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Forum Index > Off-Topic Discussion > What Style of Writing do you Prefer?
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 6:17 PM Post #11
Echo, thank you SO MUCH for that tip on writer's block. I've been dealing with it for a while, and writing more short stories (if I can keep them short lol) with the same characters sounds like a cool way to understand them more.
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Posted: 5/18/2017 at 7:10 PM Post #12
Historical fiction term is used for all fictions set in the past =)
I'm afraid that the genre is not currently one of the most popular because a lot of people think History is boring because they hated History at school (But that's because teachers never teaches the interesting parts!!! I didn't like History middle school and high school that much too...), and because a lot of Historical fictions sounds like essays. (I think historians are the only people who can make violent assassinations boring...). That's not what I want to do. I want to write a very exciting and cool novel!
I enjoy writing this story a lot, and I think it reflects in the quality of my writing.
(The only annoying thing is I have to make a LOT of researches. It's not that bad because these researches can be useful for my studies too, but it takes a lot of time... And sometimes things I discover makes me become crazy. Like recently I've discovered than one of the people who have become a character in my novel and who was condemned to death for an unclear reason may have had a previously unknown and probably illegitimate son. I was like WTF?! I don't know what to do with that; I want to use it soooo badly in my novel, at the same time it's not 100% sure...).

I don't plan to stop writing my crazy story, I enjoy it too much! ;)

Yes Fantasy is great!!!! There is no limits to our imagination in this genre, I love that!

I write Fanfiction mostly for the fun of it. I think some of them could become quite good and be liked by people if I publish them on a Fanfiction website, at the same time I feel editing and publishing a good Fanfiction online would take me as much time as writing and editing a story that could be published as a book, so I prefer to use that time to write stories that have a chance to be published "for real".
(*she says hiding quickly the paper on which she's writing one of her fanfictions*)

I don't have a writer block often, fortunately. When I have one, I swich to one of my other stories for which I feel more inspired. That's why I have many writing projects at the same time.
(But I also write "fanfictions" about my own characters... Even crossover between my own stories that nobody else can understand, just for the fun of it x). It's true that it can help understand character more, and also help to give them different voices.)

To be honest, I would rather read a story in which the hero loose at the end that a hundredth story in which everyone is happy in the beautiful kingdom of rainbows and cute unicorns at the end! I've written one like that myself (though I was 9 and it's very, very bad... Yes, at 9 I was already bored by too happy endings!). Bittersweet endings are great! =D They're even the best in my opinion =)
And I don't mind when some main characters have a terrible life and dies at the ends. Most of my all time favorite book characters have terrible life and die, and that's what made them unforgetable to me. (Give me a fundamentally good character who is forced by life to do terrible things and dies, I can't resist to that).
By the way, another thing I'm starting to find boring is that when a character changes during the course of a story, it's most of the time because he/she becomes better, gains qualities, and is almost perfect at the end. I like when characters who change gain faults as well and don't become perfect. For example, when a girl is shy at the beginning of the story, she's more confident in herself at the end. But in real life, self-confidence could come with pride. I wish to see things like that in stories too!

I've never been assigned poetry, I write it when I want and feel inspirated. I can write three poems in one week, and not write a new one before a whole year. I think poetry should be written by someone when he wants to write one, not because someone ask him to.

I didn't say it, but it's also for a lot of personal reasons that I don't like realistic modern tragedies.
Edited By Enyo on 5/18/2017 at 7:21 PM.
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Posted: 5/19/2017 at 12:43 AM Post #13
It's very interesting to do, characters are fun to figure out in different situations ^^
And your welcome, best of luck to you and your writing :)

(have you seen 'the history of the entire world i guess' video? Pretty interesting way to tell history ^^)
That sounds very cool so write ideas from- and to be honest history teachers really do have a way of making history as boring as possible somehow, like an interesting event is brought up but they have this way of just making you very bored to listen about it
Research is a bit tedious but it's very cool how once you want to write about something your interest and knowledge just, "when did you learn how to make a atom bomb?" "oh just last night."
If adding the son is something you want to include I wish you the best of luck :) could get some interesting plot ideas to branch off of possibly by doing so

One thing that bothers me about the idea of writing fanfiction is that what if you really like the idea behind it? And would like to privatize it so that your idea isn't too spread out and known so that if you decided to write it on it's own it would be such a surprise
But, publishing fanfiction and getting reviews from the readers could be helpful in you seeing what people like about your writing and what could improve too
call out to all you fanfiction writers willing to publish your amazing stories for us to read and enjoy for free btw

I love when you try to understand your characters better and sometimes they surprise you somehow even though you created them c:

what got me into reading/writing was this series called "The Death gate Cycle" and it's not a happy ending story, it's bitter and hurts but I fell in love. This was the first book series I had ever read that wasn't something with a mushy happy ending unlike everything else in elementary school. It was also the first book series I read backwards unknowingly because I couldn't find the numbers on the books and read all 7 books backwards before realizing I had read it backwards when I started the actual first book..
I'm glad to hear how you think about happy/bittersweet endings :D
I was getting worried since everyone else in my creative writing class had very romantic and happy stories(excluding the horror writers of course)
The first chapters I wrote for that class was me spending time(6 chapters to introduce characters and the rules of the world/magic and such) convincing the class it was gonna be a happy little story about a child being told stories by a friendly demon and oh would you look at that violence, I think people started to suspect when I said chapter 7 was titled "The end of a prologue" and I just got these looks like "wow that was a long prologue" and "why is it titled that what are you doing"

I like that your character can acquire faults, to become perfect and out of reach is a horrible way to disconnect from the people who grew to love the character I believe

Poetry can be very well done and portray many different things, I'm just not the kind of person whose good with pretty words and easily portraying an idea with so few of them used

I can understand that
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Posted: 5/19/2017 at 8:25 AM Post #14
I didn't know this video, yes it's pretty interesting, a very good resume! (it's especially helpful to see what happened in different parts of the world the same time... Too often the History of a country or a continent is teached indepently from the History of the rest of the world!. I also like how it begins with the creation of the universe, the appareance of life on earth etc... =) Let's screw the 7 years of History class and just show this video too children instead! :p (and maybe make them watch other comical videos like the Horrible Histories, it teaches details of histories and at least it's funny!). Only two among all the History teachers i've had in Middle and High School... (One of these two is a Roleplayer, and sometimes he was just acting the scenes instead of telling them to us, exagerating everything... It was very funny!). I've also had really horrible teachers who forget in which region they were teaching their lessons and kind of insulted directly the families of some, maybe a lot of students (mine included) when they were teaching about the World Wars (1st and 2nd). That's worst that simply being a bad teacher...

Yes I can see why that bothers you for fanfiction.
I'm not really afraid of that, because the fanfictions I'm writing are really included in the Imaginary worlds they come from, and it wouldn't make any sense (at least for me) to take them out of these worlds...

This is the base of the plot of my first fanfiction story: 17 characters, who are supposed to exist, are transported in our time for unknown reason. A young woman who have read the books which speak about their story and is the only one to believe that they are who they pretend to be have to help them to understand why they are here and how to send them back to where they come from, while preventing some of them to kill each other or to kill some 21st century humans (...some of them are crazy psycho...). I It's mean to be a more realistic approach of the too popular fanfic genre in which a character from a book comes in our world or a girl is transported into a book (a genre with a lot of Mary Sue / Self Insert who ends up marrying the author favorite character in poorly written fanfic!)
I had this fic idea since almost 10 year, I was bored in school, maybe in History class, and was thinking it would be more fun if some characters from my favorite books were with me. Then I realized that if I met these character for real, they may don't care about me at all or even try to kill me.... I guess it could be adapted, but it would not be the same at all with different characters. It uses a LOT of things from their world...

The 2nd Fanfiction story is set in the Harry Potter Universe. It's set during the next generation time, and most if not all the main characters are OC, (who come from different schools of the world), with a complicated plot I haven't seen anywhere, so I could keep the characters as they are if I wanted to transfer it into a new world, but here again it's sooo included into the HP universe it wouldn't make any sense to do that.

So it's really not because I plan to takes them out of their original universe to publish them (I know some fanfictions have been published as indepenedant books because some editors have discovered and loved them, and they helped the writer to transform them anyway though most of the time this doesn't give the best litterary books).), but because those are fanfics that would take the same amount of time to complete as a entirely new story not set in a pre-existing world.
If I was sure a lot of people would try to read them and give me constructive criticism, I would write them and edit them for real. (If I see that a lot of people enjoy my style in Fanfiction, and help me to progress, It would give me self-confidence and gaining self-confidence in my style would encourage me to finish one of my original story and send it to an editor, which for the moment I wouldn't dare to do!). But I'm writing them in my mother tongue, and there are not a wide public for fanfiction in my mother tongue...
Maybe I should write them in English to have a wider public, but I'm not enough confident about my writing style in english. I also think I do a lot of grammatical errors when I write something in English. I would need a lot of beta-readers XD

I'm surprise to hear that most people taking a creative writing class like super happy endings. I would have thought people that most people who like to write also like to read and would want to try to write more original endings!
Your story then begins with a child and a friendly demon, and becomes more violent as it progresses? This sounds very interesting! =D

Yes, perfect characters are soooo boring!!! (unless they have a terrible destiny and die of a horrible and undeserved death... Then I love them)
Edited By Enyo on 5/20/2017 at 7:26 AM.
Level 75
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Posted: 5/19/2017 at 11:23 PM Post #15
They sound very interesting and unique though :o
You should try finding some beta-readers :)
You could even start off with your original language and see if any of the readers would like to beta?

A lot of people in the class actually either write and share romance, comedic horror, funny skits or crack fiction
I don't think that it's necessarily that they only want happy endings but the ones who write romance want the characters to be perfect(unfortunately), and crack/comedy is a lot more random paced and more reliant on making people laugh rather than having a coherent plot

Thanks :)

(I can agree 100% to that)
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Posted: 5/20/2017 at 8:04 AM Post #16
Thanks =)
In my first language I wouldn't really need beta readers if I write in my mother tongue. I don't make a lot of grammatic or spelling mistakes, I'm almost a Grammar Nazi :p (though I don't annoy people on the internet. I mostly want to torture painfully the people who don't even know anything about etymology and linguistics who decided to reform my language)
The thing is, if they are written in my first language, chances are that only ten people would read my fics :p
(Maybe a little more for the HP ones... This fandom is also popular here)

Romance stories with perfect characters? Blargh!
As I already said (with a few exceptions) I don't like Romance when the characters aren't perfect, and when the character are perfect it's boring as hell...
(I can tolerate this kind of Romance only in Fairytales)
Edited By Enyo on 5/20/2017 at 8:06 AM.
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Posted: 5/20/2017 at 4:36 PM Post #17
Sorry I worded that very badly, I meant to see if anyone able to understand your first language would also be able to help you with helping re-write it in english(?) if you'd like?

(In fairy tales though they at least have a place in the plot usually that creates a problem to be overcome)
Level 70
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Posted: 5/20/2017 at 5:58 PM Post #18
I see what you mean =)
(you didn't word it too badly, I just didn't get that you were speaking about someone who could be a beta-reader for the English version).
The main problem is not to make a translation in English, but to write a good translation in litterary English. I don't know at all how bad (or good) my litterary english is.
Yes if I can find someone who speaks English and understand my first language at least a little bit that could help me a lot!
(more that if find someone who speaks my mother tongue perfectly but is not better at English than me, I think!).

(Yes in fairy tales they have their place in the plots. Fairy tales are not mean to be realistic, they take place in a magical, idealized world. A lot of characters in tales are unrealistic, exageratly good on purpose, not because they are self-inserts of the authors....).
Edited By Enyo on 5/20/2017 at 5:59 PM.
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Posted: 5/20/2017 at 10:18 PM Post #19
I've been in a writing mood lately for some reason. It has to be the RPGs and the visual novels that I've been playing, aha...


I can write in 1st/2nd/3rd person. I have samples in different contests of my writing, and my most recent writing is actually 2nd person as an experiment on pick-your-adventures!

I find 'style' to be more defined than just the POV I prefer though. More about how a person writes.

Stylewise, I prefer easy reading. Shorter paragraphs compared to walls of text, dialogue getting its own new line, grouping all things together within each paragraph, stuff like that.
Also, my natural writing defaults to simple vocabulary that I use in everyday life. I don't go out of my way to use complicated words. I feel like simple words are better for conveying meanings and points unless there's a word that absolutely has to be used for a certain thing.

I recently took a course that stifled my writing style a LOT. My writing style had to adapt to a guy who wanted a 3 page short story that practically had to be written at a 3rd grade level. I realize that it's way easier to read 200-400 word stories though, so short stories are alright.
I can honestly write anything if I put my mind to it, but I'm quite lazy and unimaginative lol.


I like fiction, it's easy for me to write with no restrictions aha. Within that, my favorite genre is fantasy (medieval or high fantasy, magic, etc) and RPG-esque stuff. Outside of that, I think I can write things that I can easily imagine, like modern-fantasy, slice of life, school life, animal life, etc.

I rather not write things I can't imagine or envision quite well, such as pirate stuff, sci-fi stuff (if it's hard science, otherwise I can manage with softer nonexplicable science lol), historical fiction, steampunk, etc.
(oh, and nonfiction)

What I want to write:

Writing isn't a hobby of mine, but I do like to do it if there's something I wanna write (whether it's for a game or for for fun). I don't write a lot, but if something interesting pops up, I'll feel writing urges lol.

I recently have been more into writing prompts and plot lines. I don't like writing exposition, but I find bare bone concepts very interesting even without being written out! An example of things I like to look at would be /r/WritingPrompts on Reddit. :) I don't read the stories because there's so many, but the prompts are interesting.

More recently, I've been thinking about writing stuff with morally questionable choices and deeper themes. I find that stuff interesting. Can't explain it, tbh. I'd describe it as...the movie The Purge had the ability to explore a world that allows chaos for a world of order and to explore morality in chaos, but it didn't. So I'd like to think of deeper ideas of that in the future as thought exercises aha.

Lastly, I'd love to learn more world/society building. I used to find it fun and natural to build worlds around my characters as I go along, but it'd be neat to flesh out a world for the heck of it with no characters needed to make it a real concept.

(I also secretly want to be a guest judge of a writing contest on Sylestia LOL shh)

Sorry for the long text, but I was itching to write stuff when I saw this thread. LOL
I'm not sure if I can help others, but I can always offer to proof read and give constructive criticism as best I can. :)
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Posted: 5/21/2017 at 5:36 PM Post #20
Sorry for late-ish reply I had been about to submit the response post yesterday night when the site died on me and I've just been sitting here like "later then." So I'm now re-writing what I was gonna say yesterday pretty much//shorter probably and a bit rushed

I wish you the best of luck if you decide to try doing that :)

That's cool how you can write in all those styles :D
Also best of luck in your try at pick your adventure :)

I'd say I also write in a easier to read sense, not long paragraphs or huge words
Realized this especially yesterday late last night when a friend on skype asked if I wanted to check out their first chapter and it was very descriptive and every paragraph was huge and it was intimidating as all heck and wow I felt like a bad writer at that moment, so many huge words and such X)
(I relate to being unimaginative and lazy tbh)

Those are great genres :D
I couldn't write school-life myself as I associate not a lot of happy moments to school and focus a lot more on depressing sci-fifantasy writing since it has a lot less rules to follow
I actually had to study and look up a lot of things online for pirates, steampunk, and other psychological aspects. It's kindove fun actually if the subject actually interests you though :)
For example did you know burning wounds is actually only good for stopping bleeding but makes you a lot more prone to infection?

Have you read anything by George Orwell?(Animal Farm or 1984)
Time in Advance is a interesting short story that I believe has a very good way of making you question if what's happening is okay
Science Fiction is the genre about asking these questions :)
I believe the definition of science fiction pretty much isn't about aliens or better technology but how the human race adapts and behaves with these differences, you wouldn't need to be super smart in the sciences to write something in the genre, rather a understanding and willingness to make people upset or angry with your writing by making it very real to the situation

With creating the world do you also mean including religions, races, languages, and such or more rather the environment/biology?

(If there isn't any kind of writing competition things on here yet wanna help try making one, maybe using prompts for people to use?)
I'm happy that this thread interested you :)

(sorry if I missed anything)
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