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Level 63
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 3/26/2014
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Posted: 1/4/2016 at 9:45 PM Post #1
RP Signup
[And so we begin. What a dream come true. The post limit is three per day so the forum doesn't speed up ridiculously if two people are on much more than others and rp with each other a ton. Please remember that there is a communal bathroom on each floor, not one in each dorm.]

Mistress Araina

The loudspeaker crackled. Hello students and welcome! Breakfast will be from 7 to 8, but please arrive by 7:30 for a short announcement from the teachers. If the teachers could meet me by 7:25 in the cafeteria, it would be greatly appreciated. Mistress Araina turned off the speaker and began to slither towards the cafeteria to await the teachers.

Ilana [btw it's an "i" at the beginning of her name.]

Ilana always rose with the sun, so she was up a bit early. She had gotten ready, then just waited until 6:30. She shoved Savas to wake him up, but he just rolled onto his back. She scratched his stomach then nudged him again. "C'mon," she said in a quiet voice, "I want to look around the school before breakfast." Savas groans and gets up, slowly opening his eyes. Smiling, Ilana grabs her sack of books and school map and heads out just as Mistress Araina's announcement comes on.


By 6:25, Marianna was up. She usually got up earlier to brush her hair, but she had trouble falling asleep last night because of nerves. She jumped out of bed and raced down the hall into the bathroom. Marianna got ready in a flash and decided to brush her hair in her room so she wouldn't miss her roommate. She ran her brush through her hair, then got sick of it and put it in a fat braid. She mulled around, doing various unnecessary things and waited for her roommate. "I can't wait to meet my roommate!" she said to herself. "I hope she's nice." she worried.


Theodosia was rudely awoken by Otto nipping her nose. Swatting him away, she sat up and wiped the sleep from her eyes. Otto returned and smugly draped himself on top of her head. Thea was too tired to care. She groggily grabbed her clothes and toiletries and walked to the bathroom. While pulling up her tights, she heard the speaker announcement. She slipped on her shoes and started to walk to the cafeteria after making a quick detour to grab her purse from her room. She held up her finger for Otto to curl around. "I am curious about my roommate, Worm," Otto hissed, "Get over it. I am curious about her, but I'd rather get food first. I'm sure I'll meet her later, and I'm too tired anyways." Otto curled up her arm and settled around her neck for a nap. He was tired too.
Level 67
High Priest
Joined: 4/23/2015
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Posted: 1/4/2016 at 10:06 PM Post #2

Leith woke up around 5, not used to being an early riser he laid back in bed and waited a little longer to set out to the bathroom with his toiletries Avora hot on his heels. He stopped to stare out of a window until Avora nipped at his heels. "Move it, you're not the only one who wishes this place was more open. Anyways, today we get a roommate. Be glad." He looked down at her and patted her head making her tail thump. He went into the bathroom to get changed and freshen up. When he came out he sat outside of door and kept petting Avora in rhythmic strokes. Just as he started to doze off the intercom came on. Not catching what was said he looked to Avora for help. She stood up. "Come on, or we'll be late. Again."
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
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Posted: 1/4/2016 at 10:27 PM Post #3
North Star

North yawned. She had been up since before dawn. She liked to watch the sun rise. But now she was tied. It was 6:30 when she walked to the bathroom, her uniform(do we have uniforms?) and toiletries in hand. She figured that a shower would be just the thing to wake her up. She had already brushed her hair and it sat in a messy yet somehow neat ponytail.


Soran was still asleep when the chime announcement sounded, lucky for her she was a light sleeper. She sat up, yawned and threw her legs over the side of her bed. She wondered if this counted as a time when she could be in her fox form. After weighing up the pros and cons she walked to the bathroom as a human. She wasn't fond of her human form, she was just too small, in every possible definition of the word, and an easy target for bullies. At least in her fox form she could outrun most people.
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 1/4/2016 at 10:51 PM Post #4
Astor - Soltra
Astor was sitting on the roof of the school, barely hearing the announcement. He hated being here already, it was a waste of time. He smiled seeing Sanja flying above him, feeling jealous. Although he didn't care about them, he wasn't sure what the rules were about transforming, true he had already done that to get up here but he'd rather keep off of Sanja's bad side. He sighed getting back down to meander inside. It was only six thirty so he could take all the time he wanted walking in.

Aeronwen - Waternixie
Aeronwen walked down the hall after hearing the announcement, she had been reading in the hall to keep from disturbing her roommate. She was a little nervous about being around others, but excited to try and learn what was making her different. She sighed carrying her heavy sack of books to get to the eating room early, she could read if the door was closed, and even read if she could go sit down.

Mixie - Waternixie
Mixie was excited to begin teaching this year. She couldn't believe she had received the job. She wanted so much to do well for her students so that they can learn as well as they could. It was hard for her to contain her excitement as she caught herself starting to skip down the hall to meet with Mistress Araina. She wondered what she could have to discuss with them.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/5/2016 at 4:59 AM Post #5

[ Adam 'Add' Kim ]
Bmr - Astor

It was a force of habit, waking up at ungodly hours and never returning to sleep until night. But it worked out in his favour. Waking up around 5 meant that he was one of the first - if not the first - person to use the showers. He had a spot, privacy, quiet.... peace. It was almost like home, if the bathroom hadn't been so big.

With a light sigh, the technopath returned to his room, quietly picking up his pet before taking to the halls, wandering about aimlessly. He'd rather have done something useful with this time, but he'd woken too early in an still unfamiliar environment, and that left him without motivation to do anything but wander around. How sad...

It was only when he heard the announcement did he bother to check his watch, realising he had been walking about for nearly an hour. Though perhaps, it wasn't the best idea as he almost crashed into another male. And oh, it was his roommate. What was his name again? He remembered reading it when he leafed through the groupings, but only really bothered to remember where his sister and his rooms were.

Hey. Add lifted a hand in greeting as he stepped to the side, Lily following suit by lifting a paw and barking lightly.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[ Eylvias Vytrus ]
Topaz - Soran

The crackling of the speakers woke the elf, who upon snapping her eyes open, quickly grabbed her tray of toiletries that she had packed the night before. Slipping on her flip-flops and ordering her companion to stay put, she made her way to the communal bathroom, falling in pace with her roommate whom had woken at the same time as her. Now, Eylvias wasn't one who liked to initiate conversations, but for once, she decided otherwise.

Hi... She whispered quietly, hoping her roommate would be able to hear her. But, she wasn't too sure. She wasn't loud, and spoke in quieter tones than most people - in fact, she was sure she could compete with a mute to see who was softer. I'm...Eylvias, your roommate. Nice to meet you...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
((I'll do my other chars in a bit... and...
P.S. Sorry Cian, I initially wanted to ping you with a post, but when I decided against it and posted this, I forgot to take your name from the ping list.... >~<))
Edited By Soltra8 on 1/5/2016 at 5:00 AM.
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
Joined: 6/27/2014
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Posted: 1/5/2016 at 4:10 PM Post #6

"Ah, hi... I'm Soran," the fox eared Girl whispered, almostnas quietly. Her ears flat were against her head and her tail twitched nervously. She pulled her stuff closer to her chest.
She took a deep breath and exhaled. At least her room made wasn't loud and she seemed nice.
"Wanna walk with me?" She asked, giving her a smile, her ears having perked back up.

North Star

North turned on the water and let out a content sigh when scolding water beat down on her shoulders. She wasn't in there for long though as she didn't want to use up all the hot aatter before the others got to the showers.
i wonder when I'll get to meet my room mate? she thought as she got dressed and hurried into the cafeteria.
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 1/5/2016 at 11:41 PM Post #7
Astor - Soltra
Astor had walked inside after a moment, Sanja diving and ending up on his out raised arm. Sanja flew up with a screech, making Astor look behind him. Another boy was there, who had almost run into him. "Sanja." He said quietly lifting his arm for her to land on. She landed carefully, folding her wings in as Astor looked at the other boy. "Hey." He said back unsure what to do exactly.
Level 60
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Posted: 1/10/2016 at 7:52 AM Post #8

[ Adam 'Add' Kim ]
Bmr - Astor

"Hmph. ...I never got your name, what is it?" Add asked softly, eyelids drooping as he pressed himself to the wall. He didn't like to make too much of a ruckus early morning, and he hoped his roommate shared the same sentiment. Actually, strike that, he hoped that everyone else he'd meet during his morning wanderings around the school would agree with him, but he knew they'd most likely won't.

"You can call me... 'Add'." He introduced himself before waiting expectantly for his roommate's reply, cautiously eyeing the other male all the while. Unluckily, in a couple of his past schools where he was needed to stay on campus, he'd been paired with violent buffoons, and needless to say, he was a bit wary of roommates now. Though last night was a different matter all together. He had been so exhausted he couldn't care less if he was beaten up, killed or... well, anything else that could come to one's mind regarding unfortunate events that could befall him.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
[ Eylvias Vytrus ]
Topaz - Soran

Eylvias gave a short nod, a pleasant smile gracing her lips. "Sure." She said simply, as she adjusted the tray in her hands. Soran... this girl, she might grow to like her. Honestly, she had been a bit worried at first. What if she had gotten a loud, brash and cocky roommate? Just thinking about such an pairing sent shivers up her spine. Such noisy people couldn't appreciate nature, and they certainly didn't deserve her attention, or her presence. She'd rather be burned than live with such a person!
Level 60
Gingerbread Architect
Joined: 6/27/2014
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Posted: 1/10/2016 at 4:12 PM Post #9

Sora smiled and relaxed visibly. As they walked she attempted conversation.
"So, what classes do you take? I'm taking: Folklore, Legends and Myths, Art, P.E, Alchemy, Beast Taming, Charms and Spells. "
Level 64
The Perfectionist
Joined: 8/23/2014
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Posted: 1/10/2016 at 11:27 PM Post #10
Astor - Soltra
Astor looked at the boy backing up slightly. "I'm Astor." He said still quietly. "So what dragged you here?" He asked the boy leaning against the wall. Sanja screeched and plucked at his hand, drawing a little blood. Astor barely flinched, he had been expecting her to do something like it after the question her asked. She kept trying to teach him manners. It was really irritating.
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