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Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/13/2017 at 9:34 PM
Post #11
Scale Shop
The whole point of scales are to be used to buy philters and egglings in the scale shop.
To get to the scale shop go to the place for nurturing eggs and click on Scale Shop link
Go under Shops on the top menu and go to the last option.
The shop sells eggs the higher amount of scales it costs the more carries and vis's the sylesti could have in the future.
You can also buy many different philters as well.
What the philters do Lesser Genetic Mutator
Price: 1,500 scales
It add one random gene or mutation in a slot where no visible or carry are.
This item can only be used on captured pets A.K.A Tamed pets
It will show it on the bottom of the pet profile.
Item is consumed when used
Also this is very important pets can only use the mutator ONCE.
Lesser Pet Dye
Price: 1,000 scales
This will permanently alter a color of you choosing.
This is not 100% accurate however.
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Nullification
Price: 1,000 scales
Can remove an unwanted trait of your choosing from a sylesti.
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Amnesia
Price: 500 scales
Used to reset the name of s sylesti
Item is consumed when used
Lesser Philter of Vigor
Price: 500 scales
Increases base Strength by 5.
This is very important this can ONLY BE USED on Egglings that are "Ready to Hatch"
Item is consumed when used
Lesser Philter of Acumen
Price: 500 scales
Increases base Intelligence by 5.
This is very important this can ONLY BE USED on Egglings that are "Ready to Hatch"
Item is consumed when used
Lesser Philter of Precision
Price: 500 scales
Increases base Dexterity by 5.
This is very important this can ONLY BE USED on Egglings that are "Ready to Hatch"
Item is consumed when used
Lesser Philter of Nimbleness
Price: 500 scales
Increases base Agility by 5.
This is very important this can ONLY BE USED on Egglings that are "Ready to Hatch"
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Unlearning
Price: 100 scales
Causes a pet to not earn experience anymore.
Can only be reversed by the Philter of Learning
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Learning
Price: 100 scales
Causes a pet to experience again.
Can be reversed by using the Philter of Learning
Item is consumed when used
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/14/2017 at 9:39 AM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/13/2017 at 10:03 PM
Post #12
How to use Scale Shop/Other Philters
How to use basic philters
1) Go to a pet profile
Example of with my starter
Scroll down and click Genetic Philter
Under the flip it will show all the philters you have and all the ones you may use on that pet
How to use Pet Dyes
There are 2 dyes
1) Lesser=Colors don't come out as accurate
2) Greater=More accurate Colors
After you click which pet dye you want to use (I choose lesser in this case) You can choose which gene/mutation color you want to change.
Then put the hex/color you want to change it to.
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/13/2017 at 10:11 PM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/13/2017 at 10:16 PM
Post #13
Where You Can Find Other Philters
You can find other philters in the diamond shop as well as other things.
Under the shop flap on the top menu bar the 2ed option is the "Diamond Shop"
Under the philter picture they have many philters you can buy with diamonds
Here are the philters and what they do
Greater Genetic Mutator
Price: 200 Diamonds
It add one gene or mutation of your choosing in a slot where no visible or carry are.
This item can only be used on captured pets A.K.A Tamed pets
It will show it on the bottom of the pet profile.
Item is consumed when used
Also this is very important pets can only use the mutator ONCE.
Greater Pet Dye
Price: 150 Diamonds
This will permanently alter a color of you choosing.
This is almost 100% accurate.
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Infertility
Price: 100 Diamonds
Will permanently make the Pet unable to breed.
Item is consumed when used
Magical Pie
Price: 100 Diamonds
Causes a pet to gain 144 points or 6 days of Maturity.
Pet will only be able to be affected by another pie after 72 hours.
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Gender Swapping
Price: 100 Diamonds
Switches the Gender of a pet.
Cannot be affected on pets that have been breed.
Item is consumed when used
Prismatic Philter
Price: 80 Diamonds
Increases Pet Base Stats.
200 for Health and
10 for Strength, Intelligence, Dexterity, Agility.
This Item can ONLY BE USED on a pet that is "Ready to Hatch"
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Vigor
Price: 20 Diamonds
Increases Pet Base Stat of Strength by 20
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Acumen
Price: 20 Diamonds
Increases Pet Base Stat of Intelligence by 20
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Precision
Price: 20 Diamonds
Increases Pet Base Stat of Dexterity by 20
Item is consumed when used
Philter of Precision
Price: 20 Diamonds
Increases Pet Base Stat of Agility by 20
Item is consumed when used
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/14/2017 at 9:36 AM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/14/2017 at 9:07 AM
Post #14
Other things in Diamond Shop
Essences There are Essences which create a pet with the traits and colors of your choosing
Blue Essences=Regular, 2 Genotypes, Fairly accurate colors
Blue Essence on Diamond shop=250 Diamonds
Purple Essences=Enhanced, 4 Genotypes, Mostly accurate colors
Purple Essence on Diamond shop=750 Diamonds
Yellow/Gold Essences=Mystical, 4 Genotypes, Extremely accurate colors
Yellow/Gold Essence on Diamond shop=1,000 Diamonds
Essences that you have can be found in the Generator.
Go to the species you want to use it in/you have an essence in duble click it and it should give you these options
Pet Costumes
Each Cost 500 Diamonds they show up in the equipment section of your inventory
Different Costumes:
They show up on pets like this:
Other Items Exceptional Genetic Scanner
Price:1,500 Diamonds
Used on enemy's during battle.
Will reveal enemy's stats and genetic information.
Unlimited Charges
Exceptional Genetic Test Kit
Price:1,500 Diamonds
Will reveal all traits on a pet.
Unlimited Charges
Exceptional Infertalty Kit
Price:1,500 Diamonds
Makes pet unable to breed (usually used on Max Stat offspring)
This is Permanent
Unlimited Charges
Masterful Snare Trap
Price: 500 Diamonds
Captures any sylesti in the wild
Always works
Avatar Shop
On the menu bar under Shops you will find an Avatar Shop where you can buy avatar items with diamonds.
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/14/2017 at 9:37 AM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/14/2017 at 9:33 AM
Post #15
Where you can buy Diamonds
With IRL (In real life) Currency
Go to the menu and click "Shops" then click "Diamond Shop"
Once you click it you will get to a page like this
Click on the amount of diamonds you wish to buy then scroll down and it will show you how many diamonds you are buying and how much you will be paying.
Then click "Buy Now With PayPal"
(Hey the image looks like a duck!)
And you are ready to pay for the diamonds you are buying!
With Sylestia Gold
Go to Currency Exchange under trade.
When you click on it you get to a page like this
Then search for diamonds and click "Search Offers"
Then they will give you amounts of diamonds that you can buy for gold.
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/29/2017 at 6:43 PM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/14/2017 at 9:45 AM
Post #16
How to set up a Diamond Trade
If you had a trade with some one and they dicide to buy something from you in diamonds then you need to set up a diamond trade.
They cannot set it up because if they put Blank amount of diamonds for 1 gold then someone else can buy it.
So you must set up 1g for Blank amount of diamonds
On the left change "Sell Currency" from Diamonds to Gold
Then put sell 1g
Then put the amount of diamonds you are receiving in this box
Then it is ready
And who ever is picking up the diamonds will pick them up and the diamonds will show up in your till
How to pick up an Exchange/Reverse of the process above Say you are the one buying the thing and you need to pay the person with diamonds.
The person you are buying it from will set up the exchange and you have you buy it.
Change the Diamonds to Gold
Then look for the person's username and their offer then buy it.
They will the receive diamonds in their till.
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/14/2017 at 10:02 AM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 3/14/2017 at 10:11 AM
Post #17
How to send some thing to another player (COD)
Say you need to send someone something.
Go to you inventory and click on the object
Say I am sending the Nyt Essence to Krinadon
Go to the bottom where you see the envelop
Click on it and a pop up will show up and type in the person's name you are sending it to
Then put the fee the person is paying for it
If someone is just paying you gold then usually people send mushrooms because they are useless
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/14/2017 at 10:14 AM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/14/2017 at 1:06 PM
Post #18
How to Broker an Item
Say you wish to sell something on the broker.
Click the item you are wanting to sell. In my example I will be selling a Nyt Essence.
Got to the bottom and look for the Broker item button.
A pop up will show up and it will look like this
It will tell you the lowest price and the highest price and the average in the past 30 days.
When I sell things I always put it at around 5-10k less then the lowest price on the broker.
In my case 15k or 15000. Type the number into the box labeled "Price Per Unit:"
Then click "List Item" and it will show up in the broker.
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/14/2017 at 1:06 PM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
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Posted: 3/14/2017 at 1:15 PM
Post #19
How to Buy Pets Using the Advanced Search
Using the advanced search you can find the species and traits you are looking for/looking to buy.
There are two places you can find the advanced search one on the top of the page
Click the search button
On the side of the page.
Click the "Advanced Search" link under it.
Once you click it you will get to a page like this
If you are looking for a pet/sylesti click the "Search Pet" thing
When you do you will get to a page like this
Fill in the species you want and which mutations/genes you want
Then if you want to buy it or breed with it go to the "For Sale" or "For Breeding" and switch it to yes
(Depending on which one you want)
You can also pick the minimum price and the maxim price.
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/14/2017 at 8:54 PM.
Level 72
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 2/17/2016
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Posted: 3/14/2017 at 8:57 PM
Post #20
Stables/Feeding Pets
Stables and Tab Prices Stables are a place that holds all your sylestis.
Hatchery pets go to the stables after 26 days if your stables are full your pets will be RELEASED and you can retrieve them by paying 50 diamonds.
The most amount of tabs in each stable you can possibly have is 8 tabs.
Each tab costs.
Free, 10k, 60k, 120k, 240k, 480k, 480k, 480k
In that order
Each stable costs 500 diamonds or 400 diamonds when there is a diamond sale.
Diamonds can be purchased in the diamond shop or the currency exchange.
Feeding Pets
You can feed your pets buy 2 ways one is more expensive.
One is to click the feed pets button
But this is very expensive if you have a lot of pets.
Two a cheaper way is too hire a stablehand which feeds your pets for only 100g a day!!
Go to your stables and click on your picture in the left hand corner
Once you click it a pop up will show up and it will look like this
If you don't have your own click Farm Maiden Rosemary and the prices and choices will show up on the bottom
Some only cost gold and some cost gold and diamonds you may choose which one you would like.
Though you can ONLY use a stable hand when you have 10,000 this is very important it won't work other wise.
Edited By Percypjopiper on 3/14/2017 at 9:14 PM.
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