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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > The Mist
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Level 60
The Whimsical
Joined: 3/1/2013
Threads: 112
Posts: 4,629
Posted: 4/25/2013 at 9:19 PM Post #11
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 9/13/2024 at 12:57:30pm


Thats right.

You followed a road, got ambushed by a aurleon, followed the aurleon into a cave full of other aurloens, and get poked in the eye.

And you laugh.

No wonder you friends think you are slightly insane.

After a couple of minutes of mindless laughter, you wheezed and panted, tears in your eyes, as the aurleons stood waiting for you to clam down. When your stomach finished hurting from all that laugher, you turn to face the Aurleons.

You finally decided what the next step was gonna be.You thought over it for a while, and your instincts comfirmed it to be a good choice. You took a long breathe and said:

"Do you have somewhere I can bath?"

Thats right. What better solution to a problem than to take a bath? At least you can think cleanly afterwards.

You listen to yourself over and over again. Crazy laughter? How absurd. You face the male aurleon who poked you and glare at him, a grudge forming. "Ignore that, why did you poke me in the eye?" You stand face to face with the aurleon, looking him in the eyes, sweat pouring down your face.

The male aurleon, you have decided to name Retro for no apparent reason, looks back to you. He nudges you into a smaller path that leads you to a smaller cave. Great. Another cave, what could be worse? Yes, the gods must've hated you just to give something worse. You see pictures engraved on the wall, a boy standing with a brown eye and cyan blue on the other. He looks just like you.

You touch the paintings, shock and in awe, you see a black figure that looks like a shadow. You're battling this shadow man.
He looks heroic, and doesn't look like an evil man at all.

Shadow man:
He's got pale skin, black hair, and a skinny body but looks like he could hold his ground. An evil presence circulates around this picture.

The picture shows you defeating this mysterious figure, but who are they exactly?

You turn to look the aurleons staring at you in curiosity. Did they expect you to do something?

(( Gonna take the next post too :3 ))
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