round a bit, before finding myself with adelia, who's sitting in the mansions atrium, looking around. this place is beautiful, it would be good to draw in or take pictures of, there would definitely be a great view of the stars here at night. maybe if i ever get my hands on some paper and pencils i'll sketch the place. for now, though, i simply sit down next to her, flashing her a smile. "how are you?" i ask, striking up conversation
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 3/8/2021 at 11:08 PM Post #188
"Akira. Hatori," she adds as an afterthought. "Some people call me Aki, but my brother's name is Akio, so..." she bites her lip nervously. "Are you fine with this? You know, the whole being-held-hostage-in-a-nice-house thing?"
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 3/9/2021 at 7:47 AM Post #189
Adelia sighs. "'Fine' would be an overstatement. But I'm living, yes. It would not do well to lose my head, or at least I figure."
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/9/2021 at 7:50 AM Post #190
"no, it's so weird, on one hand, it's like i'm not being treated like a hostage and then one minute he snaps and i'm a hostage again" i shake my head, burying it in my hands,
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