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Forum Index > Roleplaying > The School
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Level 63
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 3/26/2014
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Posted: 1/14/2016 at 10:26 PM Post #11
Mistress Araina
As the teachers came into the room, Mistress Araina smiled at them. When everyone was there, she began to speak. "Happy first day of school! During the student's breakfast we will be giving a short presentation. I'd like you all to say your name and something to the students. I will also explain a few rules to the students. Breakfast is soon, so I'm off to make another announcement. If you would all go to the cafeteria, that would be wonderful.
"Hello students! Breakfast will be very soon so please do begin to go the the cafeteria if you have not already. The teachers and I await your arrival."

Marianna heard the announcement and fidgeted. She really wanted to walk to breakfast with her roommate, but she hadn't even met her yet!
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 1/14/2016 at 10:43 PM Post #12
Mixie - Waternixie
Mixie smiled looking around at the other teachers slightly nervous, she was the youngest one and she didn't know quite what to say to the students. She walked out moving to go to the cafeteria. She hoped she could go last to see what the others said before she had to go up.

Aeronwen - Waternixie
Aeronwen sat in a darker corner down a hall trying to stay out of the way reading a book. She always got covers for her books so no one would know what she was reading, and, more importantly, try and talk to her about it. She really wasn't much of a talker after everything happened at her home. She looked up at the announcement getting up and walking quickly into the eating area with her book sitting in a far back table hoping everyone else was a lot more social then she was and sat in the closer tables. She wasn't even that hungry so she hoped she could avoid them for now.
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
Joined: 6/27/2014
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Posted: 1/14/2016 at 11:25 PM Post #13
Soran smiled, "nevrmind, let's hurry and have a shower!" She said, taking her roommate's writst and pulling her to the showers.
North Star got out of the shower, dresses and headed to the cafeteria.
Level 60
Joined: 10/15/2015
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Posted: 1/15/2016 at 9:33 AM Post #14
Mirai let out a sigh, and began making her way to the cafeteria.

"Where's my roommate?"
Edited By Kittidipity on 1/15/2016 at 9:45 AM.
Level 67
High Priest
Joined: 4/23/2015
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Posted: 1/15/2016 at 5:24 PM Post #15
After hearing the announcement he walked back towards his room. Leith stood still for a while and then moved slowly towards the cafeteria hoping he would be unnoticed and left alone.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 1/18/2016 at 2:10 PM Post #16

Loden quietly close his book - it' s probably a little bit to late for unpack all my stuff, let's hope my roommate don't mind it for now.- He look his watch -yup, five more minutes and i get up.


- Finaly done, evry thing is perfectly place, chompy it's your turn now you have to memorise the room now. Ventus sat on his bed and look by the window until his pet jump on the bed and start chewing playfully the pillow. - Chompy no, drop that now, if you send it somwhere els again i send you at home ... - Ventus quickly remove it from chompy mouth and his pet jump of the bed. - You want play, all right then- he take a little ball and throw it at his pet.
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